Drinkers with a Running Problem

Next Party? (Read 569 times)

The voice of mile 18

    no way I'm doing a marathon with 11 weeks training what other options do I have for that day?

     Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 


      There's a 5 person relay.
        We have five people!! Pam Pam's husband Scout Joe Me


        The voice of mile 18

          that might be doable. when is this shindig happening?

           Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 

            that might be doable. when is this shindig happening?
            You aren't paying attention are you? Sunday, Sept. 9th. Big grin


            The voice of mile 18

              You aren't paying attention are you? Sunday, Sept. 9th. Big grin
              sorry thinking about redheads

               Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 


                *snerk* It was funnier before the edit......

                The voice of mile 18

                  yeah well i'm new here not sure what I can get away with

                   Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 


                    We'll be gentle.
                      True! How far from the race are you? Will you have any extra sleeping space at your house the night before?
                      Not too far from me. I think it's like a 5-10 minute drive depending on traffic. Definetly will have extra sleeping space!

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                        I've been thinking (I know, dangerous act)...and I don't think I'll be marathon ready by Sept 9th. Maybe by November, but no sooner. I think I'll pass on the Lehigh Valley race. A marathon is a huge jump from the 13.1 being the most miles I've run at once. Sad



                          We could consider doing the relay.....

                          The voice of mile 18

                            ok back to the important stuff: my drinking
                            an old friend is packing up and moving west to colorado to chase his ex-girlfriend so tomorrow night we will be gathering up some old friends and drinking in his honour. but the best part is my parents will be watching the darling rugrats and want them to sleepover! Shocked looks like I'm calling in sick friday.
                            grumble grumble grumble. the party has fallen apart my friend is too busy to make and everyone else is bailing. looks like i;m drinking alone

                             Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 


                            I've got a fever...

                              looks like i;m drinking alone
                              I don't know about you, but when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.

                              On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                                I don't know about you, but when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.
                                *snerk* Thanks, George.