Flying Pig 2010


Anyone running in 2010? (Read 144 times)


I fly.

    Or want to give me some advice?!  I just sent my check in - so I'll be there on May 2!

    Bring it on.

      I'm in for the Half in 2010.  Need to sign up before 1/1. The price goes up.

      Are you doing the Full or Half?

      2012 Goals: No Injuries Run 1000 miles Bayshore Marathon- May Indy Full Marathon-October


      I fly.

        The full.  But I'm bringing my friend and my mom - both are doing the 1/2.

        Bring it on.

          Include Hill workouts. There is a tough hill at mile 6(?), but a few other hills. The half runs the tough hill too. Find a place to stay near the finish line. The Westin may be the best.


          There is not a good place to wait for other runners at the finish. Once you leave the runners area there is no going back. DH waited 1.5 hours for me to finish behind him last year. (both did the full) I still don't know how he did it. Find a place to wait for each other.


          Good Luck in your Training!

          2012 Goals: No Injuries Run 1000 miles Bayshore Marathon- May Indy Full Marathon-October

            I'm planning on running the half again this year unless my training goes really well and I start feeling frisky, then I'll do the full.  I haven't registered yet but I will. 


            I'm following the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 plan.  By the time the Heart Mini Marathon (15K, late march) comes around I should be ready to make my decision.


            Hope to see some RA's there.

            nothing to see here.  

              I am signed up for the full and cannot wait!  I've had this on my list to do for 3 or 4 years.  Aunt and cousin are doing the half.  Thanks for the heads up on the hotels.