Flying Pig 2010


Flying Pig 2010 Recap (Read 269 times)

Savoir c'est pouvoir

    How was your race? Did the Pig meet or exceed your expectations?


    I'm just now getting around to writing up a race report and will post it when I'm finished. In the mean time, here's the quick and dirty version:


    I ran a well-paced race and finished better than I could have hoped for considering the conditions we were dealing with. I think that on a flatter course with cooler temps, I would have been about 5 minutes faster. Hopefully I'll find out in the fall when I run Columbus or Air Force.


    I stuck with a group of about 15 runners until we got through Hyde Park Square and then slowly pulled away from them. I got to see my family 6 times along the course. My wife is becoming an expert at making her way from point to point along the course.


    Here are the time, pace and rank results:


     Mile  Time  Pace  Rank
     6.8  47:41  6:59  74
     13.1  1:30:19  6:54  64
     19.7  2:14:21  6:50  52
     Last Mile
     6:52  6:52  34
     26.2  3:00:09  6:53  44th Overall


    First Half - 1:30:19

    Second Half - 1:29:50 (29 second negative split)


    I came in 7th in the highly competitive 40-44 age group. gives me a 2:51:29 age graded equivalent.


    I like the rank information in the results. It lets you know how well you did against the pack. A good sign is that your rank remains constant or improves as you go. I believe the rank shows your performance in that segment compared to others. 


    I haven't run since but am back to feeling like my old self. The only lasting evidence is one black toenail and some chafing on my arms and legs that is now almost gone. I'm itching to get back out on the trails.


    I was impressed with the volunteers and crowds that came out to cheer us on in the rain. Cheers of encouragement can really help motivate you when you hit a rough patch on the course.


    I hope your race went well.




    Run like a kid again!

      Great race Mike.  I sure hope your assesment is right about the whole 5 minutes thing.  I could use that at indy. 


      I actually walked away from this race without any lasting damage.  No black toenail, no chaffing, just a couple of really sore and tired legs that I am actually resting for once.  I am giving them two more days off and then we are hitting the road again. 


      You are 100% correct about the crowd support.  They really came out and did an awesome job.  You were one of the few to actually negative split.  Amazing.  I took a look at that and was amazed to see the following break down.


      < 3:30 29/124 23%

      < 3:20 10/67  15%

      < 3:10  8/58 14%

      < 3:00  7/43 16%


      I thought maybe the faster runners did a better job at controlling the pace but I think everyone struggles with this.  You are the rare exception. 

        2011 Goals:
        Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
        Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

      Savoir c'est pouvoir

        Great race Mike.  I sure hope your assesment is right about the whole 5 minutes thing.  I could use that at indy. 


        I actually walked away from this race without any lasting damage.  No black toenail, no chaffing, just a couple of really sore and tired legs that I am actually resting for once.  I am giving them two more days off and then we are hitting the road again. 


        You are 100% correct about the crowd support.  They really came out and did an awesome job.  You were one of the few to actually negative split.  Amazing.  I took a look at that and was amazed to see the following break down.


        < 3:30 29/124 23%

        < 3:20 10/67  15%

        < 3:10  8/58 14%

        < 3:00  7/43 16%


        I thought maybe the faster runners did a better job at controlling the pace but I think everyone struggles with this.  You are the rare exception. 


        Interesting analysis.You're a numbers guy too I see. I always dump results into Excel just to sort different ways and analyze the raw data.


         I counted 11/58 in the 3:00:00 - 3:09:59 range (19%) who ran a negative split. (44, 47, 63, 64, 72, 74, 77, 82, 91, 98 and 101)


        Here's more split breakdown:

        In total 544/4110 (13%) ran a negative split and 3,548/4110 (86%) ran positive splits. 18 don't have half splits so you can't tell if it was pos. or neg. overall.


        The closest to even splits was Kenji Heilmann who ran a 1 second positive split (Interestingly, he was a Spot On pace group leader for the 3:40 group).


        The highest negative split was 1:04:51 (Roseanne Sublett) and the worst positive split or biggest "Crash and Burn" was 1:45:25 (Garry Russ). Elizabeth Anderson shows a 2:14:55 positive split but her numbers are all wacky. It took her more than 4 hours to run the second half but then she pulled of a smokin' 6:52 for the last mile?

          Wow.  you guys are bigger number crunchers than me.  I looked at my stats every which way but I didn't really go through the results the way you did.  I'm impressed.

          My feet are pretty sore.  I got some pretty good sized blisters on the inside of my foot by my big toe and the ball of my foot.  I could post pictures but they're pretty gross.  Also my quads are quite sore still. I walked about 3 miles today to work out some of the soreness.  I think I'm going to try running 2-3 miles tomorrow and play some golf.


          As I said in the other thread, I'm not at all disappointed with my time. I figured my lack of experience would lead me to start faster than I should and run some even paces; thus my fade down the back stretch.  I don't know if I should feel relieved that I wasn't alone in that. Granted an 8 minute positive split is no way to finish. 


          nothing to see here.  


          Run like a kid again!

            Did you put body glide on the bottom of your feet Joe.  I find that is always very important to do on runs longer than 13 miles. 


            Joe you should be very happy with that result.  You did awesome.  If you want to switch times I would be happy to do so.


            Mike, I also found it interesting that not many people finished the last leg of the race faster then the first three considering that the course is so much flatter at the end. 


            < 3:30 12/124 10%

            < 3:20    1/67  1.5%

            < 3:10    3/58   5%

            < 3:00    1/43   2%

              2011 Goals:
              Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
              Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

            Lia's Daddy

              I guess I ran a negative split although as close to even as I have ever run.


              Bob Carpenter M 35-39 1034 116/392 811/2452 1:05:39 9:36 1788 2:00:30 9:12 1468 3:00:07 9:09 1279 8:59 8:59 887 4:00:05 9:10

              "Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better." Juha "the Cruel" Väätäinen

              Savoir c'est pouvoir

                I guess I ran a negative split although as close to even as I have ever run.


                Bob Carpenter M 35-39 1034

                 Nice work Bob. I've got you as having ran a 55 second negative split. Note also how your rank goes from 1788 to 1467 to 1279 to 887.

                Savoir c'est pouvoir

                  Did you put body glide on the bottom of your feet Joe.  I find that is always very important to do on runs longer than 13 miles. 


                  Joe you should be very happy with that result.  You did awesome.  If you want to switch times I would be happy to do so.


                  Mike, I also found it interesting that not many people finished the last leg of the race faster then the first three considering that the course is so much flatter at the end. 


                  < 3:30 12/124 10%

                  < 3:20    1/67  1.5%

                  < 3:10    3/58   5%

                  < 3:00    1/43   2%

                   I'm not too surprised. I think the key phrase you mention is "at the end". Everyone is tired at the end despite it being flatter.


                  I would expect mile 6.8 to the half to be the fastest for most people for a few reasons.


                  • They are still pretty fresh
                  • The hills are behind them
                  • There's a net elevation change of -128' compared to -22' for the final segment.
                  • The half runners have split off and the course has opened up
                  • The most crowd support occurs in HP Square
                  • There's a long decline on Erie right before reaching the half

                  Run like a kid again!

                     Nice work Bob. I've got you as having ran a 55 second negative split. Note also how your rank goes from 1788 to 1467 to 1279 to 887.

                     Bob that must have been fun passing all of those people!  I something like that but not nearly as many at Indy two years ago.  Most fun I had at a marathon.  I ran a 3:30 and was flying by people for miles 20-25.  Mile 26 has a hill.  I slowed down some.  Still it is fun to pass people. 

                      2011 Goals:
                      Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                      Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

                    Lia's Daddy

                       Bob that must have been fun passing all of those people! 


                      That part was fun but you should see the pictures they sent out. I'm literally standing on the finish line, staring at my watch in disbelief, unable to quite comprehend that I missed by 5 lousy seconds. My wife looked at the picture and said, "you look pissed". 

                      "Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better." Juha "the Cruel" Väätäinen