Marathon Trainers


Week of 4/19 (and 2 days late) (Read 191 times)


    1 hour teaching cycle


    2 miles on treadmill  ( no calf pain)  Slower than normal but trying to be smart and come back easy.  It wont last,  I am bound to get stupid sometime soon.


    20 minutes elliptical.



    Kimmie,  our tri coach made us practice  taking water cups and drinking them at full speed on the college track.


    Every lap we would grab some water from a person holding out,  learn how to not spill it while we grabbed it, and then pinch the cup,  drink  it a sip at a time,  and then throw the paper cup in the trashcan next to the track.


    You had to time the sips with your breathing,  and no slowing down allowed.   You only drank a sip or two then threw the cup away so you didnt get bloated.


    After a mile,  we would trade places and hand out the water while the other half of the class ran and practiced drinking.


    On the road again...

      Ahhh, water drinking drills.  I should try those during my next interval workout.

      Had a fantastic 35 minute run this morning.  Weather was cool, I was relaxed, and it just turned out awesome.  Plus, it's Friday.

      I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.



        Thanks you guys.   I definitely could have shortened it a tad.

        Great pics of Jeremy.  I hope to get the pictures from Greg's camera and post them.  I still feel bad about not meeting Jeremy or Pam.  Jeremy was telling me he was near the water tower in the village.   I said, I don't see a water tower.

        When we started heading to the start, there it is.... huge, (like water towers are, I guess).... so that was kind of funny, that I couldn't see that.

        I need to be sent lots of quick, recovery vibes.   I am heading out to run the 200 mile relay that I ran last year.  Only last year, I hadn't just run a marathon.   I am wishing I hadn't signed up now.  This is too crazy for me.  My toes have blisters.   Oh well, I'll just do the best I can.

        Have a good one all!   I'm excited for you to run Grandmas,. Bugs.

        I realized later that I didn't mention that I saw Erika before the start (she was with Holly)   It was great to see her smiling face as she headed off to her fast corral.  Smile


          Hail to The Victors!

            Thanks you guys.   I definitely could have shortened it a tad.

            Great pics of Jeremy.  I hope to get the pictures from Greg's camera and post them.  I still feel bad about not meeting Jeremy or Pam.  Jeremy was telling me he was near the water tower in the village.   I said, I don't see a water tower.



            Part of that was my fault, too.  I had no idea that you might have come in a different way and not seen the watertowers (I guess they are standpipes in New England, since they aren't on stilts).  I did wander down by the info tent for a bit, but when they started calling us to go out at 9:15, I pretty much hightailed it out of there. 


            Good luck on the relay!


              Ordered my bike today, need something to XT with, when something hurts so I can at least be outside. TRI one day, ENOUGH money spent on registrations for now.


              Cash, I got a 2010 Specialized Dolce Elite. Was $896. Hoping to avoid spending tons of more cash on bike stuff.


              45 minutes of ellipitical this morning, and 3+ miles at a 8:37 pace. Why do I suck at running fast short miles? I ran 20 miles Sunday easily at a 9:00 min pace. My splits at the end of the 20 were faster than my shorter runs. Really just have no no speed now. Determined to get some faster miles in.



                Pacing an 11 old girl in a 5K tomorrow. 90% chance of rain. This could be interesting.



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                  ...My splits at the end of the 20 were faster than my shorter runs...


                  Maybe it just takes you a while to get warmed up?

                  It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                    That is a very nice bike Bugs.


                    Now you just need pedals ( no pedals don't usually come with nice bikes)   bike shoes, a helmet, a bike jersey


                    A saddle bag,  spare tube,  bike pump,   padded bike shorts,   cycle computer,  well actually if you have a garmin that would do fine for that.   If you get a cycle computer get one with cadence.  It will help with your running.   Should be under 30 dollars.



                    Make your first rides short.  Under a half hour and even 10 minutes would be fine.    It will take a dozen rides for your butt to get used to the seat.




                      Healing vibes.    Running a relay with blistered toes sounds like an adventure.


                      On the road again...

                        Kimmie - Hope your relay goes well.

                        Lou - saw on FB that your hammie was twinging during your run.  Hope it's nothing too major.

                        Ran a bit under 11 miles this morning to finish up my first plus-30 mile week in a long time.

                        Have a great week-end everyone.

                        I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.



                          super quick fly by....

                          Relay was awesome.  I love adrenaline.  It makes you do things that you thought you couldn't do.

                          I ran 6 miles in 8:10 pace (hilly)  , 4 miles in 8:30 pace (pitch dark and hilly)  and 5 miles in 8:40 pace (flat, but on a trail- partially dark and then the sun came up)

                          Amazed that I could run when I was creaking down the stairs yesterday.

                          I want to add more details soon.  Relays are a blast.


                            That is a very nice bike Bugs.


                            Now you just need pedals ( no pedals don't usually come with nice bikes)   bike shoes, a helmet, a bike jersey

                            A saddle bag,  spare tube,  bike pump,   padded bike shorts,   cycle computer,  well actually if you have a garmin that would do fine for that.   If you get a cycle computer get one with cadence.  It will help with your running.   Should be under 30 dollars.



                            Make your first rides short.  Under a half hour and even 10 minutes would be fine.    It will take a dozen rides for your butt to get used to the seat.


                            Cash, it has pedals, no clip-ons which is fine. So I can wear old running shoes. I do have clip-on shoes from cycling class. Got the helmet. I may need the jersey, because I think it is good to be a bold bright color. I have the garmin for now. I bought the saddle bag, spare tube, and water carriage already. I did not buy the tube, because I just assumed the cute guy that stops to help me change my flat would have one. Eventually I'll get one.


                            Had a great 5K race this morning, will likely write a race report.






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                              Wearing running shoes on the bike ride makes T2 a bit easier Smile


                              I ran an unplanned 5K this morning, and had a good time; I didn't even notice that it rained on us. Race report in my log.

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                                17 miles on the bike today.


                                Bugs I thought about you a lot on the bike today.   Mostly cuz I did stupid stuff,  and was thinking you should talk to Bugs about that.



                                Always wear sunglasses.  I see you have them.  Wrap around are best.   Keeps the bugs out of your eyes.


                                Something to keep the sweat out of your eyes.    I use a Halo Headband.  It has a rubber strip on the inside, so when the band is fully soaked,   the sweat  winds up dripping  outside of your eyebrows rather than into your eyes.



                                I almost crashed twice today,  as my eyes were stinging with salt sweat, couldnt see and had cars nearby.   I stopped  and then wiped my eyes dry.    Forgot the headband.   Its in the helmet for next time.  


                                Sweat is easy to deal with as a runner,  but on a bike when you lean forward it drips into your eyes much more than as a runner.   Plus at 20 miles an hour and having to keep your hands on the handle bars,  its more dangerous.


                                Get the spare tube.  A cheap one is 3 dollars.   The cute guy will probably forget an extra.


                                Bike gloves.   They have terry cloth on the back of the thumb and forefinger to wipe off sweat  or snot.


                                Your nose will run on the bike even on a warm day.   The breeze from your own forward motion will cause it.


                                Good thing you are a runner and already know about snot rockets,   or as my Brit friend calls them,  Air Hankies.



                                Always carry your cell phone in the saddle bag.     You dont need to answer calls or make calls while moving.


                                But  if you get a flat in the middle of nowhere, and no cute guys to help you out,   it sure is nice to call the hubby and say come get me.


                                Oh and another reason for bike gloves.   When you fall you will put your hand out.  ( It is a matter of when, not if you are gonna fall over.  Mostly when you are at a complete stop,  in front of  middle school kids, and people you know)


                                The glove will keep your hand from turning into hamburger meat.   You will still be bruised   but the glove will take 90 percent of the abrasions.
