Flying Pig 2010


Ault Park 20 miler 4/12/2008 (Read 199 times)

    Did anyone else do the 20 miler in Ault Park yesterday? That course is just plain hard. Doing the first half of the pig as the last half of a 20 is mean.... I did it in 3:39, not bad considering the hills and my goal is 4:30 for the marathon.
      CfKid: I ran into a guy downtown after my run Saturday who did the Ault Park 20. I did the Pig hill + the Erie S-curve uphill and the Linwood uphill from Mt Lookout (towards Eastern- the up before you go down). My last 6 miles on Eastern were against a 20 mph wind. Anyway, I thought my course was tough until I heard about yours. Unless i am real sick or the weather prediction is just terrible, I will probably sign up at the Expo. I really do not have much of a pace plan- just survive. If I had to guess from your training stats, we may come into the finish chute not too far apart.

      Moving right along....

        OMG!!! I did it!!! I'm very humbled after that experience. I definitely did not do mine quickly---just over 4 hours I think. Had I known that that course was going to include not only the Pig hills, but also the Raggae hills, I probably would have chickened out! Now that it's done, I believe I can actually make it in the Pig. If I'm still up and moving next year, I think I'll do it again! But then I have a few months to think on that.....
        By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin

        Run like a kid again!

          Yes mixing Ault Park and Eden park together is not the best of ideas. Who did you guys run with to do that run. Are you with Meters and Miles or with Fleet Feet? I run with Bob Ronckers running group.
            2011 Goals:
            Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
            Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

          Moving right along....

            Yes mixing Ault Park and Eden park together is not the best of ideas. Who did you guys run with to do that run. Are you with Meters and Miles or with Fleet Feet? I run with Bob Ronckers running group.
            I'm with Meters and Miles, but this run was organized by Team in Training. Apparently it's done every year. Rockner was represented did not do this run Bearcat??? Hmmmmmmmmm
            By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
              I run with Team for Life, a group out of Fleet Feet, which is fund raising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. It was a hard run, but I felt good that I could conquer the hills even after already running 12. Can't wait until race day.

              Run like a kid again!

                Amazing how many running groups are in Cincinnati. I've run those hills a lot of times and you should be very proud of yourselves for being able to run them. I'm kind of glad and jealous that you guys got to run that. Not running this week is killing me! However, if I had known about the 20 I would have probablly run that and then just hurt my ITB more then it is already. It must be great having that confidence at this time. Mine is wavering a little right now. I will know more after my run Saturday morning. Now make sure you get a good taper in and anytime you start to doubt yourself remember that run! Sounds like you are ready to conquer the PIG. I plan on having a Bacon and ham grilled cheese Sunday night for dinner after the race!
                  2011 Goals:
                  Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                  Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)