Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Consistently Slow

    5 mile walk. Did not have monitor.

    Run until the trail runs out.

     SCHEDULE 2016--

     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

    unsolicited chatter



      1:10:00,  8Km,   Avg 121HR,  avg Pace 8:47

      Distance and time running is increasing...


      Consistently Slow

        6 miles HR 128/137 1 mile C/D

        5 days in a row


        Pilates tomorrow. It has been more than a year.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



          1:46:00 run

          0:32:00 walk

          2:18:00 total


          Former Bad Ass

            Hi, guys.  Sorry I have been MIA.  Surgery went well although one thing couldn't be removed due to the location and I'll have to get some treatment for that.  It's not cancer, BTW, so don't worry.


            Having said that, by Saturday, I was walking close to 3000 steps and by now (11 days later) I am closer to 5000.  The pain has been manageable so no narcotics for me and in fact, I have not even taken ibuprofen for a week.  I am ready to start walking outside as exercise but we'll see if when I decide to do so.


            Waking up from anesthesia had some complications.  When I woke up I couldn't breathe and I had an asthma attack so they had to put me on albuterol ASAP.  My BP was 200/105 so they had to work on me until I went down to 150/90 to be allowed into a room.  First thing I demanded of my husband was my iPad to sign up for the Space Coast Marathon.  I drove my dad and husband crazy crying and talking nonsense.  Haha.  BP is normal now but it took close to a week.


            Overall, recovery has been better than expected.  I'll start checking in more when I start having runs to post.  


            Thanks for thinking of me!



            Consistently Slow

              Hi, guys.  Sorry I have been MIA.  Surgery went well although one thing couldn't be removed due to the location and I'll have to get some treatment for that.  It's not cancer, BTW, so don't worry.


              Having said that, by Saturday, I was walking close to 3000 steps and by now (11 days later) I am closer to 5000.  The pain has been manageable so no narcotics for me and in fact, I have not even taken ibuprofen for a week.  I am ready to start walking outside as exercise but we'll see if when I decide to do so.


              Waking up from anesthesia had some complications.  When I woke up I couldn't breathe and I had an asthma attack so they had to put me on albuterol ASAP.  My BP was 200/105 so they had to work on me until I went down to 150/90 to be allowed into a room.  First thing I demanded of my husband was my iPad to sign up for the Space Coast Marathon.  I drove my dad and husband crazy crying and talking nonsense.  Haha.  BP is normal now but it took close to a week.


              Overall, recovery has been better than expected.  I'll start checking in more when I start having runs to post.  


              Thanks for thinking of me!

              Great do know you are OK. MM the asylum as a space available.LOL

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter



              Consistently Slow

                15k yesterday 1:44:12 pacing a friend. She did surprisingly well. We are under-trained for the marathon next Saturday. Longest run for her in about 13 miles. We be #5 for  her(AG 64). The weather has been problematic. Goal is 6:00:00. RA predictor 5:18:00 based on the 15K and being properly  trained.



                8.2 miles  HR 124 / 128

                2nd week 30 miles

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                  wishing you all the best in the Marathon next Sat.  Have fun.


                  Damaris - pleased to hear surgery went well and all is going OK.  As a MM I'm sure you will be back before you know it.


                  Decent weekend for myself with two back-to-back days of steady base training.


                  Sat. - 8 mile, slow HR progression run.  Cheated for about 1-2 minutes and through in a short MP interval around mile 7.  Let HR climb to MAF+10 then back down to finish.


                  Sunday - 6:00, 32F, 17 mile LR, 127bmp average.  HR progression run.  1st hr <118, next <122-124 bmp.  No complaints.



                  Consistently Slow

                    6 miles  HR 128 /158

                    Knee speaking loudly


                    Sunday - 6:00, 32F, 17 mile LR, 127bmp average.  HR progression run.  1st hr <118, next <122-124 bmp.  No complaints.

                    Run until the trail runs out.

                     SCHEDULE 2016--

                     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                    unsolicited chatter



                      Damaris, Heal quickly!

                      Good luck, Ron.

                      WTG, LAb.



                      1 mile MAF test

                      improved since last test


                      1 hour total, threw some strides in. 10x.1mi reps. Fastest was 7:35 pace.




                        No beer in 3 days.   That's a feat inunto itself for me.   I decided to see how much weight I would lose and performance effects if I stopped for a while.    I just had a great treadmill run.   Dagnabbit!      I never run 2 days in a row, my legs won't take it, but I have a paddle/beach run biathalon in 1 month and thought I should do some speedwork.   Yesterday I did 400 repeats in zone 4 at about 7:45 pace over 6 miles (including a 1 mile warmup and cooldown), right where I was before starting MAF7 weeks ago.  I felt good, not warn out, but I could  feel them.   Today I was gonna just do 3 on the treadmill then hit the weights,  but felt great so I did 5 WITH NEGLIGIBLE CARDIAC DRIFT!    My 1st mile was a 10:45 then I bumped .1 mph off the speed and my next 4 miles were all 10:48s!!!  average HR 139.    I don't know what this means.    On my last  treadmill  run on Feb 4(same one) the 1st mile was a 9:50 and 5th was an 11:29   go figure.   Unfortunately it might  mean what I think it means.   Beer hinders my performance, more specifically, my recovery.  RATS!    I was hoping to see no change so I could justify my after work indulgence.


                        Consistently Slow

                          4:57:16 Albany marathon. 1st time under 5 in almost a year. It was a mostly flat course with some gradual inclines. I will take it.  Computer running slow and will not upload.

                          1st half 2:42:00

                          2nd half  2:15:16


                          The good knee started hurting from walking fast. Decided to run. Had to leave a club member 

                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter


                          Chasing the bus

                            Hi, my name is John, and it's been three months since I had a twenty mile week. I didn't realize it was that bad, but I checked my stats today, and thats what it's been. After the ankle/shin thing healed, I hurt my back, then had a cold this last week. Finally feeling better, though the sciatic hurt the first two miles tonight. Going to try to start building mileage again.


                            4 slow treadmill miles tonight.



                            “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                            Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                              Sunday - 7am - 26F - 13.+ miles, rolling terrain.  Slowly built towards MAF during 45 minute warm up and 126 bmp ave. (MAF-3).  Good LSD run, no complaints.


                              40 something miles for the week and pleased to be back on a steady routine 5 days per week.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Hi, guys.  Week 2 post surgery is gone and since Week 1 I was allowed to start walking and biking (10th day post surgery) due to my recovery going so well.  I have since biked 3 times a week and walked 2 but in those two walks I have included short bursts of running.  So far, so good.


                                I still have 13 days before I can fully per doctor's orders but I feel I am ready to continue adding distance to the short running segments until my first day I can run in full.  Very happy with my progress.
