Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    sounds like a lot of fun.  Nice location, a little excitement and great performance. 



      My Heart Rate Monitor is still broken so I haven't been able to check my MAF pace for a while.  I probably need to get a new one soon.


      Had a great increasing pace Tempo run on Wednesday with my middle miles going 7:50, 7:40 and 7:30 pace, really pushed it on the last mile but it was in 84 degree temperatures and really hoping that means a fast 5K coming up for me next Saturday.


      A really nice long run this morning.  44 degrees was really nice!  Ended up running 10.3 miles at a 9:17 pace with some pretty good hills in there.   I pushed it on the hills, but coming in I felt like I was going pretty easy and my splits for mile 9 and 10 were 9:00 and 8:54.  I really think that when I get my HRM working again I should be at a sub 10:00 pace for my 6 mile MAF course that I run on a cool morning like it was today.


      A month ago I set a goal of sub 24:00 for my 5K coming up next week, and I really was wondering if I had set the bar too high.  I'm now thinking that I should be able to go sub 23:00 and maybe even faster if conditions are good. 


      Oh yeah, I crossed 1,000 miles for the year this week too!  Last year was my first year to ever take running for fitness seriously and I ended up with 262 miles for the year, so 1,000 miles is a big acheivement for me and I still have nearly 3 months to go.  Hopefully this will be the first of many more 1,000+ mile years to follow.


      That's my update!  Nathan

      Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

      Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

        4.6 km, 46.45 min, 10:12min:km

        Last week I have been running more frequently than before: five instead of three times.

        Total distances was about the same, so four very short runs instead of two short runs (totalling the same distance), and today a longer run of 40 minutes.  I wondered how that longer run would go; I had a rather busy and stressful week, and although I hadn't beenrunning much more, there was some more time on feet because of the longer cool-down walk.


        Kept my HR around 124-125 (MAF is 126), but about halfway, my HRM lost contact.  I just read in one of Phil Maffetones books that in the base building phase it's not good to do any anaerobic work, so I took care not to go too fast without my HRM's feedback.  And I didn't: when I got the signal back after about a kilometer, my HR had dropped to 119. 

        Indeed, half a year ago, I often had to revert to walking in order to keep my HR on MAF, but in the last weeks I've often noticed that I have to speed up, to keep my HR from staying to far below MAF.


        4.6 km, 46.45 min, 10:12min:km

        Running in Belgium





          8am, 45F (nice fall morning in NE), 8.18miles @ 123bpm (ave).  Slowly built from <114 upwards to MAF followed by CD.


            A few weeks ago, Jimmyb suggested me to run shorter but more frequently.  I must say that I was a bit skeptic, since I had always been told to take a day of rest after a running day, but I gave it a try.

            And I don't know if it's the change of training scheme, or the low temperatures, but during my last three runs I saw a remarkable difference in speed.

            Today was only a very short run, but it was amazing how 'fast' I had to run to keep my HR near MAF (= HR 126).

            During my last MAF-test (and I was very glad with my results), my pace over the first km was 10:18 min/km, with an average HR of 124.

            Today, my pace on that same kilometer was 8:40 min/km, with an average HR of 118.


            (I must admit, that I feel well rested today, and I had a period of sleeping bad just before my previous MAF-test - but still, I considered that test as an improvement...)

            Running in Belgium





              Actually used a HRM again for the first time in a couple weeks last night.  It was the one that comes with my treadmill (a polar wireless chest strap) so not sure how accurate it is, but I was running a 10:00 pace for 3 miles and it stayed under MAF pretty much the entire time.  It didn't give me an average, but I would guess it was right around 130.  Felt good.

              Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

              Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                A few weeks ago, Jimmyb suggested me to run shorter but more frequently.  I must say that I was a bit skeptic, since I had always been told to take a day of rest after a running day, but I gave it a try.

                And I don't know if it's the change of training scheme, or the low temperatures, but during my last three runs I saw a remarkable difference in speed.

                Today was only a very short run, but it was amazing how 'fast' I had to run to keep my HR near MAF (= HR 126).

                During my last MAF-test (and I was very glad with my results), my pace over the first km was 10:18 min/km, with an average HR of 124.

                Today, my pace on that same kilometer was 8:40 min/km, with an average HR of 118.


                (I must admit, that I feel well rested today, and I had a period of sleeping bad just before my previous MAF-test - but still, I considered that test as an improvement...)



                Yay! Cool Keep going, Ann!



                Today's run:


                LT tempo heart time zone 170-180 bpm

                12:00  @ 8:41 pace


                the rest at MAF.






                  What do you mean by a LT Temp heart time run? 


                  Is this a brief workout about MAF and if so can you share any details. 


                  Im assumming it may help with speed and is designed to introduce some anerobic training into the weekly running schedule?  If so, how often do you recommended to this type of workout?







                    What do you mean by a LT Temp heart time run? 


                    Is this a brief workout about MAF and if so can you share any details. 


                    Im assumming it may help with speed and is designed to introduce some anerobic training into the weekly running schedule?  If so, how often do you recommended to this type of workout?




                    What I call "heart time" is described in this thread, Lab. Enjoy the book. It's not quite as long as War and Peace, but close. Cool


                    An LT tempo is running at my lactate threshold intensity (aprox 176 bpm). I use a zone of 170 bpm- 180 bpm. I warm-up getting to 170 by the end of 30 minutes, at which time the tempo run begins. I hold the speed at which I'm going when I reach 170. My heart rate rises through the run. As soon as I can't stay at 180 bpm and maintain the same speed, I end the run. The "heart time" is 10 beats long. I let the drift determine the duration of the run. What should happen over time is that I should be able to run longer and faster within that 10 beat heart time. I'm also using this concept for most of my runs at this point.




                      Got a new HRM today so I'm going to run my 6 mile MAF route in the morning.  Temperature is forecast at 46 degrees with a 5 mph breeze and about 70% humidity.  Anyone want to place any wagers on whether I run a sub 10:00 avg pace for 6 miles at an avg HR of 136 or less?


                      Last two runs on this route with a working HRM have been a 10:29 avg pace at 139 avg HR at 59 degrees on August 31st and a 10:13 avg pace at 144 avg HR on September 25th at 79 degrees.  I've been using the HRM on my treadmill and I think I've been getting close to a 10:00 avg pace and 136 avg HR on it, but it just shows the instant HR number, it doesn't give the average.


                      Doing a fairly tough Tempo run tonight so if that works like it usually does, my HR will be a little lower tomorrow due to that as well.


                      I'm betting on somewhere around a 9:58 avg pace and 136 avg HR. If I do it, that will be a first for me.  I've gone sub 10:00 pace on some shorter runs before, but not on a 6 miler.

                      Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                      Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                        Well the weather did what it was supposed to, but I didn't make it.


                        43 degrees, very light 6 mph breeze, absolutely perfect morning for a run!


                        6.08 miles, 10:11 avg pace, 138 avg HR. 


                        Didn't make a sub 10:00 pace and was a couple beats over on my HR, but it was still my best MAF run and I'm a little suspect of my readings on the first half mile or so on my HRM.  Usually I get to that first 1/2 mile mark and my avg HR is 120 something and just getting to 136, but this morning it was already at a 136 avg and showing 149.  I didn't feel like I was starting out too fast either. 


                        Oh well, still my best MAF run ever although the weather might have had something to do with that.  Beautiful, beautiful fall morning. 

                        Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                        Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                          After a few far too busy weeks at work, I finally found an hour to run...
                          And although I feel tired now, it went great... It's amazing how  my speed is improving in the last few months. In spring, my speed on MAF-pace was more than a minute/km slower than I ran today.


                          I didn't intend this run to be a MAF-test, but I ran at a heartrate very close to MAF, and even my average HR was even lower than during my previous MAF-test.  But when I compare my pace:


                                           MAF-test 3        Today

                          km 1            10:18                8:45

                          km 2            10:23                9:05

                          km 3            10:40               9:44


                          (and my previous MAF-test was already far better than I did in spring... Yes I know, I am slow....)


                          It still feels strange: in the first months that I was low HR-running, I always had to slow down to keep my HR on MAF.  Now, it's impossible to get my HR on MAF while walking, and even when I run I have to accelerate to run close to MAF.  Running starts to feel like running now ;-).

                          Running in Belgium





                            Keep going, Ann!



                            14.22 miles


                            11:36 pace

                            bike trail 69°


                            Have a great weekend. Those of you who are racing---have a good one!




                              Got in 13.55 miles on Saturday.  Pushed it a little bit over MAF, but still kept it relatively easy at 75% of my max HR.  Ended up with a 10:05 avg pace and 146 avg HR.  Beautiful morning. 


                              Ran the same course that I'll be running a half marathon on in 3 weeks so it was good to get the feel for it.  Has some short steep hills that I tried to maintain a slow jog up, but my HR climbed very fast and started breathing hard so I ended up walking them.  Not sure what to do with them during the race, I'm leaning toward a brisk walk up the 2 steepest ones (Gain 100' elevation in 1/4 mile) and a slow jog on the longer one (Gain 75' elevation in 1/4 mile).


                              Here's a link to the run details if anyone is interested - http://runkeeper.com/user/npaden/activity/126084496


                              Ended up with 42.5 miles for the week with is a PR for me as well.  Total duration ended up EXACTLY 7 hours on the dot.  7:00:00.


                              That put me over 100 miles already this month which makes my 8th straight month to go over 100 miles. 

                              Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                              Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                                On Saturday my RHR was a bit elevated, 64 instead of the usual 57-59, and the beat-to-beat variability was a bit lower than it's normally, so I decided to take a day of.
                                On Sunday I was on call, so I have to be able to jump into my car in minutes, so no running (wouldn't have had the time either... had to work from 11.30 AM sunday morning, till 1:30 AM late at night...

                                But nevertheless, my RHR was back to normal this morning, so back to running...


                                3.61 km, Average HR 120, pace 9:26min/km... 

                                That's 5 consecutive runs with a pace under 10:00 min/km, three of them under 9:30 min/km.  Last spring I couldn't dream about that!

                                Running in Belgium