Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)


    I un-liked the New York City Marathon and NY Road Runners when they took away baggage check, because I'm like 14 years old.

    Then they brought back baggage check and I liked them again.  That is what I call sticking to my principles!



    Ha, thanks, I appreciate it. It's extremely hurtful to be unceremoniously unfriended for no reason. Smile


    Not a dude

      Yes.  It's even more devastating when someone blocks you.




      Yes, I died inside a little bit when 317 blocked me. Cry


      (died of laughter that is...)


        Honest question: How can you even tell if someone unfriends you on facebook?  Do you have to notice that they're no longer on your friends list?


          You too??  Surprised



          Yes, I died inside a little bit when 317 blocked me. Cry


            This has been an amusing thread.  Thanks to all who contributed.

            Hey Doc

            Feets don't fail me now

              I am currently only halfway through this thread but this was so funny, I needed to pull it out.   KILLING ME, srl!!


              And thank goodness I've got my home internet back so I could read this thread.



              I only have a medal for you if you read the whole thing.  If you stopped in the middle and caught the thread wagon to reach the end, there is no medal for you.  I'm not a mouse.



                Honest question: How can you even tell if someone unfriends you on facebook?  Do you have to notice that they're no longer on your friends list?




                If you then go and do a name search and see the person (or see them listed on a 3rd persons friend list), you have been unfriended.


                If you cannot see them, and do not see their comments on a mutual friends wall/post etc, then you have been blocked.


                Non-friends can interact through 3rd parties (or even on each other walls depending on security settings)


                Blocked people can not interact with each other directly or indirectly. It can sometimes be amusing seeing blocked people talk past each other on a 3rd parties wall, without either knowing whats going on.

                5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18



                  So room317 has changed her name to 'ignoredelete'??


                  BexKix, Bagel Defender

                    I'm not going to bother to read 10 pages of drama.


                    Disney is not a race.  Sure, there is a clock, and timing mats, and a measured distance.  And maybe someone can tell me whether it's certified or not.  The point is, very few are the racers looking to PR at Disney. Not to say people can't/don't run it hard. It is chiefly an EVENT that is centered around a 26.2mile distance.


                    If someone wants to enjoy life by blogging about going to this event, the more power to 'em.  It's a personal choice to start a race you know you are either going to DNF or get swept.


                    I personally disagree with taking a finisher's medal for a race one didn't finish.  But it appears that Disney sees them as participant's medals.  Who cares?

                    BexKix, Bagel Defender

                      Can I get 2/26ths of a medal, for skimming 2 of 26 pages?
                      Consider it speed reading. Big grin



                        I take it as a sense of pride when people block me on facebook considering I never ask anyone to be my friend on facebook.


                        This implies that a person friended you and then decided you were acting batshit crazy and blocked you.


                        You find a sense of pride in that?  Man, watching you in action gets stranger and stranger as the weeks go by.



                          If you got swept at page 2 and skipped to the end, YOU DID NOT RESPECT THE DISTANCE.


                          Can I get 2/26ths of a medal, for skimming 2 of 26 pages?
                          Consider it speed reading. Big grin




                            Has anyone counted the number of times in this thread that room317/ignoredelete has declared she is done?  It was twice on this one page before that response.



                              Can I get 2/26ths of a medal, for skimming 2 of 26 pages?
                              Consider it speed reading. Big grin


                              How Rosie Ruiz of you! Wink



                                One can tell you ran it last year, not the year before when it was 85!  I was too busy being miserable to appreciate the course!  But the volunteers sure were great.  And that sour apple jolly rancher, the best candy I have ever had.


                                Can someone 'splain to us why the quoted post is seriously the most childish thing ever?


                                This thread has taken on a whole new level of Fucked Up.