Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Congrats, npaden!


    I ran 5 miles this morning, 146HR, 10:56mm.  A bit slower than usual but shaking the cobwebs of time off is never easy.



    Consistently Slow

      3.1 miles was not supposed to be a recovery run.Had to walk most of the last mile. Will walk the rest of the week. Flying Monkey marathon  Sunday.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



        6am, 39F, 4.4miles @ 121bmp.  Decent run.


        Feeling rather tired from the weekend.   Traveled to NCY for a few days.  Great time, however walked everywhere, all day till midnight.  Not used to being on my feet for nearly 17 hours +/-.


        Had several great runs in Central Park both days.  9 mile on Sat and 13.5 on Sunday.  Good times and a great place to run.


        As I cruised along on my 9 mile MAF run on Saturday I was pleased to be joined by an Ultra event (60K) within the park and on Sunday there was a huge 5 mile race (+7000 runners).   Very exciting.


        Weight is up this morning however I'm guessing it a result of overdoing things on the weekend and also too much late night snacking (almonds, popcorn.)



        Consistently Slow

          3.2 miles HR 101 / 124

          Recovery  not complete

          May need to drop to a half on Sunday

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



          Former Bad Ass

            Did 3 miles with hubby Tuesday at his pace, 4 miles Wednesday at 145HR, and 3 miles with hubby on Thursday.  I still don't feel fully recovered from the double and the kickboxing I have been doing has not helped, ha.


            Next marathon is Space Coast in one week.


            Chasing the bus

              Still here. Well done npaden, hang in there Clay! My drop week turned into a ten miler, not my best effort but it was nice to not have to stress about mileage during a weekend away where the weather turned to -10F. Still, it didn't do me any favors I don't think.


              Scheduling difficulties this week has me struggling to get 30 miles by tomorrow so I can take sunday night off.


              7 treadmill miles last night turned into one of my more difficult runs. I think it was hypoglycemia, based on symptoms and how hungry I was after (and still am today). HR was not high, but what should have been a normal MAF pace was very tough, much higher respiratory rate than normal for effort, and physically very taxing. I managed to push through and felt almost normal by the end. I don't know if that was the right approach. My logic is, if I'm hypoglycemic, and under MAF, I should be teaching my body to burn fat, right? Trying to take it easy today, refuel with some low glycemic index carbs, and will pay more attention to this afternoons pre-run snack. Planning six tonight and 3 tomorrow AM, will put me at 30, unless I can get all nine tonight without crashing or being out too late.


              My treadmill pace remains depressingly low, I don't know what happened there. I keep hoping I'll re-acclimate and it will come up, but not so far...


              Have a good weekend, all!


              “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
              Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

              Chasing the bus

                Got in 9 last night, 6 outside 3 inside. to finish my week at 30. The first 3 miles were drifted snow, most of it the consistency of low density styrofoam, some of it softer, with an inch of fresh. Finally made it to plowed roads only to be busted by our contract security (I work in Alaska on a remote, closed petroleum lease at 71 deg. N lat.) telling me company policy is no foot traffic after oct. 11?! News to me and I've worked here 25 yrs, and ran outside quite a lot last winter. Oh well, "my goal is to be in compliance with all company policy."


                No hypoglycemic incidents. Day off tomorrow. Planning 33 next week with a 5k turkey trot I plan to race, just for fun.


                have a good weekend, all!


                “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                  6:20 AM,  19 F, windy, 19.4 miles, ave HR 122 bpm (135 bmp momentary max.) , 10:44 ave pace.  Coldest morning yet.


                  Good progression run.  Kept HR at or below 118 bpm for the 1st hour, then below 124 bpm for the next and finally cruised around 126-129 +'-.


                  I think its going to take all day to warm up my cold hands.  Wind chill made things feel like zero degrees.  The nozzles on my handheld water bottle and FuelBelt froze and it made hydration difficult.  (I already miss the dog day of summer)


                  Prior to the morning long run I fueled on a "bullet proof" coffee and simply drank pure H2O during the run.  No complaints and felt fine at miles 18-19.  I noticed a slight change around the 3 hour mark and figured this is when most of the readily available glycogen was gone and my body was primarily fueling on fat only.


                  9 mile semi-pace run yesterday.  MAF progression run until mile 6, then allowed things to climb to MAF +10 and finally +20 max.  No complaintes





                  Former Bad Ass

                    Clay, hope you don't have to drop to the half, but listen to your body.


                    Did 7 miles last night.  Longest run at my pace since the double.  HR was 151 (Maf is 145-148) so I count that as a tempo run.  10 miles with hubby tonight at 124.  I count that as a huge endurance run, ha.



                      6:00 AM and off for 5 miles, rolling terrain, dark/ cold (32 F).  Burrrrrr.


                      My training mileage is going up again this week with several long runs planned for the weekend.  The past few weeks have averaged in the mid 40s.  This week is scheduled to peak around 50 on Saturday, followed by a 20 on Sunday.


                      My RHR is down to 43-45 bpm this morning.  I've never seen it this low before and hope its an accurate reading?  Hopefully its a sign of improved fitness, otherwise things may be wrong with my Polar watch or other??  We will see.



                        7:40 AM, 26 F, and the turkey is in oven.  Off for 5 miles at sub-MAF pace.


                        Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  Enjoy.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Hi, guys.  This week has gone really well.  I did 6 miles @ 150HR (11mm).  Not sure why the HR was that high, but the target was 148.  Tuesday, I did 7 with 2 @ MP and ended up doing 148HR on the first 5, and then the last two at 9:30mm without looking at HR.  Wednesday, I did 4 miles @ 149HR (not worried about not hitting 148 because I did a hard cardio workout just prior, so my HR was high already).  Today, I paced hubby to a new 10K PR at the Turkey Trot and did 11:27 so definitely sub-Maf,but did not wear my HRM.


                          Overall, I finally feel back on track after my doubles.



                          Consistently Slow

                            Hi, guys.  This week has gone really well.  I did 6 miles @ 150HR (11mm).  Not sure why the HR was that high, but the target was 148.  Tuesday, I did 7 with 2 @ MP and ended up doing 148HR on the first 5, and then the last two at 9:30mm without looking at HR.  Wednesday, I did 4 miles @ 149HR (not worried about not hitting 148 because I did a hard cardio workout just prior, so my HR was high already).  Today, I paced hubby to a new 10K PR at the Turkey Trot and did 11:27 so definitely sub-Maf,but did not wear my HRM.


                            Overall, I finally feel back on track after my doubles.


                            Congrats to Hubby

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter



                            Consistently Slow

                              Damaris  I  did the full at Flying Monkey


                              6.5  miles--- no monitor

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter



                                6:20 AM, 32 F, light drizzle, 20.53 miles at an average HR of 122 bpm.


                                Started low and slowly built HR throughout run.  1st hour less than 118, next less than 124 and finally cruised between 126 - 130ish.  Notable cardiac drift on the last mile as HR wanted to stay slightly above 130 bpm.


                                Although the air temperature warmed slightly during the run (30F to 35F)  there where hidden patches of black ice on the road which made downhill running a little dangerous.  Trying to keep a high cadence on downhills as your feet slip/ slide was not relaxing.  Running on the "white line" was slippery.


                                I may have been slightly dehydrated towards the end of the run?  I only consumed around 16 - 20oz of water the entire run.  Experimented with a little super starch and MCT oil after the 2 hour mark.  Energy levels remained rather constant.


                                Overall it was a good long run following yesterday's 10 miler.  No complaints.  Now for a step back week before building mileage up again.
