Marathon Trainers

Week of 12/1 (Read 283 times)

Oh Mighty Wing

    congrats for DS2!!! And yeah for you getting in an awesome work-out!


      Erika, I really admire how you've been staying with your workouts through your injury. I WILL RUN TODAY. There, I said it. Now maybe I'll do it Wink

      I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.

      Oh Mighty Wing

        Erika, I really admire how you've been staying with your workouts through your injury. I WILL RUN TODAY. There, I said it. Now maybe I'll do it Wink
        GO DO IT! Angry

          Nice running everyone.... how did your run go Dave? See, I asked you about it because I know you did it. that Shan, she sure is a motivator... Smile I ran 14 miles this morning and it was really cold- for me, anyway- 22 degrees- I realize that's nothing for Erika and Bugs. But I was cold... glad to do the first 7 with friends and then I finished. Love feeling so tough running in the cold. I went to Starbucks afterwards and found an icicle in my hair. yay! Bugs, hope your party goes well. Shan, good luck on your 10K... it's tomorrow right? Dave, time to get back to it, man! how did the promotion stuff go? Erika, way to tough it out and hang in there and yay for your son.... that's got to feel good. Everybody else: hey! I guess we'll be waiting for Murphy's report... as well Shan's too, right? I'm slightly brain dead , so forgive me if I've forgotten anyone's details or gotten it wrong. I'm directing a big production- kids' musical tomorrow morning and my brain literally hurts. Too many cues to remember... but it's so much fun.

          Oh Mighty Wing

            nice job on the 14miler Kimmie!! And yes 10K tomorrow! Hope it goes well!! Dave - nice run! glad to see it felt good! (yeah I logstalked... that's how I roll)
              Greetings from Vegas!! Getting ready for bed..Its 8:30. Marathon at 6:00. Ate good the last 2 days, lots of good carbs, and am well hydrated. I think I'll be good. I am a bit tired, but that should guarantee a good nights sleep. Got a good 7-8 hours last night. Took it easy today. The conditions should be perfect. I like my chances to get my goal. Ideally I would have liked some rest last week..but nothing ever goes perfectly..I have gotteen in eliptical and treadmill work thats not logged.. Im bib 4730. I dont think theres any live updating. I will try to post from my blackberry after its over.


                Kimmie, I'm shocked we have almost the same weather, although wind can really make a 22F day much worse. Shan, That is one tough day. If I didnt' run on day like that I'd probably drink. Smile I like hearing about the stories with your students. I can safely say over 50% of my teachers could give a rats ass how their students do. They decide who they liked, who was smart, and that was how it was. Glad to hear your one of the exceptional teachers, just as I would have expected. Erika, My gym membership is hardly being used, except for taking the kids to the kiddie pool. I use it more in the summer though. Great job on the double and your DS basketball. My entire house, stove, fridge everything is clean. My heart was kind of racing mid-day (ya I know I shouldn't get so worked up, I just run around like a chicken with his head cut off getting everything done and forget to breath). So anyway I say down and focused on Shan's words to sit and smile. When I did get on TM (late!) I ran very nice for an hour. GOOD LUCK MURPHY!! GOOD LUCK SHAN!!



                  Today's the big day, Murphy!! I actually thought about you doing the whole pre-race thing when I woke up this morning. Sort of glad I didn't have a marathon today Tongue Shan, what is your goal/strategy for the 10K? I know I had talked about being there but as it turned out my older daughter has a chorus recital today and I need to be there for her. Way to stick it out on the treadmill, Bugs. Brian, how is that knee feeling? Woke up to the first light dusting of snow of the season (I can almost hear Erika and Bugs groan at that one with the weather you've been dealing with). Kids were excited yesterday, even more than the usual pre-Christmas crazies. Went out for my short route (3.8) yesterday and felt so good I extended it to a bit over 5. Looking back, my legs hadn't been right since my heavy miles leading up to my marathon in October. Once they got tweaky, I sort of alternated rest/runs to the point where my taper got me to the starting line healthy. My point is that the layoff weeks appear to be paying benefits. Legs felt good yesterday and felt fine coming down my stairs this morning (sort of how I grade them). Peach, if you're reading this, a month off won't kill you. If you've got the green light, start now and pull back to a HM if you don't think you're prepared well enough. Easy runs to everyone except Shan (who should smoke her 10K) and Murph because a marathon is never easy.

                  I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                  Oh Mighty Wing

                    Bugs - I'm glad you sat and smiled and get a little exercise in! And your house thanks you for the clean job!!! Dave - Chorus recitals are SO much more important than races!! My goal is sub-1. I have a friend with the same goal so I'm gonna just pace off of her and not even wear my watch. I'm actually really really nervous which is weird - much more so than the monkey. I only had like one night of nerves for the monkey, I've been nervous about this for a couple days. I guess it's the time goal and my concern over lack of preparation. who knew those things would affect me at some point! Smile So Race isn't till 1 so I get the added pleasure of sitting around all morning being nervous. boo!


                      I think you can go under an hour, Shan, but it won't be easy. Looking forward to a race report. Also, thanks for asking about the promotion Kim. I have a picture from it that I'll pass along to anyone curious but you have to email me to get it. My mother and her husband came up from SC and I managed not to say anything too silly in my little speech afterwards. MTA: I let the dogs out today on my run. Hills and tempo stuff with my last half mile before cooldown at 6:50 pace. Might not have been smart but damn it felt good Big grin

                      I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                      Oh Mighty Wing

                        there's the Dave I've missed! I look forward to chasing down your miles soon. aww many i'm nervous... i'm thinking about heading over - sure it's only 11 and the race doesn't start till 1, but i'm going crazy sitting here!

                        Oh Mighty Wing

                          Gun Time - 58:05!!!


                            And there's the Shan we're all just getting to know!! 58:05! You didn't just sneak under, you smoked it. MTA: I logstalked you just before you posted it. How was it?

                            I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                            Oh Mighty Wing

                              haha IT WAS AWESOME!!!! I ran with a girl whose goal was under 1. i've run with her a couple times so I knew we are good running together. Coach told me to go run with her and have a good time. So I did - she kept reeling me in because I apparently like to go fast - I know we did a sub-9 mile somewhere in there in all my excitement. OHH and the wind was against us the WHOLE freaking way!! So at the end there is big behind hill so we hauled up it and I thought I was gonna die. With like .5 left I picked some dude and said I'm beating him. And I told her to do the same. And then I was off - I just couldn't hold back anymore!!! So off I went chasing down this guy and with like .1 left I flew past!!! Did a nice dry heave once I crossed the line and prayed that wasn't my finish photo!! PS My chip time will be sub 58. I will be adjusting to that time when the results post online! Big grin


                                Murph, since you posted your number, I'm going to assume that you don't mind me spilling the beans on your time: 5:27:43 - Way to hang in there. I know it wasn't quite at your goal but it was still faster than your September marathon.

                                I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.