Central IL TNT Distance Runners


treadmill running (Read 129 times)

    So, weird question about treadmill running--does it mess with your shins? I have this strange thing happen where if I've tied my shoes even a smidge too tight, it feels like I'm strangling my shins. I have to *really* tie them too tight to notice this happening when I'm outside, but yesterday on the treadmill I had to stop at least twice to re-tie my shoes. Does this happen to anyone else? If not, do you have other obscure treadmill woes?

    It's been a long time since I ran on a treadmill with any great regularity, so I'm trusting that this will pass with time & practice. Overall I've been really thankful for the treadmills in ARC. I like the new model they've added since the renovation. 


      It really has to do with your shoe tightness? That's so strange! I would guess it's something to do with the way it hits the top of your foot and ankle area. I do notice different things hurt --including shins when I have to spend too much time on a treadmill but didn't associate it with my shoes.


      I guess it always goes back to the shoes!


      Sorry I don't have anything helpful to add. Do you mess with the elevation at all? Maybe try running at 0.5 or 1 --that mimics outdoor running a little better.


      Keep us posted!


        yeah, not sure about that. I haven't experienced that. I always run with the treadmill at least at 1.0 elevation though.   Sometimes I feel like i'm running downhill when it's at 0.00.  I second that suggestion. Let us know if that does anything.
          I've doing all of my running on a treadmill and my shins usually hurt for the first 5-6 minutes. After that I'm all loose and I feel fine. No issues with my shoes being too tight though. I need to start running at 1.0 incline. Don't know why I haven't been doing this.

          I got a pair of Vibram Five Finger Sprints this week. They're the ones where your toes each have their own little space. I've been reading that the minimalist design helps to strengthen the muscles in your feet/legs in a way that regular running shoes don't allow. So, I've started out with just short runs with them after completing my regular mileage. I'm hoping they help to strengthen my ankles. Smile So far, so good - but it's only been two days.


            I tried setting the incline to 0.5% on Tuesday and today and I am a BIG fan. Less shin irritation, for sure. I think it IS true that I tend to tie my shoes too tightly, and I think it IS true that doing that can be bad for blood flow. But beyond that, I don't really understand the mechanics of it. Maybe I've always imagined that it contributes to shin issues, or maybe it actually does. I don't know. But I can say for certain that I've a) started tying my shoes a little looser on the 'mill and b) changed the incline, and my shins are much happier! Thanks for the tip, Allison!
              I've been setting the treadmill to a 1% incline this week and I too noticed a big difference! Smile