Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Consistently Slow

    Hot To Trot 8 hour. 24 laps for 28.32 miles in 6:57: x x. Not to shabby while averaging  50 miles a month. I will probably be stiff as a board in the morning.


    HR 130 /163. Garmin would not upload yesterday Confused

    Run until the trail runs out.

     SCHEDULE 2016--

     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

    unsolicited chatter



    Former Bad Ass

      Great job, clay.


      7 miles last night at 145.


      18 miles this morning, 9 at 143HR, 9 at MP + 10%, average 150HR.  Not bad.



        Not a MAF run, but my slowest mile that I've ever logged on RunningAhead was this past Friday.


        1.05 miles, 1:07:43 for an average pace of 1:04:30!  My MAF is 136 and my avg HR on this "hike" was 159!


        Compare to my last Tempo run - 8.04 miles, 1:08:45 for an avg pace of 8:34.  That was also an avg HR of 159.


        So 1 minute more to cover 8 miles instead of 1 mile.


        Gained 1,203' of elevation in .52 miles (2,725').  I think that comes out to an average of a 22 degree slope.  Seemed a lot steeper to me, especially when I had to backtrack around a cliff that was too steep to climb.  For most of the trip up I was using my arms about as much as my legs.

        Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

        Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


        Former Bad Ass

          I run in Miami with a 0 elevation course (I am not kidding), so those elevation numbers mean HILLY to me, ha.


          6 miles @ 147HR and 11:19mm.  94F and 76DP.  It felt like a sauna.


          Chasing the bus

            You guys just continue to kill it! Here I was feeling good about 9 miles, 11mm, avg. HR 123, on a beautiful Monday night, 48 F., light breeze. It was almost too cold for shorts and short sleeves...


            have a great week, all!


            “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
            Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


              Cruise intervals yesterday. Done in a zone of 175-177bpm. I've built from 4x.25 mile reps to 4x.45 mile on the long rep days. Speed has dropped from 9:36 to 8:33 pace in about 4-5 weeks (all in aprox. 80° ) . The rest interval is .3 mile and currently about 5 minutes, and were about 6-7 minutes when I started. I run a speed that gets my heart rate back down to MAF. The usual recommendation for these workouts is one minute rest, but I find the longer rest is working for me. I also have been doing .25 reps on Fridays. Up to 6x.25 mile, from 4x.25. SO, twice a week, and some time on bike at MAF. Lots of rest. My running volume has topped at 3:40:00 during this period (aprox 15 miles), just running 3 days per week. Walking has been 1-2 hours total. I thought I'd try this for summer this year. I usual end up having these bouts of heavy yard work that knock me out for a few days, and add to the training load. Lots of time on my feet and lifting and pushing. My plan is to do this until I see a plateau in LT speed, then do a brief MAF base period that focuses on long runs, then get to racing in the fall/winter sometime. I've been monitoring MAF speed at the beginning of these runs and notice it's improving. I've only done one formal test, and it showed no regression with a little improvement at 86°. MAF speed at 80-82° is a lot faster and shows a lot more improvement (not a formal test).


              So, I'm seeing improvement in speed at both lactate threshold and MAF HR's on just 3 days running, with a volume of about 3-4 hours, and about 15 miles. 1-2 days of stationary bike, walking, and yard work.  I'll keep you posted.


              I've done just one fall race in the last 4 years here in Atlanta, and really want to get back to cool weather racing. Cool


              Former Bad Ass

                Yo!  It was 99F (heat index) and 75DP during my intervals.


                And just to give you an idea of how my HRM always hates me:


                3 miles @ 144HR

                3 miles @ 167HR (8 X 400m)

                3 miles @ 190HR (Maximum 220HR, LOL)


                Apparently, I ran the cooldown while DEAD!  Problem here is that the HRM gets so wet from the 100000% humidity that it just stops working properly.



                  Jimmyb - nice update and good speed.  I like the concept of relatively short "cruise intervals".  It sounds like a fartlek type training session always returning to MAF during the rests period?  Sounds fun.  I may try a few in a while however am still sticking with the controlled "patience phase" for now and doing only low Hr progression type runs 5-6 times per week.


                  Did some good hill work over the weekend on a few trails in the "live free or die" state.  Three days of back-to-back 11 milers on hilly conditions with a mix of road and gravel trails.  Lot of up hill climbs, followed by some fast down hills.  Great for MAF speed work and quick turnover down hill.  Very enjoyable and fun.  (5 days daily running - skipped a rest day on Friday)


                  Took a needed extra rest day yesterday - no run.


                  4.94 miles this morning, 119bmp ave, 10:47 mm.  Cooler temp - down to 56 F - much more enjoyable than 80F+ and humid.  All is good.


                  Chasing the bus

                    Summer is over, here on the arctic coast. Last night was my first run in long sleeves, hat and gloves (44F, windchill 35F!)...I'm not real happy about that, but the worst was the 15-25mph headwind. Brutal. 3.5 mi., sub MAF. Home today, to warmer temps, but cooling rapidly...the end (of summer) is near!

                    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Lucky you.  I have another 5 months of Summer.


                      Summer is over, here on the arctic coast. Last night was my first run in long sleeves, hat and gloves (44F, windchill 35F!)...I'm not real happy about that, but the worst was the 15-25mph headwind. Brutal. 3.5 mi., sub MAF. Home today, to warmer temps, but cooling rapidly...the end (of summer) is near!



                      Former Bad Ass

                        6 miles @ 146HR, 11:13mm, 96F 75DP.  Stupidly sunny, but otherwise nice.



                          progression run starting out with 1-mile with MAF test (13:29) and topping out at 11:06 pace (162 bpm).

                          total workout 1:50

                          7.82 miles




                          Former Bad Ass

                            I switched to my old HRM (the one that Garmin no longer includes with the Garmins but the one that works best for me) and the difference in HR throughout the wettest parts of the run is amazing.  13 miles @ 148, 10:48mm.



                            Consistently Slow

                              I switched to my old HRM (the one that Garmin no longer includes with the Garmins but the one that works best for me) and the difference in HR throughout the wettest parts of the run is amazing.  13 miles @ 148, 10:48mm.

                              Big grin



                              3.8 miles. Problem uploading 305. Misplaced  405.

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter



                                6:00am, 74F, 92%H, 5.18m, rolling terrain (up/downs), 122bmp, 1hr (even).  Nothing too quick, however good HR Progression run and low HR control throughout.


                                Humidity was certainly back this morning.  Worked on pushing the pace a long downhill and getting as close to my 129bmp MAF without going over.


                                I seem to notice that a lot of faster pace downhill running is about controlled yet rapid turnover.  Step, step, step....  and tryng to land on the mid-foot, not heels.
