Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)



    It's like the embarrassing uncle you can't get away from at Christmas, isn't it?


    Yall seem to think that the concept of a 'meltdown' is specific to RWOL.  It isn't.  We've had a variety of threads on RA go sideways too.


    (not that it makes this one any less entertaining.)




      You're joking, right?


      I suspect this is an accurate assumption.

      Do you even run?



        Just B.S.


          They make meds that grow brain cells?


          Well that could be a bonus but I was thinking more like Ritalin.

          Hip Redux

            What a long, strange trip it's been.


            Just B.S.

              What a long, strange trip it's been.


              Don't take off your seatbelt just yet.................I have a feeling the ride is not over.Smile


              Besides, hasn't it been fun??

              Hip Redux

                And you know you've done something right in a meltdown thread when people in OTHER threads are talking about how bad it is.


                Mostly harmless



                  I WIN!!!!!

                  "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi

                  Hip Redux


                    Don't take off your seatbelt just yet.................I have a feeling the ride is not over.Smile


                    Besides, hasn't it been fun??


                    It's been.... entertaining?  I think?




                      Quote from Love the Half on 1/29/2013 at 11:02 AM:


                      Actually, you can say it is one of the dumber things you (as in YOU) can do in life.  "signing up for a Disney race is one of the dumber things I could do in life".  By saying it the way you said it, you are prescribing this for all, and it is kind of a shitty thing to say.


                      But considering the source, there you have it.


                      I have finished a shit load of Disney races.  I had a blast.  Not dumb.  And for people considering them, I always say "your love of this race will be directly proportional to your love of Things Mouse".  Some people like them, some don't... but universally saying that it is one of the dumber things someone could do in life?


                      Dude, GET OVER YOURSELF.  It's just running.  I'd say there is a list of about 1,000,000 dumber things.


                      Ah yes, no personal attacks. Except if it's someone who deserves it.


                      OR someone YOU don't like. Everyone deserves respect except, well, those who don't.


                      Maybe someday while you're explaining the internet to everyone you can also explain these very complex rules about no personal attacks except when ....


                      And this is probably your 25th mean hearted post attacking me for being mean. Just thought I'd point this out. No hard feelings and this will be my last post on this subject ever.

                      Better I Leave

                        I just made a nice creme brulee w/ chocolate ganache bottom...Anybody want some? Smile


                        Super B****

                          I'd like some painkillers.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            I'd like some painkillers.


                            Here you go bluerun



                              I'm anxiously waiting for a response from the other alpha male around here. It should be good.


                              Oh and this thread is an abomination.

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              Super B****

                                Well, thanks, though I do prefer pills... but in a pinch, I'll take it.  Anything to make this go away!!

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog