Marathon Trainers


7/14 - 7/20 (Read 151 times)

Oh Mighty Wing

    Dave - this heat is pretty bad right now! Cash - nice run! Husker - wow that is like 2 a days! Runs 10 hours apart. I like the feeling of crossing runs off as well! Sort of like a Running To-Do List. Murphy - I hope you are feeling better! I hate it when things start to linger. Erika - Uphill on the way back isn't as bad for me as on the way out. Maybe because i'm warmed up and into the run? So how do you get to work the next day?
      Well, I was a bit of a wuss. Couldn't get to sleep last night, and by about 11:00, that 4:50 alarm didn't look too fun. So, I shut it off and will run in the heat again tonight. But, that also means DS gets to come for the first couple of miles.

        Shan, it's not like I'm saving any gas... either DH drops me off in the morning, or (like today) DS1 will come get the car when he's done at 3:30. He'll take my "stuff" home and I'll do the last hour or so in my shorts (yes, really), then head out the door when it's time to go home! Car is already there waiting for me. So, it's not truly a commuting run, just another way to multi-task. Another nice day on tap. Sure wish this would hold for the weekend, but the forecast is for Friday through Sunday to be cool, cloudy with showers. That trail race on Sunday will be a muddy slop... not conducive to the PR I was hoping for. Last year's time was 2:12, this year I'd love 2:10... Getting excited, and it's still 4 days away! Brian, is your avatar an old picture of you as a child? Or is that your son? Sure is a cute picture...
          That's my son last fall, thanks! Suppose I should update it at some point.

          Oh Mighty Wing

            Erika - I would like to try it at some point. But DH probably wouldn't be thrilled about taking me to work the next day since he is typically still sleeping when I leave. And I don't have D-kids who can help out! Brian - it's ok to wuss as long as you have a game plan! Running makes me nauseas. I'm gonna try to run tomorrow morning maybe it will be cooler. Gonna try to run 5-7 miles. Got to go to the beach today! That was fun and my back is burned - dangit!


              5 miserable miles for me today. Hot and humid speedwork. 3 words that probably shouldn't go together. Code Red air quality on top of that... Did you get your run in Shan? Do I have to post that pregnancy test photo again? Wink

              I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


              Oh Mighty Wing

                yeah but my hips/knees/legs are sore...and it was only 1 mile... i feel like such a pansy but it takes me ALL day to work up to that! heck secretly it even take DH persuading me! Can I call this cut-back before Mary training begins on Monday???

                  Yes Shan take a few days off. Running all the time when you are sore is eating the paste.

                  Oh Mighty Wing

                    Yes Shan take a few days off. Running all the time when you are sore is eating the paste.
                    It actually went away during the run... I'm thinking it's from sitting on my behind on the couch all day - really i need to go back to work!!!

                    Oh Mighty Wing

                      My 1 mile today was boring so I think I am ready to get back to running!!

                        I'll be glad when ShanHas gets over those one milers. Just think, in a few weeks it'll take you two miles just to get warmed up! Wink I did 4.5 miles yesterday on what is normally my rest day. Actually kept the pace really easy and it felt fine. The key will be how I feel on today's run. Goal is 5-6 miles super easy, and usually the day after a rest day I feel sort of stiff and creaky. I'm hoping it's an easier go from the easy run yesterday. I have a friend who hasn't taken a total rest day in ages, he says the easy recovery run is better for him. Thought I'd try it out. I need rest days for other reasons though. Running takes a lot out of me and my family, so it's nice to have a day to just not have to think about it. So I guess it's a mental rest day as much as physical. Thinking of doing today's run on the treadmill to guarantee I behave myself on pace and incline. Tomorrow's race is tough stuff and I need fresh legs. DH wants us to go to a barbeque/cookout thing at a friend of his tonight... I already told him I'm not drinking much except water/iced tea and I'm going home early! 10 pm bedtime would be awesome. Got 16.5 miles of hills to conquer on Sunday!
                          Ran 13 miles last night/this morning. Started a little after 10 PM and ended sometime after midnight. It was still friggin hot outside, is it September yet? It was my longest since the marathon, and definitely let my body know that I'm back in marathon training again, which isn't a bad thing. Shan, are you going to keep the streak (fair number of 1 milers) going through marathon training? I can't imagine it myself, but sure your body's used to them now. Evanflein, your mileage is awesome, congrats, espeically with older kids. I can hardly manage my meager miles with a 2 year old. Has anyone done many trail races? There's a 50k/25k/10k trail race in the middle of my marathon training. It's the same weekend as a scheduled 15 miler for me, so would anyone recommend swapping the race (25k) for the LR, assuming I don't race it hard. I wouldn't really race it, because I've never done trails, just sounded like something cool to try.

                          Oh Mighty Wing

                            Erica - 3.05 miles - that's right BABY!!! Good luck tomorrow!! I'm excited to hear how it goes. I really like running every day. And I think the recovery miles has really helped. I don't do recovery pace much at the moment because I'm not sure I was running enough to need them. But I'm sure I'll need them starting next week. And i'm gonna try my damndist to not make them 1 milers (i hope to make them 2 LOL). Husker - I hope to keep it up. I feel better running every day. Even the last couple weeks when I haven't felt like much of anything - I never regretted the steps of running.

                              Good Luck Erika. Got 5 miles in tonight before going to a party. I would bore Erika at a party. Since they didnt have diet drinks, I drank lemonade. Tonight was not one of the 5 nights a year when I drink. And on those nights, its max 2 alcoholic drinks.

                              Oh Mighty Wing

                                Good Luck Erika. Got 5 miles in tonight before going to a party. I would bore Erika at a party. Since they didnt have diet drinks, I drank lemonade. Tonight was not one of the 5 nights a year when I drink. And on those nights, its max 2 alcoholic drinks.
                                You sound like me. Unfortunately that always gets me slated as the DD.