Flying Pig 2010


So who is ready to run the PIG (Read 195 times)


Run like a kid again!

    I really hate the taper time.  I'm not used to running so I have too much free time now.  I've decided not to do swimming much since it gave me that one cramp and messed me up for a couple of days.  So now it is reading while the kids do soccer practice (which I enjoy catching up on) and maybe some weight lifting.  This week won't be so bad as I am off two days but next week is gonna be a killer with the light running.   I'm trying not to PIG out so as not to gain too much weight. 


    What are you guys doing to pass the time?


      2011 Goals:
      Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
      Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

    Lia's Daddy

       I'm trying not to PIG out so as not to gain too much weight. 


      What are you guys doing to pass the time?



      I'm in the same boat. I am trying to focus on two things I neglect during the peak training. I am focusing on nutrition and sleep. I feel totally lazy. I'm still running everyday but just once a day with a lot fewer miles. Going to try to keep it under 35 miles this week. I agree, next week is going to be crazy-making!

      "Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better." Juha "the Cruel" Väätäinen

        I have a good distraction.  I'm moving this weekend.  We sold our house (closing on 4/26) and we are moving out on 4/25.  Moving my family of 4 into my parents house for a few weeks.  It should be interesting. 


        And I'm trying to stay away from Chipotle because it will make me fat. 


        Now what pace to run....

        nothing to see here.  


        Run like a kid again!

          Chipotle won't make you fat if you don't eat too much of it.  You have to get some carbs in your system.  Stay away from the wrap and get the bowl though.
            2011 Goals:
            Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
            Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

          Lia's Daddy

            I have a good distraction.  I'm moving this weekend.  We sold our house (closing on 4/26) and we are moving out on 4/25.  Moving my family of 4 into my parents house for a few weeks.  It should be interesting. 


            I've got all this pent up energy so I decided to install a sliding glass door in my kitchen on Saturday. I mean, what else am I going to do with my time?

            "Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better." Juha "the Cruel" Väätäinen

            Run like a kid again!

              I actually considered pulling weeds in our flower beds but I think it is supposed to rain most of this weekend.  Lord help me if all of the soccer games get cancelled.  Those were supposed to help me pass the time.
                2011 Goals:
                Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)