Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    I got in a treadmill test yesterday to avoid the heat and made some progress.  I took a 2 minute water bottle refill break at the 1 hour mark and then finished out 10 miles at the same pace, for the last 3.1, my HR was only 139.  The best part was that my max HR was only 145, and that was while drinking (read: breathing in and coughing) water, the highest I saw while just running was 143.  6.5 weeks to go until my first marathon, and thanks to MAF, I like my chances to have a really good experience and finish well.


    My maximum MAF target is 146-151


    <colgroup><col span="4" width="64" /> <col width="253" /></colgroup>
    Date Time Activity Ave HR Test
    19-Jul 1:10:04 Run 143 Treadmill - 9:44 pace 143 BPM
    3-Aug 1:00:00 Run 142 Treadmill - 9:17 pace 142 BPM
    17-Aug 1:00:00 Run 143 Treadmill - 8:50 pace 143 BPM
    11-Sep 1:00:00 Run 140 Treadmill - 8:42 pace 140 BPM



    Congrats to npaden!

    I did it!!!!!!!!!!!


    Finally ran my 6 mile MAF route under a 10:00 avg pace at or below 136 avg HR!


    6.09 miles, 9:56 avg pace, 136 avg HR!


      Nice progress, MT. Seems like you hit your sweet spot for summer temps.  11% improvement in less than two months, and at 3bpm lower. Excellent. Keep going!




      Today was a walking day. On occasion, I had been doing walking MAF tests at 120 bpm, which is MAF-10 for me. I like to monitor how the walking muscles are doing. I tried to do  a test at 120 bpm today, but that pace was so fast (13:40 pace) that I felt if I broke concentration on form, I'd injure myself or fly off the back of the treadmill. Very uncomfortable. So, I stopped after 3 minutes, and tried another test at 110 bpm. Much more manageable speed at this point (15:08). I've made progress since the last walking test on May 28, which was 14:53 pace at 120 bpm.


      1:00:00 total duration for the workout.




      Former Bad Ass

        Nice progress!


        Did 8.60 miles last night instead of the 12 I had planned due to lack of time.  146HR, 10:47mm.

        Today, I am doing doubles to be able to run my 12, so 5 miles done at 10:45mm and 145HR.


        Not bad progress, not at all.  I was doing 11:30mm less than 4 months ago.  I actually went up on my MAF from 143 to 148 (adding those 5 he mentioned) and I think my progress has increased).  Does anybody know why would this be?



          Nice progress!


          Did 8.60 miles last night instead of the 12 I had planned due to lack of time.  146HR, 10:47mm.

          Today, I am doing doubles to be able to run my 12, so 5 miles done at 10:45mm and 145HR.


          Not bad progress, not at all.  I was doing 11:30mm less than 4 months ago.  I actually went up on my MAF from 143 to 148 (adding those 5 he mentioned) and I think my progress has increased).  Does anybody know why would this be?


          You've found your sweet spot, Damaris.   You've really found a good balance of aerobic and anaerobic volumes, and recovery in your training. What's amazing to me is that you're making all this progress in 90°+ temperatures. You've become a solid hot weather runner.


          Dr. Phil recommends spending time at your MAF for optimal progress. This is most likely because there is a bit of type 2 fiber recruitment at MAF. Those type 2 fibers that can become more aerobic. If 148 is your true MAF, then perhaps you are a living example of what he's talking about.


          You're doing awesome. Keep going!


          --Jimmy Cool


          Former Bad Ass

            Ooh, sounds interesting!  I spent so much time at 143-145 that I felt throughout this training session that I have been running too fast.


            I have resorted to the singing test to make sure I am not running too fast.  The neighborhood is not pleased.





              Ran heart time @MAF today.

              Covered 1:55:00 and 7.82 miles running

              Total of 2:20:00 and 9.07 with walking.


              Have a great weekend!




              Former Bad Ass

                7 miles at 147HR and 10:30mm.  Very nice run.



                Former Bad Ass

                  8 miles @ 145HR and 10:52mm.  I had breathing problems so it was a bit slower but still a good pace.



                  Consistently Slow

                    7.5 mile walk yesterday. No watch.

                    4.7 mile walk HR 88/98

                    Run until the trail runs out.

                     SCHEDULE 2016--

                     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                    unsolicited chatter



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Nice job, Clay!


                      18 miles with the last 10 @ MP.  Average HR 145, lots of stops due to the 93F and 77DP and throwing water over my head but the paces were done at exactly 155HR, so yay!



                        Damaris - great long run with 10 at MP.


                        7:00am, 50f, 13..08miles, rolling terrrrain, 125 bpm, 10:19 mm..  Good hr progression run building to maf.  Semi long run on tired legs..


                        Ran 8.2m yesterday..  Started as a hr progression rrun and jumped towards maf+10 for miles 6 - 7 and then dropped back towards maf-5ish.  10:20 pace average.


                        Tried to run more by the hips while going up hills.  Kept short rapid turnover and pushing off from the upper legs anD hips as opposed to calf and mid foot areas.  Kept cadence high around mid 80s uphills.  Left side a little sore as if new muscles were woken up.


                        Rest day tomorrow



                          9.03 miles




                          Former Bad Ass

                            Hi, guys.  I did an extra 3 miles on Sunday with hubby at his pace (14:30mm) and low HR.


                            Did 9 miles @ 146HR and 10:49mm last night.  It started blah and got better as it went.



                              6.92 miles



                              Moving along.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Hi, guys.  Sorry I have been MIA but first, my grandmother died on Monday night, so Monday through Wednesday was spent on the phone and getting ahold of everyone.  Then, running and working have been busy as this is my peak week of training and my regional boss was at the office.


                                Did 9 miles on Tuesday with 2 easy (HR was 139), 2 @ HMP (HR was below HMP), 1 easy (HR was 150), 2 @ HMP to 10K (HR was at HMP) and 2 easy.  Very nice interval session.

                                On Wednesday, I did 3 miles with hubby at 128 HR and 14mm.

                                Thursday was 9 miles at HR 150 (not sure why) and 10:45mm.

                                Friday was 10 miles in the AM at 145 and 10:43mm and 3 miles with hubby at 128HR and 14mm.

                                Today was 10 miles at 145 and 10:55.


                                Nice week so far.  22 miler tomorrow and it's a paced run. Hoping for weather of less than 90F so my HR can correlate with the paces.


                                Have a great weekend, all.
