Marathon Trainers

Week of 12/1 (Read 283 times)

Mr Inertia

Suspect Zero

    I'm registered!!!! I swam tonight. I totally need to do some upper body stuff.


      I'm registered!!!!
      For what? Sorry, I went back and looked but didn't see a post...


      Mr Inertia

      Suspect Zero

        Bayshore. It's way way early (registered on opening day) but due to financial stuff and the fact that it always sells out anyway, I registered as early as possible.

        Oh Mighty Wing

            Strange pain alert. The back of my knee has felt odd lately. I don't feel a thing when I'm not running, and it hurts worst when running uphill. It really feels like someone kicked me in the back of the knee, but the pain isn't bad enough that it would cause me to limp. Just a bit uncomfortable. Any ideas? Mr. I - when's Bayshore? Have you decided on a program? Congrats!
            Mr Inertia

            Suspect Zero

              Bayshore is May 23rd. Program: run lots. As much as I can. Ease up when I feel I need to. Hammer it out when I feel strong. Some intervals and LT early on. Heavier mileage with some LT and race pace runs later. 185 pounds. PR. That is my plan.
                Awesome plan. Good luck!

                  Sorry to hear about your knee pain, Brian. I am a bit frustrated. I purposely chose to not run today because my back felt tweaky from yesterday, I guess. I was doing a basic stretch and pop- my back is out again. ugh!!! I can still move around but I am in pain.... hopefully- just a one day thing.


                    No running for me either. This won't be much of a mileage week for me but I did sneak in 2 miles yesterday. Hopefully I'll be able to run later this week as things get back to normal. Probably did my legs good to rest a bit. Brian, sucks to hear about the knee pain. Back of knee is fairly uncommon. I'd ice it every night for a while and maybe not run more than every other day. Only easy. Avoid the hills (sort of like, "Doc it hurts when I do this. Don't do this")

                    I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.



                      Well I ran an amazing 10 whole miles in November. My normal long run is longer than that. Not much biking either. 9,500 yards swimming and 10 hours of teaching spin tho. Bugs, for me, fishing is sitting in a boat, drinking diet soda, getting a tan and talking with my friends. We never actually catch any fish. Methinks if Hubby wants you fishing, he could put the worms on the hook. Ya sounds more like he is feeling ignored than fishing is harder than marathoning. But I could prolly run for 5 hours sooner than I could drink beer for 5 hours. After the first half beer, I fall asleep. And a guy has to "prove" that his pastime is more manly manish than his wife's. Ya know. Note to Bugs, just becuase we prove something, doesn't mean we have to make sense, its all about us and the male ego.


                        Cash, Turns out the ice isn't thick enough for ice fishing. We've made up and he's off the hook. Inertia, Always exciting sigining up for a big race. I have not signed up for Fargo yet, know the day after I'll be injured. Brian, Sorry about the knee. Have you had this before? Kimmie, Sorry about the back. Your chiropractor is hot right? Some perks to this injury! Haven't run yet, got busy getting my butt chewed at noon (had it coming) and just couldn't get myself to run in the dark. I gotta get over the running dark, it was even nice outside.


                        Oh Mighty Wing

                          Hi everyone!! I'm here and running. I've just been kinda hanging out and lurking - no real reason. So I thought i'd say hi!
                          Mr Inertia

                          Suspect Zero

                            Did 6.5 in an hour on the TM this evening on our date night with some strides. Maxed out the TM on the last 2 strides 12 MPH = 5 min miles. Mrs Inertia said it sounded like the TM was screaming in agony.


                              Poor TM. Good Job Inertia, that is fast!!


                              Oh Mighty Wing

                                MrI - That great that you can go that fast! And I'm glad the TM survived.