Beginners and Beyond


Plight of a "masters" runner (Read 111 times)

    I ran cross country 20 years ago in high school, and have no memory of it every hurting.  I don't even remember racing hurting, though I do remember always sprinting into the finish, so I doubt I came anywhere near reaching my potential.  I'm much slower now, but much more willing to endure significant discomfort to improve my speed.  If I had had today's motivation when I was 17...the possibilities are endless.


      And I'm 31. 


      The sky is the limit.  Dream big.



        The sky is the limit.  Dream big.


        Yep! 31 and a 3:33 on a second or third try? You will kick our butts when you turn master, in 9 years. 

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Old people thread! Actually, the >40s AGs are often the fastest ones. So we still kick butt but we just can't walk afterwards.


          Indeed,  it is a pretty cool fraternity to be a part of.  These boys mean business and on their best day I do not stand a chance.  Which is precisely why I do not necessarily train to beat anyone, but rather to have my best day, then let the chips fall where they may.


          I cannot change when I started running, but I can make the most of the time I have now.  And that is exactly what I am doing.  Zoom!  Zoom!


            I am feeling my age tonight - sitting on a hot pad for the tight muscles in my hip/glute/back, while at the same time I have an ice pad on my knee that is still occasionally a bit creaky from twisting it last month.

            And I've been a "master" for less than a year. Soooooo much to look forward to.


            Heat and ice at the same time?  lol


            Seriously though, you have not been 100% in a good while now.  Once you are, your body will do its thing and your nightly recovery will come much easier.


            It also helps when mental stress from life issues are kept at bay, which around my way is a task in and of itself.  lol


               You will kick our butts when you turn master, in 9 years



              Ain't nobody got time to be thinking about that! 




                Ain't nobody got time to be thinking about that! 


                I know, right?! 9 years before becoming a master is like an eternity. That's how young she is.  But if she's already hurting, it's because she's working hard. Nothing comes easy when you want the most for yourself.

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  I am sure it is a good hurt, which is a result of doing the things necessary to make those lofty goals a reality.

                  Just B.S.

                    Am I really the oldest female on the BB running marathoms?


                    Lord I really am old Sad  Oh well better than being a Grand Master of the Sofa Smile


                    Are we there, yet?

                      Am I really the oldest female on the BB running marathoms?


                      Lord I really am old Sad  Oh well better than being a Grand Master of the Sofa Smile


                      I think all the older women switched to ultras.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.







                        Just B.S.


                          I think all the older women switched to ultras.


                          I am in the process of switching mainly to long distace tri. Not sure if I will continue stand alone fulls after that.


                          First half Iron in  July and if all goes well first full Ironi i2015.


                          Would love to do Ultras however none anywhere close ;( May do a destination 50 next year.


                            Like Baboon, I think picking up running later in life gives you a different perspective. I started two years ago at age 44 and don't seem to notice any aches/pains from running ... other than the occasional next morning fatigue after a hard LT or interval workout. Of course, I've been told I'm a mutant in how quickly I recover so your mileage may vary.

                            Train smart ... race smarter.

                            Just B.S.

                              I don't really know you because u have only responded to a few of my posts and each time to be sarcastic


                              Perhaps it wuold be more kind to not comment or offer nice words such as when tbey were needed a few days ago

                              When our sons friend committed suicide. Don't believe I mentioned my age in that one.


                              If you include those who are members but not frequent posters, there are a few I can guess at. But I don't want to mention any names, since the others don't generally include their age in every post. 


                                I don't really know you because u have only responded to a few of my posts and each time to be sarcastic


                                Perhaps it wuold be more kind to not comment or offer nice words such as when tbey were needed a few days ago

                                When our sons friend committed suicide. Don't believe I mentioned my age in that one.


                                Beth, don't mind him. He's just an old grouch who's been sleep deprived lately. And, he's jealous of our awesome gold medals. 

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010
