Marathon Trainers

Thanksgiving week (Read 248 times)

Mr Inertia

Suspect Zero

    Did a couple miles tonight. Feel really good. The Wii Fit isnt bad. I think most people already in great shape dont think it does enough, those who have a lot to do seem to get more out of it. If you want one, email me..Ive got a garage full (thats my 2nd job--selling that kinda stuff on the internets)..
    I might be interested, but I don't have you e-mail. is mine.


      GOOD LUCK SHAN! Dam I wish I had a turkey trot to go too... I feel like I ran a marathon today. I cleaned my house, including windows, made a snowman, did laundry, bought groceries, wrapped presents, painted my bathroom, got my son ice skates so he can twirl tomorrow, and ran an hour. Gotta go bake now. Yes


        Talked DW into letting me take DS to a 4 mile fun run tomorrow. Just costs a bag or two of canned food for the local food bank. Strollers and pets welcome and lots of giveaways after. Think she's just happy we'll be out of her hair so she can bake pies. Also got the hall pass for the 5k I want to run Saturday. Did some sort of speed workout last night (.5 mile warmup, 1 mile at 7:00, .5 mile jog, .5 miles at 7:00, .5 mile cooldown) maybe that's intervals, maybe fartlek, anyway, it gave me confidence to make a run at 22:00 to 22:30 for the 5k. PR is 23:26. Oh, and the streak is at 8 days. Trying to have a 3 mile minimum, but that might not last long. Oh, and Bugs and Shan (AKA, my wife's secret agents), I hardly did any cleaning, though we did buy furniture for the baby room and I drug crap all over the place.


          Brian, That kind of "work" works too. Wink


          Oh Mighty Wing

            Oh, and Bugs and Shan (AKA, my wife's secret agents), I hardly did any cleaning, though we did buy furniture for the baby room and I drug crap all over the place.
            That is good AND you offered to take the kiddo out for a little bit which means she can do anything she wants - bake pies, take a bath, paint her toe nails... you are a good man!
            Mr Inertia

            Suspect Zero

              Good morning all! Got in a quick 6 this morning wth a running friend that I haven't been able to run with in a while. So much to be thankful for. Here's just a few big ones Faith Family Health Country You guys running the vast abundance I am blessed with on a daily basis to the point it is difficult not to take for granted. Have a great thanksgiving everyone.

              Oh Mighty Wing

                Happy thanksgiving!!! Turkey Trot Unofficial Time - 28:18!!!! I hope you all find things to be happy for AND eat alot!


                  Did you say 28:18? Shocked Shocked As in 9:08 pace? That is awesome, Shan!! This is turning into a strange Thanksgiving day for us. Got up, the house was cold. Furnace is out. I'm pretty handy so I did some troubleshooting and think I've identified the problem but there is no way to get a part today. Space heaters and baking until tomorrow when we can get someone out here. I made some raisin bread in the breakmaker with our 3 year old. Only problem was that I put the raisins in too late (distracted with the heater) and they all ended up on the outside. It looks sort of like a raisin porcupine. Big grin Turkey had been in the refrigerator all week, pulled it out and its frozen solid. Excellent. Doing the rapid thaw thing in the sink. We'll see if that works. Even with all this, I can only say how truly thankful and blessed that our family has been over the last year. Grateful for our good friends (of which I count all of you), great kids, happy marriage, growing faith, and good health. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving everyone

                  I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                  Oh Mighty Wing

                    Dave, I'm sorry there is soo much going on in your house! I hope with all the heat issue you and yours are still smiling!!! Official time is 28:33 - stupid back-up at the start! Still pretty amazing!!! 5k in July - 32:38 5K in November - 28:33 Not to shabby at all!! Now to get ready for the 10K next weekend!! Then I promise I'll take some time to base build and prep really well for the half in March!

                      Shan's turning into quite the running fool! Good job, girl! That's quite the improvement in your times. Dave, sorry to hear you're having furnace problems on Thanksgiving. Things like that always seem to happen on holidays or the middle of the night. We ran out of dog food this morning. Stoopid kids are supposed to tell me when it's getting low, and this morning there was about a half cup left. Poor dog. Guess she'll eat biscuits till tomorrow. I was thinking of trying an outdoor run today, but that was when the forecast was for a high of 10. Now it's a balmy -16F out there, and not looking like it'll get to the high of zero. Looks like it might be a treadmill run after all. Phooey. Happy Thanksgiving, guys! We're going to my parents' for dinner with my siblings and all the kids. It'll be a zoo, I'm sure.
                        I am officially a runner now. Months ago I finally got the "Run Forrest" from some teenagers I ran by. Today, I finished the transition when our neighbor's mother asked me "What's the longest marathon you've run" after DW brought up marathons because I was wearing a shirt from some random race (a 15k I think). I told her 26 miles, absorbed the usual "I don't even drive that far" comments, and went on with the afternoon. Just thought I'd share, it was kinda funny because she's an older lady. DW didn't notice at the time, but laughed when I told her about it a few minutes ago. Ran about a 7k fun run this morning with DS, he had fun because we brought Rice Chex for him to snack on the whole time. Kinda bummed, the 5k I wanted to run Saturday isn't officially timed. Guess they'll have a clock, but I'll wait for a race that's a little more formal. There's one the 13th I think. Hey Shan, great PR! Congrats! Hope everyone had a great turkey day.

                          Hey all! Happy thanksgiving! Great race times... So I ran this morning a 4 miler. Time 31:16. I thought it Would be faster. I have some excuses.... Want to hear them?  17 hours in the car makes my legs stiff. It was 68 and sunny... Hot... 25 last weekend Locals wore tights . No joke . Oh well. Still a fun day. I'm thankful for you guys too.
                            I might be interested, but I don't have you e-mail. is mine.
                            im at inlaws. But my email is in my sig--just cant get to the email until saturday. Anyone reads this and wants to wake up in the morning. will have them midnight pacific time. You will likely have to get them within minutes of that time. If you order through me, I have to charge a premium since I buy mine at retail (or above).

                              Great improvment Shan! Gonna have to start calling you Speedy Shan now. Today was watching football with my best friend and then out to a pub for a late lunch. Counts as cross training in my book. You don't expect to manly men to cook a turkey do you? For my fren Erika: Andrew Getzin, MD Member AMSSM It is accepted lore by most athletes and coaches that stretching before vigorous activity is essential. This idea has been promoted for years by sports medicine and exercise specialists who believed that if an athlete did not stretch properly he would have an increased risk for injury. According to Shehab et al. 1, 95% of Michigan high school coaches advised their athletes to stretch and felt that stretching decreased injury risk. Wikipedia defines stretching as the deliberate act of lengthening muscles to increase muscle flexibility and/or joint range of motion. There is strong evidence in the medical literature that stretching does increase muscle length when done consistently. Increased muscle length can translate into improved joint function. As people age there is a physiologic decrease in flexibility and joint range of motion. Many older people can improve their functioning and quality of life by stretching. In addition, I am reminded every time I watch my daughter’s gymnastics team practice that there are some sports one cannot do if one doesn’t have sufficient flexibility. However, in my sports medicine practice, I increasingly see many patients who are too flexible and their joints have become unstable. When the joint becomes unstable (as we often see in swimmer’s shoulder) there is an increased risk of overuse injury or dislocation because joint motion is excessively increased. Studies looking at stretching have had mixed results. It is a difficult intervention to examine because stretching is ingrained in the psyche of so many athletes that they are unwilling to act as a control group. Most studies that have been done have been compromised by both the control and stretching groups doing warm-ups. Thacker et al. 2, in a 2004 review on stretching from the CDC, found only six studies that met their inclusion criteria. The pooled data from these studies showed that the group that stretched is not injured less frequently. Herbet et al. 3, in another meta-analysis, found that stretching does not decrease post-exercise soreness. And Craib et al. 4 showed in a group of sub-elite distance runners that a lack of flexibility correlates with an increase in running efficiency. Some people love to stretch because it makes them feel good. I am not trying to discourage people from doing things they enjoy. I tell the extremely flexible triathletes whom I see in my practice that they would benefit more from time spent weight training (especially if they are 40 years or older, when muscle mass loss tends to increase) and I discourage flexibility work. It is better to spend their limited time doing things that have been shown to improve performance (such as plyometrics or working on swim form) and to decrease injury (such as weight training).


                                Cash, who are you calling old? Wink No running for me yesterday. I seem to be falling into a cycle of running every other day. Will still probably hit 30 this week though. I managed to fix my furnace myself. It was something called a hot surface ignitor. Pretty easy to change out once I got the part. Part was expensive ($70) but had I called in a tech, it would've been $300. Yay me. Hope everyone is enjoying their (hopefully) day off.

                                I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.