Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)



    Me either. Can we throatpunch both of them?


    I think room317 and the blogger both deserve medals for this thread. Or at least some special recognition




      I don’t normally get too up in arms about people’s race reports, but if you thought there was a small chance you were going to have to DNF, why in God’s name would you take pictures on the course or stop to tweet? And then, when you got swept, why would you take the finisher’s medal and wear it around as if you had finished? No.


      And to think, it all started with this simple post. Reading it at the time, would you ever have been able to predict the outcome?


        re: stale peeps?  No.  That was an unexpected, yet pleasant derailment.

        Do you even run?


          re: stale peeps?  No.  That was an unexpected, yet pleasant derailment.



          From the Internet.

            I've never been a Peeps fan but now I kind of want to try them stale. Maybe that was the key all along.


              I've never been a Peeps fan but now I kind of want to try them stale. Maybe that was the key all along.


              Taste test and report back.

              Do you even run?


              Are we there, yet?


                Taste test and report back.

                I've tried them fresh and stale. I'll pass unless they're the only sweets available.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles




                From the Internet.


                  Taste test and report back.


                  Yes ma'am!


                    I've tried them fresh and stale. I'll pass unless they're the only sweets available.


                    I'd pass even if I were told that they are the only things sweet left on earth.

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                    Better I Leave


                      I'd pass even if I were told that they are the only things sweet left on earth.


                      Same here. I have a major sweet tooth, but if I'm doing sweets, it's dark chocolate FTW!!!


                      Had an awesome dark chocolate lava cake for dessert last night.Wow! It was....yummy. Smile



                        Same here. I have a major sweet tooth, but if I'm doing sweets, it's dark chocolate FTW!!!


                        Had an awesome dark chocolate lava cake for dessert last night.Wow! It was....yummy. Smile


                        And now I'm hungry again.  Where's catty with my chocolate?

                        Do you even run?



                          Same here. I have a major sweet tooth, but if I'm doing sweets, it's dark chocolate FTW!!!


                          Had an awesome dark chocolate lava cake for dessert last night.Wow! It was....yummy. Smile




                          I don't do sweets everyday, but when I do, I want big time calories and luxury!

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                          Goddess of the Cuisine


                            And now I'm hungry again.  Where's catty with my chocolate?


                            In transit, arriving on time. 

                            Just B.S.


                              And to think, it all started with this simple post. Reading it at the time, would you ever have been able to predict the outcome?




                              I've been around long enough that I saw this coming from a mile away. It's been done dozens

                              of times and usually goes something like this.


                              Step 1 - pile on of intitial topic ( in this case poor unsuspecting blogger)

                              Step 2 - defense of blogger

                              Step 3 - pile on of OP

                              Step 4 - defense of OP ( well I think we did this phase?)

                              Step 5 - people are getting bored but it's still fun so we veer off to totally unrelated topics

                              Step 6 - some name calling or not as you see it

                              Step 7 - back to unrelated topics

                              Step 8 - someone tried to get back on topic, usually this is not successful

                              Step 9 - more unrelated topics, usually about food or sex, hardly ever about running

                              Step 10 - thread dies a slow death but is remembered by fondly by many (usually not the OP though)


                                Do you even run?