Marathon Trainers

10/20-10/26 (Read 332 times)

    Erica..hope the foot felt good tonight on your test. Bugs..Im sure its nothing..and dont sweat the streaking. I made it 7 days myself. It sort of consumed did motivate me to get some needed miles in, but it became a burden fairly quickly and I realized that it could potentially be counter-productive. But thats just me. For Shan, I think its a great thing..that log is impressive. 6 miles tonight. At first I had thoughts of 12..may have gone for it but didnt get out til 930 tonight. The 6 felt great though, no real sign of what I put them through on Sunday. Just a little rubbery up the last bit of hills. Oh, and I have pains. Miraculously though (knocking on wood) Ive really had no leg or foot problems. My back gets very stiff, but no real problems since Spring. It actually feels better when I run. ITs about time for new shoes. I should get them bbefore the marathon. My running store is gone. SO I gotta find someone else with my Sauconys. Im kinda shivering now. SO time to get a hot shower and some food. Havent really eaten all day, come to think of it.





        SHAN! I have an idea. You should have a goal of running a marathon twice a month. Only you can run your marathon miles all week. Have to hit exactly 26.2 though. Smile Weather for Iowa on Sunday NOT GOOD..13-24 mph wind. This could be an easy decesion.


        Oh Mighty Wing

          hahaha Bugs you are too funny! I mentioned that in another forum just the other day... as reasons I could still run the marathon in November... LOL (i was mostly kidding about that thought) Streaking works really well for my obsessive nature. Otherwise i'm not motivated enough. But that's not for everyone. I also don't have kiddies at home and so I can easily go right after school every day. So don't beat yourself up over it. Not everything can be for everyone. I'm sorry to hear about all the aches and pains going on. I hope they quickly heal or at least diminish significantly. I tried a little something new yesterday. After 1 mile I found that I was really tight and getting through that mile was not fun. So I hopped off the dreadmill and went to a stationary bike. I did that for 5-10 minutes and then I hopped off that and went back to the dreadmill. I found 2 things: that change was brick-esq and it was weird on my legs, and 2 my legs had loosened up significantly and the next mile was pleasant - could have gone farther but I needed to pee and spot some kid. So slowly i'm figuring out that I really need to get warmed up first. MTA: You guys are too nice about my log. It only feels impressive until I look at the y-axis.


            Dave, so you're resting your leg, or it still hurts?
            Both. I'm resting it. And its improving but it still hurts. Joint stuff, not muscles or tendons. Mainly my right knee. Makes me even grumpier. Plan right now is to continue to rest and stretch it and hopefully by Sunday morning it will be OK. I'll run it unless its really bad. Now about all those easy miles. It is so easy for people to immediately retort with "run more miles" as the solution to everything. Can't run more miles? Run more slowly and run more miles. It does get old. It is mostly right but not right for everyone. Sometimes the answer is building the base with easy and then adding speed with fewer, faster miles. My own training was an undisciplined muddle but it did include both. Except now my knee is pissed off. Hopefully it all comes together by race day. There's always motrin.

            I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


              Shan, I haven't heard anyone say "Y-axis" since . . . well, I don't even remember. I know you teach, but is it math? DW teaches 6th grade math & science, but I never hear her say Y-axis, so that must come later. Think I'll get out and run today. The ankle feels quite a bit better, but all sorts of other basketball related muscles are sore. I think a few easy miles will help that for sure.

              Oh Mighty Wing

                hahaha I teach Chemistry. We do a WHOLE thing on graphing.
                Mr Inertia

                Suspect Zero

                  So, in summary: aches and pains Dave's a nut he's grumpy now I have to wear green tights and a cape am I missing anything? I'm having a hard time keeping up since things are crazy right now. Non running life is hectic. Running life is better than it has ever been. Did an easy 9.5 miles this morning. It was pretty cold. I generally wear shorts until it drops below freezing. It was 33ish when I let the dog out at 4:15 so I put on my tights (inside out). They're black, it was dark, nobody noticed. Behave (or not). I'll poke my head later.

                    We have to stay positive, Dave. Smile My back/neck ? (it's moving) is killing me so I'm not running today... although I think running helps to loosen it up. I'll decide if I need to run on sat. to loosen up but probably not. One more dr. visit and I should be good. One thing I have noticed is that minor aches and pains seem to go away on marathon day. I've been lucky that way. And it looks like the weather is going to cooperate.


                      Kimmie, I seemed to have fugged up my shoulders as they constantly hurt. The only thing that has helped is a masage. I got a masage for JUST the back and shoulders there days before marathon. My back did not hurt. Now a massage for the legs I would never recommend. Up to you as I had tested doing this before LRs. I'm going to a masage specialest next week. I think that if I could just get the crackling out of it whatever is wrong would be fixed. Shan, The streaking just seems so pointless. However I've been running EASY everyday and my legs feel better than they have in six months. You should do the 26.2 weekly thing. It would entertaining. Inertia, I have a Mr. Incrediable costume if that's more your style? Dave, I would do some easy JOGGING 20-30 minutes. When you heal your body makes some scar tissue crap. If you stay active it will break it up. My main plan for next year is to run more runs EASY and more runs HARD. This season I had a crater full of medium workouts. Every time I got gas in the tank I used it up and never saved myself for a butt burning workout. No more of that. LOL, "Butt Burning Run" - I should put that in my log.



                        Nice summary, Inertia. And you get no arguments from me on the nut thing. Nut job may have been more accurate though Wink I'm taking Bugs' advice and heading out for a nice easy 4 miles. Despite a major win for me at work this morning after 3 days of working long hours to make it happen, I'm still grumpy. Not running doesn't agree with me. Kimmie, do you realize that packet pick up opens in a few hours?

                        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.



                          I know.... when are you going? My plan is to be there tomorrow around 11ish. Have you decided what to wear based on the weather? I overdressed for Philly two years ago- it was 40ish at the start and 60ish at the finish... and I wore tights, jacket, gloves, hat... way too much. So, I'm thinking garbage bag, my RUN ASHBURN singlet, race ready shorts and maybe some cheap gloves that I can throw away. still thinking... I've run 5 marathons and 4 of them were " record breaking heat" for that day. That's probably an exaggeration but except for Philly, they've all been warm. Bugs, I will go to the doc today and he does massage too. I think I will be fine. I just wish it didn't hurt now.


                            Kimmie - Smart Move Dave - Going to chop suwie you if you run too fast.


                            Oh Mighty Wing

                              Bugs - honestly it keeps me motivated. That's the only reason I do it. It helps me be consistant.
                                Heh, Bugs.... "Streaking seems pointless" "However I've been running EASY everyday and my legs feel better than they have in six months." hmmmmmm I think its a heckuva accomplishment to get out everyday and very difficult. It shows a consistant determination. I know I can't do it for an extended period. I had an epiphany of sorts yesterday...this will be long. When I first started running, I had the impossible goal to run a marathon 5 months later when I couldnt even run a single mile. The goal seemed impossible--but it was very, very meaningful to me. Pretty much ever since the 2nd one, Ive cut big-time corners on training. Ive had a goal of 5 hours, and really I should have obtained that by marathon 2 or 3. Breaking 5 hours would feel good..but not OMG I cant believe I did it, good. Breaking 5 hours would mean only that I didnt have to stop and walk the last 3 miles. My goal for next year is to break 4 hours. If I can go from couch to marathon in 5 months, I can go from 5:15 to 3:59:59 in one year. I can use all the pushing and encouragement you guys got. I will post my email in my profile. If I stop checking in, email my butt to make sure Im on track. I will run 40-50 miles a week, and lots of long runs. I enjoy the long runs, but dont get enough in. Run/walking the long runs in training feels great, and I feel that strategy will help me log much more miles. Ive found that somehow my body is very resiliant. I hurt like hell after my marathons because I havent completely trained for them, but almost always feel perfectly fine 2-3 days later. Time to push myself again, and not just on race day. I will probably post this in the general forum and risk the scorn, because that is what motivates me.