Flying Pig 2010


So how is everyone feeling? (Read 246 times)


Run like a kid again!

    I would say for the most part my body has been pretty healthy. My knees have become a little bit of a pain but overall not too bad. I really pushed myself distance wise last weekend and I am trying to recover that and get that sort of new leg feel back. If that makes any sense. How does everyone else feel?
      2011 Goals:
      Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
      Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)
      Okay here. I had a 3-4 week injury setback. I will probably just try to finish and not really push for time, or maybe just spectate the Pig and run Cleveland a few weeks later. I hope everyone's training is going well.

      Moving right along....

        I'm tired!!!! I knew training would be difficult, but it's consuming my life. All I do is run!!!! Knees are sore...yada yada. OK, I feel better now having had the chance to whine! Heart Mini Marathon this weekend Bearcat??
        By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin

        Run like a kid again!

          Yeah I am doing the Heart Mini. I don't care much for it but my wife really wanted to do it again. She did the 5K and this year is doing the 15K. She has always been very supportive of my running so I want to be supportive of her running. She has been doing an awesome job. I don't plan to go all out for it because I don't think it is that great of a gauge for predicting your time for the Marathon. It is a hilly 15K when most are pretty flat. Not good to use this time for those running calculators in my opinion. What about you? Is it just me or does it seem like people in this group are dropping like flies out of the Marathon?
            2011 Goals:
            Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
            Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)
            I am still in, at least for now Smile Things have been going pretty good, when the weather has been cooperative, which has not been that often. Not long now Tenacious, hang in there. If you are doing a two week taper you only have 3 weeks left to train.
              Ran my first race since Thanksgiving Day-A half marathon on a hilly, rolling course in Pittsburgh (every course in Western PA is rolling and hilly). I ran it in 1:38:43, two days after a 15 mile training run. What I found most encouraging is that I ran the last 5 miles in 36:15, and felt pretty comfortable doing it, finishing 63 out of 655 people. I also felt like I definetely could have cut another minute or 2 or 3 off of my time, particularly if I hadn'trun 15 miles two days before the race. I feel like I am now officially ready to tackle 26.2 in around 3:30-3:40. Hope everyone is feeling as good as I am right now about their training
                That is a great 1/2 time, you should be able to be sub 3:40 in the marathon.

                Moving right along....

                  Yeah I am doing the Heart Mini. I don't care much for it but my wife really wanted to do it again. She did the 5K and this year is doing the 15K. She has always been very supportive of my running so I want to be supportive of her running. She has been doing an awesome job. I don't plan to go all out for it because I don't think it is that great of a gauge for predicting your time for the Marathon. It is a hilly 15K when most are pretty flat. Not good to use this time for those running calculators in my opinion. What about you? Is it just me or does it seem like people in this group are dropping like flies out of the Marathon?
                  Calculators???? I'm just determined to finish!!LOL But did do the Heart Mini....actually did a 3 mile warm up, then the 5K, then the 15K and then 3 miles back to the car. Our group was to do 18 miles that weekend.... the hills to me were total overkill, but I got through it. Thankfully this is a cut back week! Did you and your wife enjoy? Was perfect running weather with just that little bit of drizzle at the end.....but you were probably finished before that happened, huh???
                  By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
                    Ran the training has been bad. But did beat last years time--although it was much cooler this time around. Finished 1:28:49. My Pig 1/2 goal is going to be a bit faster pace. A goal of under 2 hours is really motivating me to nail my training. Especially when my wife chuckled when I announced that as my plan. Probably because my last 2 marathons were waay slower than that..ok they were all way slower than that--but I only have to run half as far this time.

                    Run like a kid again!

                      My wife had a good first 15K race with a time under 1:31 she was very happy with the time. She did an awesome job. She has been celebrating like crazy eating as much bad food as possible!! Makes it hard for those of us who still are watching the weight for another race. She deserves it though. She is now talking about a half. Personally, I have run into an IT band issue but I have a plan on how to rid of the problem. Will let you know how it ends up. Either way the report will be on what not to do or what exactly to do.
                        2011 Goals:
                        Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                        Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)
                        My wife had a good first 15K race with a time under 1:31 she was very happy with the time. She did an awesome job. She has been celebrating like crazy eating as much bad food as possible!! Makes it hard for those of us who still are watching the weight for another race. She deserves it though. She is now talking about a half. Personally, I have run into an IT band issue but I have a plan on how to rid of the problem. Will let you know how it ends up. Either way the report will be on what not to do or what exactly to do.
                        When I had IT band issues, it ended up being a shoe issue. The new stability shoes I tried overcorrected my pronation. After I went back to my former brand of shoes, it took a few weeks to get back to normal but I have not had the problem since.

                        Run like a kid again!

                          I don't think it is a shoe issue but an I over did it issue. I've been running with the same type of shoe for awhile now and I switch between three pair. Big run today to see how it feels.
                            2011 Goals:
                            Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                            Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

                          Moving right along....

                            Hey Bearcat.....I had the same issue...ITB and then pain radiating to the medial side of the knee. I thought I was going to have to quit....but I went to a massage therapist who did 2 trigger point treatments and showed me how to stretch, and with some effort on my part, I'm running with an ITB strap almost pain free. I would say 95% improvement. Consider that with what else you are doing to treat the problem. You're going to do great in this race!! Jen
                            By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin