Frequent Racer Group

Monthlies: July 2023 (Read 6 times)


    Damaris - Nice 12!  Take it easy on that achilleas.


    Fed - nice run and race.  Especially in these conditions.


    Vitaly - nice workout.  You're hitting your paces like clockwork.


    I ran 7.3 miles in Tyler Park this morning.  It's the first time I've run there since 1983 and ran my 10K PR way back when!  Today was quite different.  I kept up with the other guys for about 6 miles and then once again had to fall off.  At least this week was understandable.  Hills and 99% humidity!  Strava says 467 ft in elevation, with 169 ft of it in one mile!


    Then I drove over to Special Olympics practice and put an easy 1.8 miles in with the athletes!


    PR's: 1 mile - 5:57 (2024) | 5K - 20:49 (2024) | 5M - 35:42 (2023) | 10K - 45:12 (2024) | 10M - 1:16:09 (2024) | HM - 1:40:04 (2024)

    Up-coming Races: Bucks County Senior Games (6/8/24), Break Fast 5K (6/16/24)



      Conditions inside the house for my TM run were similar to what Fred, Vibe & Mike were experiencing outdoors, except I had the benefit of a static fan providing a pleasant breeze. Needed 3.2 miles to go green for the week, so decided on a fairly fast 5K with a little extra to hit green. Time at 5K was 28:33, a 27 second improvement on last week.


      I took my target times for hitting 60% AG from the World Masters Athletics based calculator on EML Sports at Masters Athletics Age Grading Calculator for 2023 - EML Sports as an up-to-date calculator. However I now realize that it has some serious deficiencies in that it doesn't interpolate between the standard distances or between years of age. The part year might not make much of a difference at younger ages, but gets progressively more important with age. For example a 1:00hr 10K at age 68 ranks 58.11%, but at age 69 ranks 58.63%.


      Unless I can find a better calculator, I think I will revert to the Howard Grubb version using 2015 Factors. WMA Age-grading calculator ( Using that calculator and putting age in to 2 decimal places, I get 59.49% for my 59:54 10K earlier in the week and 60.30%

      for today's 5K.

      Started running at age 60.

      AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

      AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


      Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


      Waltons ThreadLord

        Vitaly - That's a nice workout even without the weather making it harder.


        Damaris - How's the Achilles this morning?


        Mike - That's a lot of climbing.  Good job.


        Quick - Nice to have a target.  Go for it.  FYI, Howard Grub has a road calculator with 2020 factors.   I use 2015 for my own tracking just to have the same basis for comparing my runs over the years, but for comparison to the general population I use the newer calculator.


        I ran six this morning and while it was almost as humid as yesterday, it was a bit cooler and more importantly there was a breeze blowing.  So while I was just about as sweaty as yesterday, I wasn't miserably sweaty.  I'm looking forward to the dew point dropping into the low 60's overnight just in time for my track work tomorrow.  6 miles run today which brings me to 33 in the last 5 days - my legs are noticing the shift from maintenance running to marathon training.

        5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
        10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

        Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning! I have 3 after work.


          mjhaston, nice run.


          Quick, nice job on the 5K and on getting green.

          Fred, it's fine, thanks! Nice 6.





            Mike - good to hear you are back in Tyler after so many years! Tyler will make you stronger, physically and mentally!


            Quick - now that you have a new TM it would be interesting to see how long it takes you to get closer to 62-63% AG and then to 65%!


            Damaris - enjoy your 3M run!


            Fred - agreed, a bit better today, 68F is not 72F Smile   Nice run!


            I ran 5M easy this morning, left hamstring or some other tendon is still angry with me. The highlight of the run was that I was able to do 15 pull-ups, a repeat of my PB this millennia (I'm pretty sure my all-time PR is 18, but that was a WHILE back LOL)

            Frequent Racer Group


            PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

            Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)



              Quick - now that you have a new TM it would be interesting to see how long it takes you to get closer to 62-63% AG and then to 65%!



              Vibe, thanks for the encouragement (I think). I got to around 62-63% at 5K, 10K and HM pre-pandemic but seemed to plateau at that level. I certainly think I can get back to that sort of level at the shorter distances, but indoor running conditions are not ideal (much better than outdoors at the moment) at around 73F and quite humid. To get to 63% I currently need 27:17 for 5K, 55:59 for 10K or 2:03:17 for HM (based on the 2020 tables). To match my PR times from 5-6 years ago I would need to get to 66-67% now.

              Started running at age 60.

              AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

              AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


              Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.



                Vibe, thanks for the encouragement (I think). I got to around 62-63% at 5K, 10K and HM pre-pandemic but seemed to plateau at that level. I certainly think I can get back to that sort of level at the shorter distances, but indoor running conditions are not ideal (much better than outdoors at the moment) at around 73F and quite humid. To get to 63% I currently need 27:17 for 5K, 55:59 for 10K or 2:03:17 for HM (based on the 2020 tables). To match my PR times from 5-6 years ago I would need to get to 66-67% now.

                Quick - one step at a time, it's a process. But at his point, with the help of TM, you are capable of putting long running streaks together and consistency is king as we all know.

                Frequent Racer Group


                PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

                Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)


                Waltons ThreadLord

                  Vitaly - How's the hamstring today?  Nice job on the pull-up PR.


                  Damaris - Good to hear the tendon is better.  I trust the 3 went well.


                  Quick - I'm sure you'll get to your target times soon enough, given how consistently you're running now.


                  I had a beautiful morning for my first track session.  66º and moderate humidity.  The workout was 12 x 400m in 1:58 - 2:04, with 400m recoveries.  I owed 10 pushups by the end (every second faster than the minimum lap time results in a 1-pushup penalty).  I find the 12x400 workout isn't too bad and think it's mostly there to help get my mindset back for track work.  8.6 miles for the day.

                  5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                  10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                  Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning! I have 6 with 10 X 1 minutes hard and Pilates.


                    Fred, nice workout.



                      Fred - the hamstring is still there, but once I started running it gets better. I should be good for tomorrow's workout, hopefully. Nice job on the 400s, I agree, 12x400 @5K should not be super hard, especially with 400m jog. I don't like push-ups and trying not to do them after I hurt a shoulder muscle a couple of years ago (after I did the posh-ups)


                      Damaris - that's a fun workout, enjoy!


                      I ran 4.8M easy this morning; it was 63F, much better than during first 10 days of July!

                      Frequent Racer Group


                      PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

                      Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)


                      Waltons ThreadLord

                        I don't like push-ups and trying not to do them after I hurt a shoulder muscle a couple of years ago (after I did the posh-ups)


                        I ran 4.8M easy this morning; it was 63F, much better than during first 10 days of July!


                        Well, I can do a lot more push-ups than I can pull-ups.


                        Nice run this morning, and yes it was much more pleasant outside.  Too bad the humidity will be back by Thursday and through the weekend.

                        5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                        10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                        Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



                           Too bad the humidity will be back by Thursday and through the weekend.

                          Well, we are going on vacation this Saturday, so I'd be able not to care about temperature/humidity here (if only for 8-9 days )

                          Frequent Racer Group


                          PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

                          Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)




                            I did my planned workout this morning, it was 3x1M @5K pace with 0.5M jog between the reps.

                            Miles were 6:07, 6:03, and 5:53 [6:01 on average], I'll definitely take it.

                            6.5M total distance.

                            Frequent Racer Group


                            PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

                            Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Morning! RD. After two days of no Achilles soreness, it came back. Weird.


                              Vitaly, enjoy your vacation.



                                Fred - nice track workout.  12 x 400m is a commitment!  Nice total for the day as well.


                                Damaris - how did the 6 go?


                                Vitaly - nice run this morning.  I see you sandwiched your pass in the middle of my pace.  Averaging 6:01 miles is no joke!  Let alone that early in the morning!


                                Quick - nice progress.  It certainly is a process.  I'm finding that out.


                                I don't think I've report in since Sunday's long, humid hills.  Monday night I ran/walked an easy 2.5 miles with the Special Olympics team and was happy just to do that.  Still very sore from Sunday.  Last night I was all set to run intervals with the local road runners team, but I got stuck on a work project call.  By the time I got off the phone, the practice had started and hunger overtook ambition, so I didn't run.  I did go to the gym at 6AM for arm day, so I did something!  Lots of push-ups, curls, sternum press, etc.  We finish up with core and then a plank.  

                                This morning I tried to combine some distance with tempo, so I pushed my usual 5 mile loop with rolling hills.  I was able to average just under 8 min miles and that's good for me.  The temp and humidity are down this morning, so it was more pleasurable than it's been!

                                I'm trying to figure out a nice gym / running balance.  When I was running less days and less mileage, I was still going to the gym 5 days / week for 45 minutes.  As the running picked up, I've not double up with the gym, but I realize I do still need core and strength work.  I'm mainly trying not to aggravate my calves.  The jumping at the gym seems to make them angry Smile


                                PR's: 1 mile - 5:57 (2024) | 5K - 20:49 (2024) | 5M - 35:42 (2023) | 10K - 45:12 (2024) | 10M - 1:16:09 (2024) | HM - 1:40:04 (2024)

                                Up-coming Races: Bucks County Senior Games (6/8/24), Break Fast 5K (6/16/24)