Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Sorry about the deleted blog posts, Clay.  Have you found how to get them back?  Is it a specific blog like blogger.com or something like that?


    Morning!  I did 9 miles this morning at 147HR and 11:36mm.  It was 88F (heat index) and 73 dewpoint so I assume that is why my HR was a bit high.  It is still within the Maff range but I wanted to keep it at 145 or less because of my asthma issues lately.



    Former Bad Ass

      Good luck with it!


      Did Pilates for an hour and then 4 miles on the TM with 3 X 400m accelerations at MP.  HR was 149 for the whole run.  Not bad.



      Consistently Slow

        8.2 miles HR 108 / 129


        190.5 for May. Not enough motivation  to do another 9.5 .

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass

          Hi, guys.  I did 10 miles with hubby at his pace last night.  132 HR so well below MAF.  Did 6 TM miles with 3 X 800m @ 3% (trying to get some hillwork before SF) and the HR was 144HR so just below MAF and I was doing all the intervals at easy pace.  Not bad.


          Tomorrow it's my first LR since the marathon.  Hoping to continue working on endurance and MAF.  Last night had a lot of coughing even though I was running at hubby's pace.  Recovery from the latest asthma bout is not 100% yet.



          Consistently Slow

            12.2 miles HR 125/165 


             Starting the month out right. Moving the mileage bar up to 2000 Miles today. 

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



            Former Bad Ass

              That's great, Clay!


              I did 18 miles this morning, 147HR.  Not bad for the stupid humidity we had.  It was 85F (heat index) and 72Dewpoint and I could actually see the dew and moisture in the air and on the street (it was not raining).  Sigh.



              Consistently Slow

                5.2 miles.

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                  Everyone seems to be on track.

                  Me, I've just been doing yard work and light walking.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Hi, guys.  Did 7 last night with 4 X 800m @ 10K pace.  HR was 150, not far from MAF so even with the speedwork, yesterday was a good breathing day.


                    Slow and Steady

                      Had a nice MAF Test this morning, despite my lack of MAF volume this month as I've been racing and hill running in training for a 50km later this month. Good to be running at a sub-13 pace! Also my last run here in Malaysia as we're going back to the States for 4.5 months, flying out tomorrow. Looking forward to some cooler weather, at least in the morning!

                      Eric S.

                      Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                      Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I was a bad MAFer today.  Ran 10 miles at 150HR.  But it was one of those when my lungs were ready so I ran some MP + 20 sec miles.  Not bad.



                        Consistently Slow

                          4 mile walk .Knee not feeling it today.


                          Damaris- somedays you have to listen to the body!

                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter



                            I had a scheduled 5 miler.  I have to get up by or shortly after 4:00 A.M. to get it in.   I woke up at 5:30.    By nature  I'm an early riser, so  I don't set  an alarm clock.   I've come to accept that if I don't wake up in time to run, it means that my body needs a rest.

                               It sucks that I missed my quiet time, but it means that my body is preparing to run faster and farther tomorrow.


                            Consistently Slow

                              9 miles. Garmin will not upload. Needed  15 21 miles. Will give it a shoot tomorrow.

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter



                                Mine's not uploading either.   I was going to just do an easy 3 as TRX destroyed my legs yesterday, especially my adductors, they are pretty sore.  30 minutes in  I felt good so I went for 6, still felt good and didn't want to make the turn back to my starting point, So I did another loop to get 8.      I ended up doing 10 miles in 1:46 and change, most below MAF till a couple of hills towards the end when I started feeling the miles.    I consider this a huge step for me to be able to run for over an hour and a half on sore legs, even though the soreness was from jumping and squatting, and jump squats, and weighted jump squats, and split squats, and jumping split squats.   Yeah, it was brutal.   The best part was the weighted coiled rope push (think pushing a sled). Smile