Letters & Opinions

What's making you happy today? (Read 338 times)


That Death Thingy

    Taking a much needed mental day from work. I wasn’t feeling great yesterday, and I’m much better today, but I still called in sick because I think my tummy issues were stress related. I felt great yesterday after several hours of total laziness. I want more! I’m sure Woodszi enjoys the extra company too, even though he sleeps all day (like I did yesterday).

      Sat in on High School Senior presentations yesterday.


      As a condition of graduation Seniors have to present to a panel of community members.

      Theme was to tell us their plans post HS graduation: Employ, Enroll, Enlist and how they plan to achieve. Absent that, what was their fall back

      The format (and grading rubric) was similar to a job interview:

      Would you hire them on the spot (exemplary)

      Would you hire after doing a few reference checks (proficient)

      Would you not hire (did not meet standards)


      While different than others I've sat in on and graded in the past, it was fun, informative and encouraging.

      Our community panel was myself (controller), a credit union HR manager and a health care team manager.

      "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


        What an awesome idea.


        Runners run


        Lord of the Manor

          I am beginning to think that gumbee is a pillar of his community. Which is so off-brand for the L&O.


          Seriously, sounds like a great idea.

          If I could make a wish I think I'd pass

          Village people

            That is a very interesting idea. I like it. Very practical and makes the kids think. Our high school has a fairly involved senior project that includes an applied piece and a 20 min presentation. DD is doing hers on how social media affects your political opinions.

              I am beginning to think that gumbee is a pillar of his community. Which is so off-brand for the L&O.



              Assuming pillar is Latin for a$$hole, then yes.

              It would then be on-brand for L&O

              "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


                Just when I'm ready to strangle him, as his senioritis is pushing the boundaries of actually passing his fourth quarter classes, DS came home and asked to take me to dinner Friday night for a late Mother's Day / early birthday celebration since last weekend was all about his birthday.

                Damn perimenopause emotions. 🥰🥲

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                Proboscis Colossus

                  They don't want me to broadcast this or share it on social media yet, but you guys are pretty antisocial, so...


                  Specialized has a program called "Riding For Focus" where they grant bikes and helmets for schools to start bike clubs.  Like, around 50 bikes, IIRC (presumably base Rockhoppers, but still).  I applied.  We got it!  Bike ridin' is coming to Mabschool!

                  "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people


                  Connoisseur of Cookies

                    That's pretty awesome, mab.  Congrats!



                    "C" is for cookie.  That's good enough for me.


                    Refurbished Hip

                      They don't want me to broadcast this or share it on social media yet, but you guys are pretty antisocial, so...


                      Specialized has a program called "Riding For Focus" where they grant bikes and helmets for schools to start bike clubs.  Like, around 50 bikes, IIRC (presumably base Rockhoppers, but still).  I applied.  We got it!  Bike ridin' is coming to Mabschool!


                      WHOA.  That's so freaking cool!!!

                      Running is dumb.


                        Congrats, mab!! That’ll make some kids happy!


                          They don't want me to broadcast this or share it on social media yet, but you guys are pretty antisocial, so...


                          Specialized has a program called "Riding For Focus" where they grant bikes and helmets for schools to start bike clubs.  Like, around 50 bikes, IIRC (presumably base Rockhoppers, but still).  I applied.  We got it!  Bike ridin' is coming to Mabschool!

                          That is so awesome!

                          Tar Heel Mom


                            That’s great, mab!

                            Nolite te bastardes carborundum.

                            Village people

                              That is awesome, mab!

                                  I applied.  We got it!  Bike ridin' is coming to Mabschool!


                                My dude, that is great

                                "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn