Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    I knew it was going to be slightly obscure, even though most runners have heard of the guy, I know they don't always remember his name. Still, I went with it! Crusted Salt can be educational, too! Thanks for reading it, Ron.




    Rest and recovery, though was very active with the usual home chores. Sleep is still off since the clock change.




    LOL again funny Crusted Salt. Smile I had no problem understanding it without the commentary. Smile


    Former Bad Ass

      Damaris, how did you like Puerto Rico? It's on our list.




      Cruise intervals 6x.25 miles


      Slow, but invigorating. I've been so busy, and I've been taking lots of unintended off days.

      But such is life.



      New Crusted Salt


      That's where I am from.  You must go.  Just let me know when and I'll have recommendations.  As to the race, I did the full last year and it was in May (super hot and humid, even worse than Miami).  This year was in March so it resembled Miami weather (hot and humid).  It's a nice race.  So go for the race as well. 


      I biked yesterday and did 7 at 147HR on the TM this morning.  I still have a cold so the going has been a bit tough but nice.


      Slow and Steady

        I've done two 8-mile runs here while at this conference I'm attending (in northern Thailand). I ran one (Wednesday) at a 13:38 pace and the other (this morning) at a 13:39 pace. (My last 5km MAF test in early March was a 14:08 pace.)

        Next MAF test is next week. Should be a good one! Smile

        Eric S.

        Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

        Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


        Consistently Slow


          LOL again funny Crusted Salt. Smile I had no problem understanding it without the commentary. Smile


          I will never claim the award for the brightest blub in the room.

          6 miles walking  drizzle. Recovery not complete.

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



          Former Bad Ass

            Did 8 miles last night at 156HR but that included strides.  Did 10 today with hubby at 141HR .


            Slow and Steady

              Nice long run this morning! Got up at 2am for a 20+ miler. Ran MAF (average HR 127) for the first 8 miles (at a 14:14 pace), then ran the rest at a regular jogging pace off MAF (12:02 pace). For the first bit my HR was high 140s, and then the last bit my HR was high 150s. The last 3.5 miles or so, I pushed it and was happy to find I still had some energy to do so (11:06 pace)! Feel pretty good overall. Feet hurting a bit (shoes) and hips a bit (old?), but no other complaints. Happy day!

              Eric S.

              Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

              Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                Still going with the MAF.  My distances aren't great tho

                Distance: 9.21 kilometers
                Duration: 1:09:04.61
                Pace: 7:31 / kilometer
                Heart Rate: Average: 119 / Max: 126

                Consistently Slow

                  6 easy miles. Felt better today. HR 118 / 136

                  Run until the trail runs out.

                   SCHEDULE 2016--

                   The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                  unsolicited chatter



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Did a higher than MAF workout with 6 miles on the TM with hill intervals.  It came up to 150HR and my MAF is 148 so not bad considering my legs were tired!  I did 11.58 miles on the bike with hubby this afternoon at 130HR as well.



                      WTG, everyone, especially you, Damaris!




                      82 minutes

                      6 miles

                      with short cruise intervals

                      7 x .25 mile reps at LTHR (88%MHR)


                      On the comeback trail. Making progress.



                        Recovery day!


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Thanks, Jimmy!


                          Did 4.25 miles with hubby at 130HR on Monday and 8 GA miles with 10 X 100m strides yesterday at 154HR.  Not bad for a "speed" work session.


                          Today, a bike ride, weights, or nothing at all.


                          Slow and Steady

                            So today was my MAF test day. I was hoping for good things as I had a nice month of continued progress and I wasn't disappointed! Check it out (including my previous MAF tests as well):


                              Oct 31 Nov 30 Jan 5 Jan 31 Mar 3 Apr 3
                            Kilometer 1 8:19 8:10 8:04 8:28 8:42 7:44
                            Kilometer 2 8:45 8:49 8:26 9:01 8:33 7:43
                            Kilometer 3 9:26 8:44 8:51 9:05 8:38 7:44
                            Kilometer 4 9:23 8:55 9:13 9:12 8:53 7:56
                            Kilometer 5 9:34 9:00 9:20 9:18 9:04 8:08
                              45:26 43:38 43:54 45:03 43:51 39:15
                            Pace (min/mi) 14:37 14:03 14:08 14:31 14:08 12:38


                            I think this confirms the importance of volume, as I had a record month of 31 hours total. It's also possible that the couple of anaerobic workouts I've had in the past couple weeks have given my legs a little spark. I was especially pleased to not only break the 8-minute kilometer barrier but to break it in all but my last kilometer! After my MAF test I ran another 5km (also at MAF) and still managed a decent 12:57 pace. One more month to my marathon!

                            Eric S.

                            Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                            Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Morning!  Well, afternoon!


                              Did 12.25 miles this morning at 150HR.  A bit too fast for MAF (148) but I wanted to keep the Pfitz' HR ranges while being able to stay close to Maf.  Good enough.



                                Morning!  Well, afternoon!


                                Did 12.25 miles this morning at 150HR.  A bit too fast for MAF (148) but I wanted to keep the Pfitz' HR ranges while being able to stay close to Maf.  Good enough.


                                Awesome, Damaris!

                                Good to see.




                                I'm still recovering from my first attack on the yard. My legs are never sore from running, but I spend three hours working in the yard, and they're toast for 3 days.


                                SO I walked yesterday and today, instead of running.

