Frequent Racer Group

Monthlies: December 2023 (Read 5 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Afternoon! My mega hearings are done and now I can breathe. Now I need to eat lunch. My 5 last night felt hard but understandable after all the shit I had to do.


    I have 4 after work.


    Vitaly, nice 5.


    Quick, we can all benefit from some of these exercises, that's for sure.


    mjhaston, great job getting back!


    Fred, enjoy the RD.



      Damaris - Enjoy the 4.  Glad the mega hearings are over.


      Vitaly - Nice 5.  Are you tapering for the Friendly 5K?  Looks like a pretty fast crowd!


      Fred - Enjoy the RD.


      I ran the same 5 today in reverse and slower!  A little less foggy 


      PR's: 1 mile - 5:57 (2024) | 5K - 20:49 (2024) | 5M - 35:42 (2023) | 10K - 45:12 (2024) | 10M - 1:16:09 (2024) | HM - 1:40:04 (2024)

      Up-coming Races: Bucks County Senior Games (6/8/24), Break Fast 5K (6/16/24)



        No idea why my shin just below the knee was playing up yesterday. Could have been the way I'd been sitting or it could have been the number of miles I'd run at a constant 6.2mph the past few days.

        Decided to set the TM at 6.4mph tonight and run at that pace for a while, with the intention of then slowing it down some. Ended up running 7.0 miles at 9:23 pace and feeling pretty good about it. (AG 61.2%!)

        Started running at age 60.

        AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

        AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


        Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


        Waltons ThreadLord

          Mike - Glad to hear the fog is clearing.


          Damaris - Good job on getting the 5 done even if they were difficult.


          Vitaly - Enjoy the Ugly Sweater race.


          Mike and I ran 7 with 4 at HM pace.  I was a bit off today, but while we still haven't hit our goal of an 8:25 average pace, we were a bit faster than last week (8:28.1 vs. 8:28.6).

          5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
          10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

          Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning! RD for me and Pilates later. Oh, and the PT exercises.


            Fred, nice HMP workout.


            Quick, nice job. Hoping the leg pain went away with it.


            mjhaston, nice 5.





              Damaris - nice runs, enjoy the RD + exercises!


              Mike - good to hear you are getting better, nice run!  I was not really tapering for this friendly race. Even though many people are capable of beating me I doubt many will be really racing it, we'll know tomorrow Smile


              Quick - that's a solid run, nicely done!


              Fred - comparing the decimals now ?! That's a good tempo run, you are getting there!


              I ran 2.6M with 4 strides and 0.25M at 5K effort. There's only one icy spot left on the race course, hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow.

              Frequent Racer Group


              PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

              Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)


                Quick - Nice 7 the other day.  How's the shin?


                Fred - Nice run and pacing with Mike.


                Damaris - I'm sure you enjoyed the RD.


                Vitaly - Have fun this morning at your Friendly 5K.


                I ran a little over 5 at Tyler this morning.  I missed out on the Jingle Bell run, so I tried to push it alone today and for the most part, I did.  I was just under an 8:00 pace on the hilly loop.  The frozen finger tips seemed to go away after a 2 mile uphill start Smile


                PR's: 1 mile - 5:57 (2024) | 5K - 20:49 (2024) | 5M - 35:42 (2023) | 10K - 45:12 (2024) | 10M - 1:16:09 (2024) | HM - 1:40:04 (2024)

                Up-coming Races: Bucks County Senior Games (6/8/24), Break Fast 5K (6/16/24)



                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning! I have 3 after work.


                  mjhaston, nice run.


                  Vitaly, good luck! I have a race tomorrow but the high is in the 50s, WTF.



                    Good afternoon!


                    Mike - very nice run at Tyler, solid pace!


                    Damaris - yes, temperature swings are quite annoying, good luck tomorrow!


                    We had 12 people in attendance for today’s friendly 5k race. Jay decided to run with me, my other RP Paul and Joe were running hard as well. I told Jay I wanted to run at 6:04-6:05 pace and for the most part I was able to accomplish that. Paul and Joe stayed close during the first mile, but then we dropped them. Miles were, per GPS, 6:07, 6:04, 5:57, and 5:25 pace for the remaining distance. Got a sub-19 for my efforts, posted 18:53, which is the best 5k time for me this year. 
                    The course was accurate, 3.10, 3.12 and 3.14 per Strava for people who posted their times.

                    It was nice to socialize with friends post-race, but it was frigging cold, only 30 degrees, perfect for racing, but not so much for standing around 😆

                    Frequent Racer Group


                    PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

                    Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)


                    Waltons ThreadLord

                      Vitaly - I'm glad your social race went well.  Congrats on the sub-19.


                      Damaris - Good luck on the 3.


                      Mike - Nice 5 this morning.  Sounds like you're getting back to normal.


                      I ran 5 this afternoon and it was chilly out but not cold.  I'm a little curious to see what I can do at ParkRun tomorrow since the weather will finally be in my comfort zone for a run there.

                      5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                      10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                      Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



                        Damaris - how did your race?


                        Fred - nice run yesterday and looks like you had a solid park run this morning!


                        Mike - nice run!


                        Quick - how’s everything with you?


                        I met with Jay early in the morning and we ran 10.2 hilly miles at 7:57 pace.

                        Frequent Racer Group


                        PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

                        Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Morning! I'm still trembling from the rain and 41F at the race. I took it easy but the leg flared so when I saw my friend walking her kid to the finish, I joined them for around a mile, then ran ahead, then walked and they caught up and we finished together. It was a fun race, lots of donut stations, etc. Last year this race will happen at this location (or ever) so I wanted to make it.


                          PT exercises later.


                          Vitaly, nice 10.


                          Fred, nice run!



                          Waltons ThreadLord

                            Vitaly - Nice 10-miler.  Another cold morning, but it didn't feel a bad as a couple of days ago, perhaps due to the lack of wind?


                            Yes, I had a good ParkRun today.  My pacing was ragged, showing my rust at that distance/speed.  I went out too fast and just after the 2-mile mark I lost focus and slowed from an 8:15 pace to an 8:45, and it took a while for me to get back.  Being able to chase someone down helped.  My 25:11 is a new course best for me, improving on my previous 25:23, though I think I can still do better (and of course, with a 25:11, sub-25 immediately becomes a target).  It was definitely a good warmup for me for the New Year's Day 5k.  Getting back the feel of a 5k was good.

                            5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                            10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                            Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



                              Damaris - glad you had fun at the race, hopefully the leg is better now


                              Fred - I agree, it didn’t feel as cold this morning. Congratulations on setting a new course record, and definitely a sub 25 is within reach!

                              Frequent Racer Group


                              PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

                              Coming up:   Break Fast 5K (6/16/24), Equinox Endurance Run (6/22/24)



                                Quick - how’s everything with you?



                                Sorry I've not been on here much - the Houston branch of the family has been visiting since Thursday and leave again tomorrow. Nice to have the 2 youngest grandsons causing mayhem - the younger was 5 on Thursday.


                                The run on Thursday (before they arrived) was done in the old Saucony shoes, which took them over 2,000 miles. I really do need to retire them soon!

                                Friday evening I squeezed in just 2.5 miles to keep the streak alive and hit my weekly target of 20 miles - no longer get green as I'm over the annual target.

                                Today we did a mock Christmas - family breakfast followed by presents and a big meal tonight. This afternoon I retreated to my TM for a while for some peace and quiet and logged 8.2 miles.

                                Hope to get a few more miles tomorrow after the kids leave in the morning to be home for Santa visiting.

                                Started running at age 60.

                                AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                                AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                                Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.