Flying Pig 2010


Less then a month left (Read 256 times)


Run like a kid again!

    So how is the training going for everyone? I have two bum knees that keep acting up but besides that I am on track. Still not a 100% sure what pace to run at but I have an idea. One more long run and then I can start to slow down a bit. So how are you doing?
      2011 Goals:
      Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
      Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

      Still plodding along. Can't wait for better weather. Cold and rainy here in New England. Any predictions for weather on race day? Don't have much faith in the weather service.
        I have been side lined by a a stomach virus or food posioning that wrecked me and somehow left me with a badly pulled muscle in my left leg. Shocked Hopefully I can bounce back by the end of this week and salvage a good week before taper starts.

        Run like a kid again!

          Are you doing a two week taper or a three week taper?
            2011 Goals:
            Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
            Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)
            2 for sure now, after the sickness ate up a week

            Moving right along....

              20 miler this weekend and then the taper!!! Bearcat, I did a post on your ITB's that going? Is it getting better? Ready for taper madness! Jen
              By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin

              Run like a kid again!

                Thanks for asking Jen. The ITB is still an issue. I'm hoping not to push it too hard so that it can recover during the taper Smile I'm not very good at not pushing it though. I've limited my hard work outs to two a week. I'm looking forward to the taper. I am thinking about making my last 20 miler an easier 20 (no hills). I can't imagine anyone not ready for the taper.
                  2011 Goals:
                  Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                  Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)
                  Hope the ITBS goes away. The taper should help- the tendon will rub more against your knee when it is swollen/inflamed. Hopefully you will notice the ITBS getting better during your taper as the workload (and swelling) decreases. I am pretty much recovered form my injury. If I can pull of a 20-miler this weekend w/o a relapse, I'm back in and will probably sign up at the Expo.
                    I am pretty much recovered form my injury. If I can pull of a 20-miler this weekend w/o a relapse, I'm back in and will probably sign up at the Expo.
                    You're back in??? Great news Ace.... Maybe I'll still have a chance to finish before you.....maybe.

                    Run like a kid again!

                      Ace: Did you get that 20 in? Are you ready to sign up?
                        2011 Goals:
                        Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                        Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)
                        I got the 20 in. The run went great, but I am still in recovery mode from it. I had not run more than 10 miles outside for 7 weeks prior to that 20. I will probably sign up unless I have a horrible flu or something. My parents are confirmed for babysitters since my wife will be on the course as well, so everything should be all set.