Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies Day 154 (Read 29 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Nice job!!


    FS, nice job on your time on the rollerblades, too. That's wicked fast.


    Damaris, we are having a heat wave too. It just feels gross outside. Are you feeling better? Do you think it was just allergies?


    Dave, I'm with onemile on this one. 15 min doesn't seem like too drastic of a difference to wake up to enjoy your running a whole hell of a lot more.


    Whiskers, maybe make next week a higher mileage week?


    I've got my 20min walk/20min run/20min walk today. Also, likely on the TM. Too humid and gross out there.


    I think it was a combination of the 10K time trial on a hot day with the pollen at extremely high. Plus I don't think I've recovered from the allergy and asthma tests.


    I think it was the lungs that couldn't handle it. The tiredness and soreness points to that. I had no energy on Sunday whatsoever. Monday, everything was fine. I am still coughing a bit but nothing major and yesterday's run outside was faster than I normally do so I'll chuck it off to allergy/asthma.  Thanks!




      15 minutes doesn't seem like much to make an hour + of running more pleasant..


      By all normal logic you are correct.




        Would the pre-run coffee require careful planning of your route?


        You would think, but in fact that same requirement exists regardless.




          Yeah, this was supposed to the be the All Stars week that they eliminated. Ironic because this year would've been epic.


          So true! Can you even imagine what that mom4running would put up? I’m glad though because I don’t feel like another huge week right now. Our team has actually had three different people with a 100-mile week, with one more who probably will at some point. 



            Well dammit, my 8:00 meeting tomorrow has just been moved to 7:00. Not waking up THAT early. I might just try to move it to late afternoon.


              The 5k streak of futility is over after 7 years, 6 months and 23 days. 5k time trial, 25:14. 23 second PB.


              That’s cool😎


              shuffled 12.5,  2000 Year Old Man pace




              Former Bad Ass

                HURT 100 in Hawaii was canceled for 2021. This race is in January



                  Well dammit, my 8:00 meeting tomorrow has just been moved to 7:00. Not waking up THAT early. I might just try to move it to late afternoon.


                  Damn CSTers!


                  You could do like one lady in my neighborhood and take your meetings WHILE running. I"m sure it sounds lovely on the other side.

                  Half Crazy K 2.0


                    Damn CSTers!


                    You could do like one lady in my neighborhood and take your meetings WHILE running. I"m sure it sounds lovely on the other side.


                    If you're on mute, no one would know until you try to talk & are a bit out of breathe.



                      I think it was a combination of the 10K time trial on a hot day with the pollen at extremely high. Plus I don't think I've recovered from the allergy and asthma tests.


                      I think it was the lungs that couldn't handle it. The tiredness and soreness points to that. I had no energy on Sunday whatsoever. Monday, everything was fine. I am still coughing a bit but nothing major and yesterday's run outside was faster than I normally do so I'll chuck it off to allergy/asthma.  Thanks!


                      excellent! Glad you weren't sick.


                      Former Bad Ass


                        If you're on mute, no one would know until you try to talk & are a bit out of breathe.


                        I might have done this from time to time, although on the TM since I cannot carry the laptop with the Microsoft Teams meeting while running, mind you.




                          If you're on mute, no one would know until you try to talk & are a bit out of breathe.


                          Listening in on a meeting while running is vastly different than being an active participant!



                            Whiskers, maybe make next week a higher mileage week?


                            Nah, not worth having Coach re-work my training plan.


                            Besides, my miles teammate is consistently running 2-3x her target and we're only in 4th place 


                            Good job staying patient with the run/walk, seems you are getting closer to "normal" running again!



                              Damn CSTers!


                              You could do like one lady in my neighborhood and take your meetings WHILE running. I"m sure it sounds lovely on the other side.


                              It would be especially interesting since I was planning the Mona. 

                              It’s actually going to be mostly listening because it’s new employee orientation. But it’s basically all day (7AM-2PM).




                                I'm hoping I can get my run in before 7 PM, yeah it is going to be hot and sunny but at least I can get a shower after instead of going straight to bed.... like I did last night 

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
