Berea Running Alums


Heat (Read 82 times)

stu moran

    the current heat and humidity is making running very difficult- even here in Asheville. Those 70-80 minute singles are becoming tough. Sucks about the Berea meet on Sept 15th- I'll be in Rhode Island that weekend. Good to see Jamie keeping the momentum going
      Yea I was down in Myrtle Beach this past week and it was over 90 by 9 am. Here in Portsmouth sucks because it's so fuckin humid all the time.
        Its so frustrating because there is no good time to run..only bad and worse. I'm not sure if there has been another month where it was so humind and over 90 every day and it never rains. Where is the rain? It reminds me of that old Jackyl song. I've had a fever the last couple of days so it seems even hotter to me. I blame Shawn. What's your problem man?
          I've been running anywhere between 6 and 7 AM. I has provided a minor reprieve, but it's still extremely humid at that time. Today is the 3rd consecutive day over 100 actual temp in B'ville. Heat index has been near 110 everyday.

          Slow by nature, not by choice.

          EASY 10

            thats pretty hot you guys. I should not complain when the temp hits 89 here. i thought ky would be experiencing some of the flooding like in Oh and in. sucks meins.