Beginners and Beyond

Freezing FRIDAILIES (Read 50 times)

    Hey. More snow in and around Boston. WTH?


    SRD. I didn't sleep well Wednesday night. I involuntarily made up for it this morning. I'll get off a few T stops early, so that I can get some extra movement in.


    I haven't had to break out the Albuterol yet. Yay.


      8 easy on the treadmill.


      Little Blue

        I'll run some, sometime, later.  Somewhere.


        LRB, I need more details on the lentil and wild rice soup.



          That is good news Basya (on not having to break out the albuterol yet).

          I finally got to bed about 12:30 AM, and woke up at 4:12 AM to my alarm so I said screw it and got dressed for a run. Rocky and I hit the trails for 5 miles and believe you me I was wiped the fuck out, wishing I had stayed in bed. The trails were cleaned up, not quite as muddy and nasty as Tuesday's run but still quite soft.

          Got home hoping for at least an hour's sleep before Dorian's appointment, only to find Dorian wide awake and ready to take on the day      

          I just want to freaking sleep.........

          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have an SRD but with us flying out tomorrow for the race, I might as well do Saturday's workout today.  So, Pilates and 5 miles tonight.


            Basya, good news on the albuterol and the extra sleep.


            Dave, nice 8.  I am glad to see your knee withstanding good miles.


            Little Blue, I want to know about the recipe as well, yum.


            Andrea, go to bed!



              Yo! I'm heading out for about 3. Then 6 with a group tonight.


              Barking Mad To Run


                Nice run/walk at Fort Sam Houston after work yesterday.  78 degrees, light wind, and got to the top of a hill right in time to enjoy a beautiful sunset!  3.3 miles done with a couple of good-sized hills thrown in.


                Today is a rest day and packet pickup for my 2 5Ks this weekend.  The rain predicted for us for today has not shown up yet.  Which is nice, because I just moved this morning to a different space in my office and now have a window and lots more desk-room and floor space, and a degree of privacy - yay! - and got to enjoy looking out that window to watch a beautiful sunrise, sweeet.    Well, if our local forecasters turn out to be correct, this won't last.  Rain is supposed to be moving in later today and the high is supposed to get only to 59 degrees.  That weather is predicted to last all weekend long too, bummer for my races.   Maybe Mother Nature will be kind and at least not have it pour on me during the events..if it has to rain, just  a little light rain, please.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  This morning, my groin is more itchy than it is sore. Only the punctured points are purple, the skin around them looks a normal color again. So of course, it makes me itchy to try a few slow miles tonight. Hmm... I'll see how I feel after work.


                  Have a great day!

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                    LRB, I need more details on the lentil and wild rice soup.


                    You actually caught that blurb in all of that chatter yesterday? I am impressed! lol


                    So it's a progressive lunch, originally conceived about a decade ago to be held on the most depressing day of the year.  This is actually a recognized day nationally and the actual date is on January 20th I think but it changes every year.


                    So anyway, each department has a category; breakfast, soups/chilis, desserts, salads, appetizers. Once it starts employees (about 100 or so) walk through the different departments to sample the fare.


                    The categories are are different every year and this year we have soups/chili.


                      Here is a pic of our layout. The theme this year is the superbowl so the girls will decorate the room before it kicks off.



                        Be careful, don't work too hard there, LRB.  Oh how I wish I were paid to eat...

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        delicate flower

                          'Morning!  Last day of this ski trip, besides the travel day tomorrow.  Looks like we're going to Keystone today, same as yesterday.  My legs feel like I ran 80 miles this week.  


                          Part of yesterday's fun:



                              My legs feel like I ran 80 miles this week.  


                            I would have no idea what that feels like.



                              LRB - Do you need an unpaid intern today? I'd work for a buffet like that!


                              As it is, I really need a workout after the morning I just had with my son (he wakes up at 5:30, but leaves getting ready for school until 8:00, when we need to leave at 8:15). Unfortunately, I don't see when in my day I can do one. And I will probably have to forgo early morning workouts all of next week to enforce the rules I just laid down: he will not watch TV, read books or play with toys any morning next week UNTIL he is ready for school. Because I know DH won't be bothered to wake up at 5:30 to enforce it, I will have to be the one awake and at home (rather than at the Y getting a workout in). Grrrr.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                                 I would have no idea what that feels like.




                                And probably never will. lol