Marathon Trainers

Week of 12/1 (Read 283 times)

Oh Mighty Wing

    Erika - be careful not to do emotional running! I would hate for you to hurt yourself. We are always here to lend a shoulder - that's what we are good for! 3 tumultuous years is really rough, but I bet it will be worth the struggle in the end. mta: just to toss in a little newlywed optimism.


      Erika, You can use my mantra, "packing sucks". Oh I hope it's not that bad. DH and I have had our tough years. I wouldn't say we have a 'great relaionship' but we tolerate each other well enough, I'd hate to put up with somebody else's crap or worse have them see me naked. I think the work stress coupled with injury is the perfect storm for a fight. You know what they say about the weather? Don't like it, hang around it'll change. I bailed on the TM tonight. Think I am dehydrated. Just too easy for me to sit all day and not drink enough...catching up with me. Will get up early tomorrow and try again.



        Sorry to hear that Erika. We're working on 20 too and I can certainly relate. Try to remember that you're in it for the long haul and fight like you want to stay married. And whatever the argument is about is usually not what the arguments about. Tongue I might run today. I might not. This has been a strange week.

        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


          I'm very good at saying, "I'm grumpy because I'm tired, sick, pist at work, or whatever is going on." I think it helps DH not take it personal. We just sort of really suck at spending time together. Hill workout went better this morning. Maybe is not good to wait till 9:00 PM to run.



            Thanks guys. We did have a long talk last night. He's under a lot of stress and esteem issues from the hit he took professionally a couple years ago; still struggling with it. And it spills over into our relationship in ways I never would've imagined. We've been through a lot, and yes I reminded him this is one of those "for worse" moments in our vows and if we meant it then, we should be able to get through it. I did get in a good 8 miles on the TM last night. Two mile warm up at 8:49 (it's so hard to stay at that pace, I always want to bump it up but made myself hold it down), then 4 x .5 mile repeats at 8:00 with .25 mile recoveries (8:49), then 2 x .5 mile repeats at 7:30 with .25 mile recovery (8:49) and then the last 1.75 miles at 8:49 for cool down. Longest run since NYC, and my legs were sore beforehand from the weights on Tuesday, and stiff from the run. I find the treadmill makes me stiff because there's no change in terrain, it's all steady flat surface and I think my legs like some variation. Bending over to untie my shoes was interesting... I'll run 5-6 recovery miles tonight while DS2 is at basketball tryouts. He made it past the first cut last night and should be good to go for the freshman JV team.
              THANKS FOR THE FRONT PAGE SHOUT OUTS Youll kill that 10k Shan--whats 6.2 when youve done 26.2? Erika--Hope everything turns around.Im sure it will. SOunds like you had a good talk. Been married 14 years, and God knows there were patches like what you describe. Did some lite eliptical work last night. Im a little concerned that Im wearing myself down with how busy Ive been. Havent gone to bed before 1 am all week. Been forgetting to eat lunch..Really gonna eat the carbs tonight though. Glad I took tomorrow off. Will get a light run in the morning, run my errands..pack my running stuff and leave in the evening.


                Erika, You are such a fast runner. You'll be back busting PRs again before you know it. Thats interesting on stiffness from TM. I've noticed the same, despite forcing myself to run slow. I've been on the TM more than previous winters. I'm such a crappy winter runner. I can't seem to run as fast in the cold. Is training outside (for the most part) better for training than on TM? I miss my running trail already. It is suppose to be 20F on Saturday, 20 mpw wind. Can't decide to do a faster LR on TM or outside. Thoughts? MTA: I really am not enjoying all this easy running. I've got this nasty feeling it is making me slower...but I'll keep trying.


                Oh Mighty Wing

                  Run lots. Mostly easy. Sometimes fast. Bugs - most of my running is easy. But it is effort easy which means my paces vary between a couple of minutes. Regardless, I can see the difference. I can go into the 9's now where last year I was wondering if I would ever get there. I absolutely believe the difference came from me running easier (and maybe from running more haha)

                    Shan I'm sure it's from running more... Easy mainly keeps you from getting injured or burned out. And look at you, aren't you cute giving Bugs her own advice. Big grin I find it really hard to run slowly, if I run slower than 9 m/m I get sloppy and achey. Strange, I know. My "sweet spot" for speed really is my goal MP of 8:20 to 8:30. I feel like I can go all day at that pace. Of course, it's harder some days if I'm tired or sore or went out too fast at the beginning of the marathon... Roll eyes Murphy, get to bed earlier!! Goodness, the last few days before you leave is when you should be sleeping as much as you can because the last day or so will be hectic with travel and excitement. You know this, why am I saying it...? Bugs, in my case it's not the cold that slows me down, but the snow. Unless it's hard packed, it's a real drag on my legs. I read somewhere that Jeff Galloway believes that running 9 miles in snow is like running 12 miles on dry land. Not sure what the real ratio is or why he picked that example, but I believe it! And I trained for Boston through some pretty wicked weather, or temperatures I should say. Did most of my mid-week runs on the treadmill (tempos, intervals, mile repeats, easy, etc) and tried to do my weekend runs outside. That way I could run in the sunlight, which really helps. I'll run in the cold, and I'll sometimes run in the dark (but have a hard time with footing), but I really don't like dark AND cold!


                      I find it really hard to run slowly, if I run slower than 9 m/m I get sloppy and achey. Strange, I know. My "sweet spot" for speed really is my goal MP of 8:20 to 8:30. I feel like I can go all day at that pace.
                      That's how I felt after those runs last week where I tried to run an 11 min pace, where I was really keep the HR low. I'd don't mind doing 11:00 for a recovery jog, but those are short and more about stretching than anything. I think I'm going back to more like a 10:00 min pace for easy runs. I feel like I'm running instead of shuffling. I'm going to stop at the store and try the UA long shorts. Maybe if I wore those under my storm pants that'd be perfect. I feel so constricted in the UA tights, although if I wear them and shorts on the top I've ran fine. Shan, Trust me, it becomes harder when trying to maintain a decent base and keep up post marathon fitness. Your pace will boom-up with more miles. Your young and tall, you've got good things going for you.


                      Oh Mighty Wing

                        And look at you, aren't you cute giving Bugs her own advice. Big grin
                        I wondered if anyone would catch that! Big grin Bugs - how slow are you going for easy?? My easy is between 945-11 - yours should definitely be a little faster than that I would think... And if you are feeling achy you are going too slow!


                          Shan, How'd you ever get so smart? Oh that's right you're a teacher. Big grin


                          Oh Mighty Wing

                            Shan, How'd you ever get so smart? Oh that's right you're a teacher. Big grin
                            nah I'm not smart I just repeat things smart people say!! haha ok and so I stalked a little bit - but that 12 you did last week - how hard was that? was it really hard or were you going by pace?


                              nah I'm not smart I just repeat things smart people say!! haha ok and so I stalked a little bit - but that 12 you did last week - how hard was that? was it really hard or were you going by pace?
                              I logged it hard based on time. It was also on TM after a 9 hour drive in car. MTA: My run went fine this morning, but overall I am having a blah week. I think I need to just go run fast...Saturday in the freezing butt cold in yet another flipping new cold gear outfit.


                              Oh Mighty Wing

                                I logged it hard based on time. It was also on TM after a 9 hour drive in car.
                                Here are my very educated words of wisdom (by that I mean based on nothing but my own thoughts and 1.5 years of running) : don't judge effort based on time. Judge effort based on just that. If it felt easy - then it was easy. If everything was sluggish and it felt like a recovery - then that's what it is. I think if you confine yourself to times then you don't allow for improvement. I kept waiting for my easy time to get faster, but it wasn't until I stopped worrying about what my paces were that they actually moved. So maybe for a week try running by effort and see what your times look like. It's one thing to keep reminding yourself during your easy runs that it should be easy and you shouldn't be pushing so hard or whatever, it's another thing to slow down because of what a watch is saying. Of course if you are doing a HRM then I guess you have to follow that number, but that's a different matter altogether, but I didn't think you were doing that.