Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Jimmy - I agree. 


    The crazy part is all my runs are generally under MAF.  For the past several months (2-4) I have tried to drop my average HR even lower hoping to pick up additional fitness.  With the exceptions of a few momentary spikes (15-30seconds) all my runs are likely averaging around MAF-10 +/-.  At times I question if Im spending too much time at sub-MAF.


    Sub-maf isn't going to elevate your RHR---generally. Life stress? Has this coincided with your introduction of weight-lifting?


      14.30 miles




      Have a good weekend!Cool



        10.1miles, rolling terrain, 62F, 94%humidity, 119bmp.  Did not break any speed records however very good HR control

        First 30 minutes at or below 114, next 30 at or below 118, then 124ish and finally 125-129 range.

        Hip flexors very sore and during last mile a few shooting pains - possibly cramps?  Finished yesterdays run hard and may have pulled strained something?

        Styed hydrated with 2 handhelds of H20 and a dose of etabs



        Consistently Slow

          6 mile walk in 4 hours. I was the mobile water stop for a 16 miler.

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



            5:25am and out into the dark.   3.9 miles at 118bmp.  Kept HR low and progressively built towards the mid to upper 120s.


            Cool morning and got to wear my old running vest for the first time this season.  


            Cross and circuit training last night at the gym.  Haven't done any weight training for a while and it feels good to slowly tighten things up a little and wake up some old muscles after many years of r&r.  


            I have a question for everyone....  Do any fellow MAFrs do specialty hill work to improve leg strength, running efficiency or speed?  If so, what is the preferred way to approach a hill exercise?  I'm assuming a hill workout would still be limitted to MAF?  Depending on the hill, this would be real slow for me....  Also, how often do other integrate a specialized hill workout into the running routine?


            I live in an area where the terrain is always changing however never do specific hill work (that is, up and down the same hill multiple times)



              3.52 miles on my new treadmill at the house.  Ended up an 11:07 pace but avg HR was 127 with a max of 135 (my MAF is 136).


              Will need to get sorted out on my correct speed to run the treadmill at to get my avg HR closer to MAF.  I had a week break from running while hunting so spending the time at higher altitude and and the break from running probably resulted in a easier pace than normal as well.


              As far as hill work, I have a few hills that I incorporate on my routes that I have to slow down to a brisk walk to stay at MAF.  I even have one hill that is so steep I can't even go at a brisk walk without spiking my HR on it, I have to slow to just a normal walking pace and that keeps my HR at MAF on it.  I think I'm still gettting some benefit on strengthing my legs, but probably not what I would if I was running up them but that would spike my HR way over MAF.  Now that I'm out of base building I'm planning on doing some regular hill work as I have a 1/2 marathon coming up with some hills, but not sure how you would incorporate hill work on a MAF workout without walking. 

              Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

              Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                3.52 miles on my new treadmill at the house.  Ended up an 11:07 pace but avg HR was 127 with a max of 135 (my MAF is 136).


                Will need to get sorted out on my correct speed to run the treadmill at to get my avg HR closer to MAF.  I had a week break from running while hunting so spending the time at higher altitude and and the break from running probably resulted in a easier pace than normal as well.


                As far as hill work, I have a few hills that I incorporate on my routes that I have to slow down to a brisk walk to stay at MAF.  I even have one hill that is so steep I can't even go at a brisk walk without spiking my HR on it, I have to slow to just a normal walking pace and that keeps my HR at MAF on it.  I think I'm still gettting some benefit on strengthing my legs, but probably not what I would if I was running up them but that would spike my HR way over MAF.  Now that I'm out of base building I'm planning on doing some regular hill work as I have a 1/2 marathon coming up with some hills, but not sure how you would incorporate hill work on a MAF workout without walking. 


                Good luck with the new TM!

                There's benefit in walking hills--there's benefits from walking.

                Hope training goes well up to the half-marathonCool




                11.3 miles





                  6.04 miles, 10:13 avg pace, 144 avg HR.


                  Started out way too fast then just slowed down a little and went with an easy pace instead of worrying about my HR.  Nice evening, 79 degrees, 34% humidity and DP 49. Per weather channel wind NW at 1 mph, but here they were 5 - 10 mph out of the SW.

                  Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                  Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                    First MAF-test running barefoot, with a result that was a bit surprising.


                    My previous MAF-tests:

                    March 3th:                           March 26 th  2012:                                  

                    km1 11:34                                   km1: 9:54

                    km2: 12:02                                  km2: 10:22

                    km3: 12:44                                  km3: 11:18


                    From May till July I haven't been running, started again, and barefoot, by the end of July, and have gradually increased time on (bare)feet.


                    Today's MAF-test:

                    km1: 10:18

                    km2: 10:23

                    km3: 10:40


                    Or: allthough I've been rather inactive for a few months, my pace isn't worse than it was in March...  Although my initial pace is slower than by the end of March, my average pace over 3 kilometers is faster.

                    It can't be that my condition is better, so I guess it's that  barefoot running that's doing the trick...

                    Running in Belgium





                    Consistently Slow

                      First MAF-test running barefoot, with a result that was a bit surprising.


                      My previous MAF-tests:

                      March 3th:                           March 26 th  2012:                                  

                      km1 11:34                                   km1: 9:54

                      km2: 12:02                                  km2: 10:22

                      km3: 12:44                                  km3: 11:18


                      From May till July I haven't been running, started again, and barefoot, by the end of July, and have gradually increased time on (bare)feet.


                      Today's MAF-test:

                      km1: 10:18

                      km2: 10:23

                      km3: 10:40


                      Or: allthough I've been rather inactive for a few months, my pace isn't worse than it was in March...  Although my initial pace is slower than by the end of March, my average pace over 3 kilometers is faster.

                      It can't be that my condition is better, so I guess it's that  barefoot running that's doing the trick...

                       If, the HR is the same. You are in better condition. WTG.

                      Run until the trail runs out.

                       SCHEDULE 2016--

                       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                      unsolicited chatter



                      Consistently Slow

                        7.12 miles HR 138 / 169. 1st run since 9 /1. Pain free. Big grin

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter



                          5:50am, 54F, overcast/ light drizzle, 11.8 miles @ 117bmp.  Kept at or below 114 for the first hour and slowly climbed to the mid 120s towards the last few miles.  Nice run - no complaints. 

                          For some unknown reason my rhr seemed to have dropped this morning, back around 49/50 when at rest. 



                          Consistently Slow

                            7.8 miles HR 131 /151. Thighs a little sore from the hills.

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter



                               If, the HR is the same. You are in better condition. WTG.


                              I was going to say the same.  That is the point of the test.  I don't know what barefoot would change, if anything.


                                Did a tempo run in a thunderstorm Wednesday and seem to have broken my HRM. 


                                Long run down in the canyon. Beautiful evening, 76 degrees, 47% humidity, DP 54, wind out of the N at 7 mph. HRM still not working so I just figured I'd go fairly easy, but get some hill work in by running up them instead of walking them like normal. Ended up pushing it a little at the end, but didn't feel like I was really going too hard.  For sure over MAF though.  If I had to guess I would say I averaged 150ish on my HR.   Never felt out of breath, but for sure a higher effort than a normal MAF run.  Ended up at a 9:34 pace for 10.10 miles. Nice run.

                                Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                                Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)