Letters & Opinions

What's making you happy today? (Read 338 times)


    The peak was expected around 2am. I have to work all weekend, so I was hesitant about getting back up. Then they peaked way early, right after sunset. My pix are all 930-1030pm or so, then they seem to have faded away. And I got a good night sleep!


    We were out from about 10 to 11:30, when it seemed to be waning, but from what I've heard from friends, they surged again around 2 a.m. Friends said here they could see pulsating and undulating lights at that time.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      And today's happy: DS is 18! I have officially kept my child alive to adulthood!

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

      Village people

        And today's happy: DS is 18! I have officially kept my child alive to adulthood!


        Happy Birthday!


        Proboscis Colossus

          On NPR this morning, they pointed out Noah predicted these lights. Take that, you bunch’a heathen nonbelievers!  IT WAS IN THE BIBLE!


          Anyway, we had beautiful clear skies here, but I didn’t realize it was an hour-to-hour phenomenon, I thought it would last the night. By the time I got back from playing at my school graduation and went out to DW’s family’s place in the country, they were gone. And of course we were asleep at 2:00.


          I’m hearing they may be still going tonight? We’ll try again if so.

          "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people


          Lord of the Manor

            And today's happy: DS is 18! I have officially kept my child alive to adulthood!


            Happy Birthday to your DS!

            If I could make a wish I think I'd pass


              And today's happy: DS is 18! I have officially kept my child alive to adulthood!


              Happy birthday to him!

                And today's happy: DS is 18! I have officially kept my child alive to adulthood!


                Major milestone for you both, happy birthday to your son.

                "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


                  HBD to your son step!


                  Embrace the suck

                    And today's happy: DS is 18! I have officially kept my child alive to adulthood!


                    Cool beans.  HBD to Kev.  Good things ahead!

                    I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil

                      Had the kids and G-kids over yesterday and today, grilled a bunch of food and ate well.

                      youngest two G-Kids spent the night last night (3yo and 10yo)

                      How does a 3yo manage to take up over a half a queen size bed when sleeping?

                      "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


                      Proboscis Colossus

                        Congrats, step, and HBD to stepson!

                        "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people


                        Good Bad & The Monkey

                          This video makes me happy today



                          The internet always delivers.


                            Had the kids and G-kids over yesterday and today, grilled a bunch of food and ate well.

                            youngest two G-Kids spent the night last night (3yo and 10yo)

                            How does a 3yo manage to take up over a half a queen size bed when sleeping?

                            lol, sideways! One of our GK’s did the same when he was young. I ended up moving to the couch in the middle of the night a few times.


                              I had my 6 month post-op for my L knee torn meniscus surgery today, and got fully released. My wife is getting an ultrasound though, on her L shoulder that was operated on 12 years ago.


                                Here's to another year of no ads on RunningAhead!  

                                (Every year, I always think, "It's been a full year already?"

                                You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.