Marathon Trainers

Week of 22 - 28 Sept 2008 (Read 299 times)


    I wasn't going on sore legs - I was going on the doubt expressed in some of your posts. All I meant by the aqua jogging was that not all that long ago (a couple months I guess) you weren't running because you were injured and you took up aqua jogging as you made your way back. And then you smartly took some time building back before you dove head first. And now here you are seeming good as new with an awesome plan to help keep you healthy and many awesome runs in!! So I guess all I was really trying to say was while you build your next plan don't beat yourself up about this one because the situation was not the same AND your goals will be different.
    No Shan, you took it all wrong. Dave and I were having some good training dialog was all, I really enjoy talking about training and the different approaches. There were various things that I think worked for me this summer and some that didn't. It's good to analyze it, so easy for someone to think, "Bugs ran 6 20 mile runs, that's what I need to do too" when in reality I would recommend a different approach after been there done that. My goal for each marathon is to end knowing that each and everyday I did what I thought was best and worked my hardest and smartest. I have no doubt for this marathon, I did that. For the record, I took two days off because of my ankle, so I wouldn't really call that "not running". My miles dipped but only because I was racing and the recovery I decided just to run 52 miles instead of 60. Erika, Glad to have you back. You deserved a week off! However I'm taking bets for your miles for next week. Smile I have to get some work done today. Sad


      Kimmie - welcome to the insanity. I hope you find this place as useful as I have. I'm running the Tulsa Route 66 marathon on November 16th. Been getting my runs in, but feeling a little beat up. Guess it's to be expected at this point of the program. Nothing bad, just some tired legs. MIL comes to town this weekend. Unfortunately FIL has to start harvest, so won't be making the trip. Sounds like some extra freedom to me! Have to see what kind of crazy things I can fit in while DW is occupied. Bugs - I agree on there not being a ton of info on race paces being reevaluated because of gains made in training. I always assume I should be able to run a better time that my past races predict, because of the 4-5 months I've done on a certain program. I'm also thinking I need more fast running. I've enjoyed LHR training since I discovered the MAF stuff back in the Cool Running days. This has allowed me to up my miles, and run faster paces at lower HRs. But, I haven't seen a ton of improvement in race times. I don't necessarily think slow running makes a slow runner, but I probably should mix in more tempo-type runs. Mr. I, you seem to be pretty good at these. I should start taking some notes. Well, that's enough babbling for now, better actually get some work done. -Brian


        Kimmie, was that new runner friend the contact I sent you? Brian, FWIW, I'm more convinced than ever that the Parker HR method (the book "Compleat Idiots Guide to Heart Monitor Training") is how I want to train. Pretty simple. Run easy on most runs. Mix in hard runs (distance or intensity over 85% Max working heart rate) no more often than every other run. I've done a good bit of speedwork during this cycle but think I've abandoned the deliberately easy pace a bit too much. 5.6 for me today at an easy pace. Legs are upset but seem to recover in time for the run the next day. Trying to hit my mileage target despite the long run last week.

        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.

        Oh Mighty Wing

          Bugs - ok!! I just wanted to make sure. Smile I love reading all of your (your being everyone here) thoughts on training - what's working for you, what's not and why. I think it's important to analyze those things. I just didn't want taper madness to be getting ahold of you and you go into the race wondering if you did enough - you know what i mean. Sorry for the misunderstanding Blush
            Hey all. well, I finished the marathon. Thats about all I can say. Ran with my training partner until somewhere around mile 16. He then left me in his dust..I started severe cramping shortly thereafter. And before that my legs were feeling really heavy. So I joined the death march to the finish. My TP had the same issues a few miles later but finished ahead by about 15 minutes. I really need to either stick to 1/2 marathons or start doing some real training if I want to improve. Ran a reasonable pace at the half way point - 2:25:22 vs a too quick 2:10Tight lippedx last year. Finished in 5 hrs 45 mins. About the same as my previous worse--which was Columbus last year. Will probably do the Columbus 1/2 marathon in prep for the Vegas full (assuming it happens) Feel good now except for some severe chaffing--which could better be described as a wound. Still really hurts. But I think I can get out for a few miles tonight/tomorrow and start getting into a routine.

            Oh Mighty Wing

              Murphy - at least you finished it without major injury - minus the flesh wound of course. I'm sure with some steady training you could kick behinny at Vegas.


                Bugs - ok!! I just wanted to make sure. Smile I love reading all of your (your being everyone here) thoughts on training - what's working for you, what's not and why. I think it's important to analyze those things. I just didn't want taper madness to be getting ahold of you and you go into the race wondering if you did enough - you know what i mean. Sorry for the misunderstanding Blush
                No problem. I've been doing fine, just busy. I need to wash some clothes else I'm going to really stink at the start of this race. I haven't thought much about the 'race'. It's weird because usually I have several friends in town that run it but it's just me this year. The only thing that is driving me nuts, it not being able to eat like I usually do.


                Oh Mighty Wing

                  Bugs - glad you are doing well! Ran again today!!!


                    Murphy, I would NEVER had the guts to do what you did. I would have been crying by the 8th mile if I had run the miles you had. Hell I think if you trained for a marathon, you'd probably be able to pull off an ultra marathon. So in that regard you did really, really awesome. If you want to stick to 1/2's that's great, I admire people that do that, cause in many ways 'makes more sense', but I do think if you got the training in the books you would put on an awesome performance for a marathon. While you're recovering you got plenty of time to decide what YOU want to do. Whatever you decide, do it for yourself, or don't do it at all.



                      Glad to hear you survived it, Murph. It really was a feat on so little mileage. Shan, way to get out there. Nice little battle in the swamp today, huh? My right knee got progessively worst after my run today, even though I went easy, and I'm now icing it. Not a pain I'm used to. Sort of behind the knee. I'm hoping its nothing serious. Probably should take the day off tomorrow but then I won't hit 40 miles this week and I'll take more abuse in the 2000 mile club. Wink Erika, a nice picture of you having dinner with a couple of other folks showed up in there. You look great Big grin

                      I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                      Oh Mighty Wing

                        Yeah Erika - you are gorgeous!!! (the picture is with WillRun4Beer and PreDawnRunner - at least I think I got that right) Dave - holy cow we both took a little abuse - but that's what we get for giving it... and it is nice to have some of the elitist prickery back - it's been gone way too long over there. And your knee is apparently your swamp detector - you start to fall into the hole and your knee will hurt... Just be careful to not fall into the same rabbit hole I fell into because it sucks. A lot of my crazy building and goal chasing was increased because in my head I'm like them - but in reality I'm still working on things - like fueling - and my body isn't conditioned for that mileage yet. So Please please know that the stairway is safer then just jumping off the ledge!
                          Thanks Bugs. I should print that post and hang it on my bulletin board for motivation. I think your right, if I ever get through a full training program without a major glitch, I might surprise myself with what I could do. And, yeah, I find it tough to 'just' run halves while theres a full marathon going on. Speaking of which, Columbus marathon on October 19th, was planning on the half. But Id have 18 scheduled for my Vegas training--maybe, I'll just do the full. Big grin. That would give me two 26 mile training runs along with a planned 20 miler prior to Vegas. If Vegas gets canned, I am looking towards Myrtle Beach in February. Could maybe make another Kiawah Island vacation out of it..or just stay in Myrtle beach for a few days.

                            Shan, nope not a crush at all, although I do respect and like her. She is a newly wed and I am happy for her. If she was single she would make a great friend, but would not be romantically interested in her. Kimmie, she is Julie Swail Ertel. Professional Triathlete, 2008 Olympic team Triathlon, 2000 Olympic team Water Polo. She teaches a class on Triathlon at a local college, as well as classes on swimming and yoga. She teaches a lot of little things that work for her, like she can race for an hour with no nutrition, but at an hour 7 minutes her pace will fall off, and loose touch with the leaders if she doesnt have a gel by then. Of course for her that is mile 11 for me its more like mile 7. She is somewhat like Erika. She breaks the race down into sections, and has a plan for each part of the race. Our homework this week, is to create a race plan for ourselves for our next race. Mostly by percentage of effort rather than time. We did a two mile time trial the first week of class, and she is having us do our own plan for running track intervals based on the time trial. Think I tore my calf muscle a couple of days ago, so glad I can pretend I am still training with the bike and the swim. Think it is minor, and pain should be gone in a couple more days. Just wonder when it will be safe to run again. I have a half planned in a couple of weeks.

                              Kimmie, was that new runner friend the contact I sent you? Hey Dave, thank you for the contact. This was another new friend from my neighborhood. I did get in touch with Erin. She lives a bit far from me but we're going to try to connect one day soon to run. Thanks! Speedwork today.... trying to decide if treadmill or rain is better.

                              Oh Mighty Wing

                                Cash - i was just teasing you - really I'm awe of her and I haven't met her. Smile