Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES don't fear rain (Read 41 times)



    Fear the rain? Sick and tired of it at the moment? Yes. We're going from one of the coldest winters on record to one of the rainiest Aprils on record, according to the local paper. And it is supposed to continue to be cold (highs in the mid-40s), windy (20 mph) and rainy all.f-ing.week.

    Doesn't do anything for my motivation level.

    I will drag myself to the Y and go shuffle around the track today. Or maybe I'll take a nap instead.


    Ditto, except I ran on the TM instead of on a track. 5 miles done at an Easy pace. 11 days until my FM.


    Jack, you're one crazy dude for doing 10 miles on a track. It makes me think of stock car racing. Good pace! At least on a TM I can watch TV. Big grin

    - Andrew


      Wow, a lot of treadmilling today. I guess it's a good thing that it's actually news, rather than just business as usual like it was for ~4 months there. I checked my log & it was my first treadmill run in 25 days. Woo hoo!



      Barking Mad To Run

        Well, folks, sorry about your lousy weather if you're having it.  Where I am it was a BEAUTIFUL morning for a run.  My area had a "cold' front move in last night, temp dropped to 58 degrees overnight.  I got up at 5:30 this morning, went to the University gym, started from there and did my hill route around the campus in 63 degree weather, a nice breeze blowing, very low humidity and was SWEEEEET!  KILLED all the hills (5 hills on my route) and ended up with 3.4 miles.  Glad I ran this morning because yesterday we set a 'record high' for this time of year at 99 degrees and today it won't be much less than that.  I don't mind running in the heat, but 99 is a bit much even for me.   However, starting tomorrow, our temps will be dropping quite a bit for the rest of the week.  Only 80s for highs and for some morning wake-ups this week we will even be in the 40s.    The weather is really nice this week, however, I sure WISH our area had some of your rain.   This dryness down here is getting crazy.  We are way under our usual average for our yearly rainfall and water use restrictions are in place and may get even more drastic if we don't get some really good soaking rains pretty soon.


        Congrats on your miles, FreeSoul, glad you had no pain or soreness.  I had a weird dream about you and me and Rocky last night, lol.  We were doing your trail run and I kept going off-trail to explore and Rocky would start following me.  You finally told me I was a bad influence on Rocky - "Bad dog, Scotty, BAD DOG!"  and you put us BOTH on leashes to keep us close, lol. Then Rocky and I both saw a rabbit and we were off!  With you hauling on the leashes....and then my cat woke me up. 


        Congrats on your shakeout run, Phil.  Hope the weather behaves for you today.


        I do. 5 on the treadmill. Point 5 on the treadmill..that IS a short run, DaveP! 


        Hope your SO feels better, Lily.   Lily?  Lily?  You there?  Hey, quit that dreaming and find the pants and feed the cat!


        Good luck with your run later, D2, hope your weather cooperates for you too.


        Good weather for taking a nap, Step!  I vote nap!  Yeah, I am SOOO  helpful in helping to get you out to run.


        Damaris, I hope you get a cool front coming in too...but I doubt it.  Good luck with your miles.


        Congrats on the dry 7 on the belt, LRB.


        Tornadoes, Jack?  You're not in Arkansas, are you?  Watching TWC about that last night, just awful.  The only time I ever experienced a tornado, where was I living?  Arkansas!  I don't ever want to do that again!   Stay safe!


        Hope your tapering is going well, Andrew.

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


          We had cold and rainy last week.  Today is supposed to be sunny with a high of 79!  For some reason I don't seem to have any meetings after work, so I will likely get a run in the hot part of the day.  Should be a nice change of pace.


          Barking Mad To Run


            Last night I dropped a coffee filter full of used grounds upside down on the hardwood kitchen floor.  It splattered everywhere.  I don't know if that is worse than your predicament, but it sucked pretty bad.


            And did your wife GROUND you for that?

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Wow, a lot of treadmilling today. I guess it's a good thing that it's actually news, rather than just business as usual like it was for ~4 months there. I checked my log & it was my first treadmill run in 25 days. Woo hoo!


              46 days for me.  No wonder it seemed as if I couldn't keep up those first few miles!  It took that long to find a rhythm.



                Scotty, that is a very weird dream lol. And I mean that in the best possible way 

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                  High of 80 and bright sunshine is the predicted weather here.  5 easy miles on tap.


                  Only thing worse than dropping a filter full of coffee grounds is dropping a bag of ground coffee.  Those suckers roll everywhere.

                  Life is good.



                    Only thing worse than dropping a filter full of coffee grounds is dropping a bag of ground coffee.  Those suckers roll everywhere.


                    Do you mean whole beans? I don't think ground coffee rolls very far, it just makes a mess.




                      Do you mean whole beans? I don't think ground coffee rolls very far, it just makes a mess.


                      I've found that grounds can roll a surprising distance -- or maybe it's the force of the splat.

                      Life is good.


                        How about dropping an F bomb in front of someone you later learn is a priest.  


                        Run to live; live to run

                          A short 2.2. My body wasn't feeling it so I just called it. Pilates later



                          Former Bad Ass

                            How about dropping an F bomb in front of someone you

                            later learn is a priest.  


                            Who cares?  I am sure the priest will say fuck when the occasion arises.  Unless he believes like my mom that bad words are prohibited because it's in the bible. .


                            11am and the heat index is above 96F.  TM it is.



                              800m jog/walk to work.



                                Unless he believes like my mom that bad words are prohibited because it's in the bible. .



                                Where in the bible is that?

