Marathon Trainers

Week of 22 - 28 Sept 2008 (Read 299 times)


    Kimmie, what's your goal marathon? What time are you hoping for? How many marathons have you done? (yes, I'm nosy...) Hey erika, I am training for the Marine Corps. I have run 5 marathons before, but my last one was Chicago 07 where the heat just knocked me down. So, I am waiting to see what I will put out as my goal time for this one. you are impressive.


      So what fixed it last time?
      What fixed it last time was not running for a while. I took yesterday off (strange how it felt really wrong to take a whole day off), and I'm going to rest it again today. It is in the knee joint as opposed to some of the calf/achilles tweaks I had been having so the butterknife routine may not help. Funny watching Erika and Kimmie get to know each other. Sort of like the alpha malefemale lions checking each other's credentials Big grin

      I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


        Dave, Probably smart choice to rest. I know my graston doc does stuff for knees too but knock on wood never had any knee issues myself. Can you XT? Busy taper to me. Can't believe next week I'll be head to the marathon. No kids this trip, going to be great.



          Funny watching Erika and Kimmie get to know each other. Sort of like the alpha malefemale lions checking each other's credentials Big grin
          This is the very first time I've been called an alpha female. I think I like it. Smile


            Thanks Dave I brushed up on biology terms today. I think the title of alpha female has to be earned though, what kind of competition can we dream up? Clowning around



              Oh what was I thinking asking Dave. You know it will involve skinny bikinis, mud and an obstacle course.



                You said it, not me. Sounded like an offer. I was just thinking of a poetry reading or something like that. Maybe a bakeoff Evil grin

                I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                Oh Mighty Wing

                  Thanks Dave I brushed up on biology terms today. I think the title of alpha female has to be earned though, what kind of competition can we dream up? Clowning around
                  actually not really true (only in some human societies). Typically the alpha is soo dominant it is clear (sort of like a natural born leader - you know those people who walk into a room and command respect/awe without ever saying a word). Only when they become weak are they challenged. If there is a challenge the winner wins when they get the other on their back and submissing or dead. We see this in dogs - the humping that people think of as horny dogs is actually a dominant gesture - they are showing their dominance. (you had no idea I was a dog/dominance connoisseur huh?)

                    Oh good grief. Roll eyes

                    Oh Mighty Wing

                      Oh good grief. Roll eyes
                      hey I have to know something about something.

                        Shan, my comment goes all the way back to Dave's original statement, and the ensuing back and forth. You guys are so funny. And hey, yeah, good thing to know something about something, ya know? Wink Ok, Picture Time!! See who visited my garden while I was gone on my trip. They sure clean it out thoroughly. And what they don't eat, they trample. I still have carrots and beets, but their tops are all bitten off and many are pulled out of the ground, wilted or broken. Gotta finish digging all that stuff up this weekend. Also, here's a "long distance" picture of Ester Dome up in the clouds. I took this about an hour after I finished the race, I understand the weather just got worse and worse as the afternoon went on. I got pretty muddy... And here's me in a line of runners on the trail, I think between mile 3 and 4. I ended up passing and finishing before the two people ahead of me (I'm in the yellow shirt):


                          I think alpha female may be Shan. Dave, Bake off, my money is on Kimmie. Erika, Thanks for posting those pictures. You look so strong. I am tossing around the idea of coming and joining you next year, but when I do my "easy marathon" next weekend I may be less thrilled with the idea of doing a "very hard" marathon. I might get to do a Ragnar Relay next August. I had was going to try and build my own team, but then a freind got asked, and she asked me. I hope it works out. I ran today but it was not good, too hot. Ended up stopping at 2 miles. I'm running a hard 5K tomorrow so easy was better anyway. My legs are all mixed up with this taper.


                          Oh Mighty Wing

                            Erika - HOW COOL ARE THOSE MOOSE!!! Ok to you probably not soo cool, but I've never seen a Moose before!! But I am sorry they trampled your garden! Bugs - way to listen ot your legs!!! Good luck tomorrow!

                              Bake off, my money is on Kimmie.
                              Save your money. bad bad things have happened to me in the kitchen. Erika, I love the pictures. All of the runners look very focused. And Bugs, good luck tomorrow. you'll do great.


                                Lovin the moose pictures. I went home from work early today seeing as how it was my birthday. My wife bought me an Ipod Touch. She certainly knows how to please a geek. Smile I won't run with it but the screen is going to be awesome on my commute and on plane rides. Knee is feeling much better. Will most likely risk a 5 miler tomorrow. Slow. Good luck tomorrow, Bugs. Kimmie is your 20 miler tomorrow? If so, good luck. Also a huge weekend for Zoom-Zoom and Midwestrunner from the other marathon trainers group with their marathons. Looking forward to both of those race reports.

                                I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.