Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    @ offseid: good luck on the marathon! What is your longest distance for this marathon that you trained? I ran 27 miles during my training run last Saturday, everyhting within the MAF zone and that felt soooo easy. It made me smile actually, because it is so much fun covering a little distance being slow. I used a run walk run ratio of 2/1 (!) and enjoyed it a lot. I wondered how long your training runs were for this marathon?

    Slow and Steady

      I did a 20-miler and a 21-miler in the past month or so. But for both of those runs, I only did the first 2 hours at MAF pace. My MAF pace is pretty slow still, so after 3 hours I'm pretty much walking.


      I'm not worried about finishing, and now that I've done MAF so long, I'm not worried about bonking. If I bonk, I'll do the MAF shuffle to the end! Big grin


      @ offseid: good luck on the marathon! What is your longest distance for this marathon that you trained? I ran 27 miles during my training run last Saturday, everyhting within the MAF zone and that felt soooo easy. It made me smile actually, because it is so much fun covering a little distance being slow. I used a run walk run ratio of 2/1 (!) and enjoyed it a lot. I wondered how long your training runs were for this marathon?

      Eric S.

      Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

      Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


      Consistently Slow

        1.5 run +2.8 mile walk. Need to recover before Saturday's 8  hour.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter


        Slow and Steady

          Nice little almost-5-miler to start off my last taper week. Got a really nice rain halfway through which probably helped me PR this route (again). I run the same 2 or 3 routes almost all the time and I'm tellin' ya, I set a new PR for each route probably every 2 to 3 times I run it! Maffetone FTW.


          I'm going into my race season now, so I'll be doing lots more anaerobic in the next few months. How weird is it that I'm looking forward to my race calendar being clear so I can focus 100% on MAF again? Big grin

          Eric S.

          Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

          Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


            1.5 run +2.8 mile walk. Need to recover before Saturday's 8  hour.


            8 hours! Wow. What race are you running?

            Getting warm here in Atlanta again, finally. Yaaaardwork!



            You're doing awesome. Have a good taper. What race?


            LAST NIGHT:

            walk with walking MAF test  at MAF-10 (120)




            16:36 pace for the MAF test at 83º. That's my benchmark for the summer.


            Currently walking WAY faster at 120 bpm than I can run at 130. So, will just walk until I'm maxed (except for a 1 mile running MAF test every few weeks) . Then start running again.




            p.s. new Crusted Salt comic posted today. Enjoy!


            Consistently Slow

              3.6 mile walk. Plan was for 4. Started get like headed.Cut it short. 1st thought was hydration. Thinking it is the new eye drops. One of the side effects is lowing PB. Need to have it worked before Saturday. Darkside  8 hour.

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter


              Slow and Steady


                You're doing awesome. Have a good taper. What race?



                Borneo International Marathon. I'd sworn I would never EVER run a road marathon in Malaysia because of the heat and humidity, but I guess I've gotten used to it! (I still won't like it, LOL.)


                p.s. new Crusted Salt comic posted today. Enjoy!

                Love this!

                Eric S.

                Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                  Borneo International Marathon. I'd sworn I would never EVER run a road marathon in Malaysia because of the heat and humidity, but I guess I've gotten used to it! (I still won't like it, LOL.)


                  Love this!


                  Looks like it's in the 90's there now, maybe 80 in the a.m. Using a HRM? Going by pace?


                  Thanks for the kind words about the comic



                  4 hours yard work. Totally spent.

                  Slow and Steady

                    Yeah, upper 80s to low 90s. If it was the rainy season it'd probably be 5 degrees cooler maybe. I won't be wearing my HRM as I haven't really trained with it in different HR zones, and I won't be running MAF pace at all. Well, maybe the first mile or two. So yeah, just going by feel. I've divided the course up into about 5 sections, and I'll change "gears" at each new section.


                    4 hours of yard work? Wow!


                     Looks like it's in the 90's there now, maybe 80 in the a.m. Using a HRM? Going by pace?


                    Thanks for the kind words about the comic



                    4 hours yard work. Totally spent.

                    Eric S.

                    Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                    Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                      Yeah, upper 80s to low 90s. If it was the rainy season it'd probably be 5 degrees cooler maybe. I won't be wearing my HRM as I haven't really trained with it in different HR zones, and I won't be running MAF pace at all. Well, maybe the first mile or two. So yeah, just going by feel. I've divided the course up into about 5 sections, and I'll change "gears" at each new section.


                      4 hours of yard work? Wow!



                      I wish you the best of luck. Start easy, it pays off big time. Let us know how it goes.


                      Yeah, lots of yardwork. It interferes with running a bit. A lot more to do this year. It's like a weed fairy flew over Atlanta and planted all sorts of weird and strange things in my yard. Usually, I just have to get mowing, but this year, it's like I'm trying to control a rainforest.


                      But that's life!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Great job, everyone!


                        I've been busy at work, so MIA.  We traveled to Nashville on Thursday to do the CMHM and I ran with hubby so it was at MAF.  Did 9 on Monday at 11:05mm and less than MAF and 11 last night on the TM either close to MAF or maybe slightly higher (but not by much if at all).  Still doing the ratio I told you guys which is really helping with the 95F and 74 dewpoint weather down here. Sigh.

                        Rest day for me.



                        Consistently Slow

                          Damaris 95F already 


                          6 miles HR 124 /142. GP cut the PB med dose in half. Good run but I have not take the meds.

                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Damaris 95F already 


                            6 miles HR 124 /142. GP cut the PB med dose in half. Good run but I have not take the meds.


                            That's the heat index.  We hit 88F real temps in january and February, and now are back at 88-90F with high 90s of heat index.  And super humid (74 dewpoint which is something akin to 10000000000% humidity).  Wanna come visit?


                            Correction.  None of my runs exceeded MAF.  Sweet!



                            Consistently Slow


                              That's the heat index.  We hit 88F real temps in january and February, and now are back at 88-90F with high 90s of heat index.  And super humid (74 dewpoint which is something akin to 10000000000% humidity).  Wanna come visit?


                              Correction.  None of my runs exceeded MAF.  Sweet!


                              I"m good in HOTALANTA

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter


                              Slow and Steady

                                Had my monthly MAF test today, saw a "regression" from last month. But I definitely didn't expect to improve. Last month of marathon training, MAF volume was much less. (Plus last month's blistering MAF test may have been slightly fluky, supercompensation day maybe?) But overall I'm happy with the time and pace. Now getting into race season so I'll still do the MAF tests but who knows what they'll look like?

                                Eric S.

                                Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                                Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler