Beginners and Beyond

TuesDAILIES (Read 32 times)


    It's on!


      Ran north of 12 on my commute this morning, as that included a track workout with a group.

      Roughly we did :


      • skips
      • 4 x 200m warmup
      • 2 x (5 x 1 minute/2 minutes) 5 minutes between sets
      • 1km + hills @ HM effort

      I just happened to try it out in a "recovery" week, in which they were not pushing the cardio too hard.

      I thought it was a normal group track workout, in which there's a lot of doing nothing and talking, but where I push hard because of the group.


        I just happened to try it out in a "recovery" week, in which they were not pushing the cardio too hard.

        I thought it was a normal group track workout, in which there's a lot of doing nothing and talking, but where I push hard because of the group.


        do you think you will go again?


          I ran 8.7 with 10x1min hard, 2 min recoveries with URP this morning. I tried to keep the pace decent on the recoveries to make the workout harder.


          delicate flower

            Hello.  I had physical therapy bright and early this morning.  30 minutes of deep massage on my right soleus.      So.Painful.  That'll be my last session for a while because I can't go through that during race week.  Bike ride later.



            Super B****

              Supposed to do:


              1m WU
              2x 1 min strides @10k on the way to zoo hill
              6x 10k pace from the light to the yellow pedestrian sign (about 750 meters) and active recovery back. Finish at lakeside.

              1 CD


              ...except I did that on the AlterG, because A. the group workout starts too late for me, and B. my body cannot handle this kind of mileage on the road. Not sure it has the same benefits to do it on the AlterG but at least it keeps things a little more interesting?


              It would be so awesome if you could program a workout into a treadmill and then have it automatically adjust the pace and elevation for you instead of having to do it manually.

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog


                Supposed to do:


                1m WU
                2x 1 min strides @10k on the way to zoo hill
                6x 10k pace from the light to the yellow pedestrian sign (about 750 meters) and active recovery back. Finish at lakeside.

                1 CD


                ...except I did that on the AlterG, because A. the group workout starts too late for me, and B. my body cannot handle this kind of mileage on the road. Not sure it has the same benefits to do it on the AlterG but at least it keeps things a little more interesting?


                It would be so awesome if you could program a workout into a treadmill and then have it automatically adjust the pace and elevation for you instead of having to do it manually.


                Treadmills are dumb if they can't do that. I mean that's what runners would expect out of a TM, right? How come they don't do it?



                  do you think you will go again?


                  Gotta think on that. Right now I'm leaning towards hopping on the group train, as that would mean I could shut my brain off, and just do whatever the coach tells me to do. On the other hand, it's at fixed days/times. Had to wake up at 5 for the workout this morning, and I still got to work an hour later than usual. 


                  UM 45 Ohio 23

                    11 easy this morning. Felt decent. A little warmer and humid than than last week or so but still fairly comfortable.

                    Forgot to put in the good feet insoles and by the end/after my arch was sore. Was hoping it had gotten better with the insole and a rest day but...probably need to keep using the insoles until I lay off the miles in late Oct/Nov. Unless, of course, an injury makes me lay off earlier!


                    Have a good day/workout/rest, whatever it might be!



                      Gotta think on that. Right now I'm leaning towards hopping on the group train, as that would mean I could shut my brain off, and just do whatever the coach tells me to do. On the other hand, it's at fixed days/times. Had to wake up at 5 for the workout this morning, and I still got to work an hour later than usual. 


                      how many days per week do they train? You could do once a week maybe?



                        how many days per week do they train? You could do once a week maybe?


                        there's a lot of time slots available, for evening runners and morning runners, but I think the "program" is built around going twice a week. Even if I don't follow a program, I think it would make sense to go twice a week. But I'm not sure about all of that. And like you said, I could go once a week if I decided, I guess. But it's all part of what I have to ponder.

                        One of the great things about that group, and I've mentioned it before, is that they get to do their workouts on an indoor 200m oval in the winter. Not many of those around here.

                           not pushing the cardio too hard....




                          Heart rate up?  I can’t run hard enough to breath hard😐 I often pass the time running by whistling... my favorite tune is the March of the Toreadors from Carmen.... time for a sign along




                          5; 3 flat with tiny tilt, then 2 on bowl hills half sidewalk half road crown, middle  right ham only grumpy for the first down and up.   Knock on wood a bit more tomorrow.



                            there's a lot of time slots available, for evening runners and morning runners, but I think the "program" is built around going twice a week. Even if I don't follow a program, I think it would make sense to go twice a week. But I'm not sure about all of that. And like you said, I could go once a week if I decided, I guess. But it's all part of what I have to ponder.

                            One of the great things about that group, and I've mentioned it before, is that they get to do their workouts on an indoor 200m oval in the winter. Not many of those around here.


                            do you have to pay to join?



                              do you have to pay to join?


                              Yup! But that will should not be a problem if I choose to join. I'm willing to pay. I don't know how much it is as of now, but unless it's ridiculously expensive (and I've heard from others that it is not) I'll just spit it out and forget about it.


                                Hello.  I had physical therapy bright and early this morning.  30 minutes of deep massage on my right soleus.      So.Painful.  That'll be my last session for a while because I can't go through that during race week.  Bike ride later.





                                Gotta think on that. Right now I'm leaning towards hopping on the group train, as that would mean I could shut my brain off, and just do whatever the coach tells me to do. On the other hand, it's at fixed days/times. Had to wake up at 5 for the workout this morning, and I still got to work an hour later than usual. 




                                Blue: Is the AlterG the weightless (or reduced impact) running machine? I suppose I could google. ETA: googled it, and yes! it is. Do you own one? I remember you using it from when you were posting here last year, too. BTW congrats breaking your 6-min mile!


                                I've got my last official workout before the marathon. It's cruise intervals...I'm having a hard time getting out the door b/c of my cherubs. They're feeling needy, and I'm feeling unmotivated. I may run on the TM this afternoon if I can't get out the door soon.