Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)



    90 mins on TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.49 miles @ 131 bpm.


    Comments: Felt damn good and ran the first 14 mins.  The gains are actually growing bigger each workout.


      90 mins on TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.49 miles @ 131 bpm.


      Comments: Felt damn good and ran the first 14 mins.  The gains are actually growing bigger each workout.


      It was only a matter of time before you broke into a run!  It's nice to see you and Docket's progress.



        Yeah it feels ridiculous to be honest to run that slow and walk but if I am going to commit I am gonna do it by the books.  I had a discussion with a neighbor who has done some half iron mans and we were talking about this concept.  He had seen someone he competes with walking up a hill and said, "Having a hard day?"  He replied, "Nope, I am heart rate training."  Well the person walking up the hill smoked him in the race the very next weekend.



        It was only a matter of time before you broke into a run!  It's nice to see you and Docket's progress.


          Yeah it feels ridiculous to be honest to run that slow and walk but if I am going to commit I am gonna do it by the books.  I had a discussion with a neighbor who has done some half iron mans and we were talking about this concept.  He had seen someone he competes with walking up a hill and said, "Having a hard day?"  He replied, "Nope, I am heart rate training."  Well the person walking up the hill smoked him in the race the very next weekend.



          That's an interesting story on the guy walking up the hill.  There is some real credence to the heart rate training.  It just makes sense.  It's also proven to work (at least for some people).  I hope it works for us as well!  Here is this morning's run:


          Objective:  90 minutes between MAF-10 and MAF (136-146)

          Conditions:  22 deg and calm.  Some hills.


          Mile 1:    9:59   118 bpm

          Mile 2:    8:30   139 bpm

          Mile 3:    7:59   141 bpm

          Mile 4:    8:05   140 bpm

          Mile 5:    8:29   141 bpm

          Mile 6:    8:29   142 bpm

          Mile 7:    8:57   137 bpm

          Mile 8:    8:30   142 bpm

          Mile 9:    8:36   143 bpm

          Mile 10:  8:58   139 bpm


          Former Bad Ass

            Glad to see Hilltopper.


            Ran 6 last night on the TM.  So sore after that.  PT this morning and that helped.  Pilates tonight.




              30 mins pilates

              30 mins dynamix


              Right quad is a bit irritated so I am a bit concerned about tomorrow's workout, but we'll see how it goes.



                90 mins on TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.54 miles @ 131 bpm


                Comments:  I kind of feel like every workout is a MAF Test to be honest and each one I have improved.  I ran for the first 17 mins today, but felt like I could have run forever at that pace.  I'm gonna keep running at the beginning until I can run the entire time, but my gut tells I'll be able to fun faster well before I get to 90 mins.


                  90 mins on TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.54 miles @ 131 bpm


                  Comments:  I kind of feel like every workout is a MAF Test to be honest and each one I have improved.  I ran for the first 17 mins today, but felt like I could have run forever at that pace.  I'm gonna keep running at the beginning until I can run the entire time, but my gut tells I'll be able to fun faster well before I get to 90 mins.


                  I wonder what would happen if you ran at 0 degrees?  I'm curious.



                    I do actually.  Then once I can't keep my heart rate under 135 I shift it to 4.5 degrees and put the speed down to 3.7 mph and usually end up around 3.6 at the end of 90 mins.


                    I wonder what would happen if you ran at 0 degrees?  I'm curious.


                      I do actually.  Then once I can't keep my heart rate under 135 I shift it to 4.5 degrees and put the speed down to 3.7 mph and usually end up around 3.6 at the end of 90 mins.


                      Oh ok.  Your progress seems to be very nice!!


                      I did today's run a bit differently because this was my third straight morning of 10 miles.  Plus I was on my feet all day yesterday (30,856 steps), and was squatting a lot while building a basketball hoop assembly in my driveway.


                      Objective:  Fast Finish!  Run normal early, then super easy in the middle so that I feel super fresh for last 3 miles that have some gradual downhill to them.


                      Mile 1:        9:46    128 bpm

                      Mile 2:        8:40    139 bpm

                      Mile 3:        8:57    143 bpm

                      Mile 4:        9:39    141 bpm

                      Mile 5:      10:11    139 bpm

                      Mile 6:        9:57    138 bpm

                      Mile 7:        9:38    132 bpm

                      Mile 8:        8:00    129 bpm

                      Mile 9:        7:42    130 bpm

                      Mile 10:      7:03   130 bpm

                      Mile 10.2    7:14    121 bpm



                        90 mins TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.42 miles @ 130 bpm


                        Comments:  Man was I tired, it was my 5th out of the last 7 days at  90 mins each.  Never in my life have I ever trained this many hours in a week consistently.  Since I do most of my workouts at an incline, that is a lot for a guy that is just under 200 lbs.  I'll just write it off and do my yoga day tomorrow nice and easy.


                          90 mins TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.42 miles @ 130 bpm


                          Comments:  Man was I tired, it was my 5th out of the last 7 days at  90 mins each.  Never in my life have I ever trained this many hours in a week consistently.  Since I do most of my workouts at an incline, that is a lot for a guy that is just under 200 lbs.  I'll just write it off and do my yoga day tomorrow nice and easy.


                          That's a pretty good workload.  Very similar to mine and I'm dead tired as well.


                          Jimmy can probably correct me but I think a few rules of thumb are:


                          1. Listen to your body.  It's not lying.  If it's screaming for rest, then rest.  
                          2. The 10% rule.  Don't increase weekly time, mileage or effort by more than 10% a week.  (unless last week was a step-back week of course).

                          I personally plan on taking tomorrow off.


                          Consistently Slow

                            Graph your mileage and it should look more like a roll-a-coaster than a flat line. Up- down- up- down. Reduce the incline to reduce the number of stress factors.Easy day- hard day- easy day.


                            90 mins TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.42 miles @ 130 bpm


                            Comments:  Man was I tired, it was my 5th out of the last 7 days at  90 mins each.  Never in my life have I ever trained this many hours in a week consistently.  Since I do most of my workouts at an incline, that is a lot for a guy that is just under 200 lbs.  I'll just write it off and do my yoga day tomorrow nice and easy.

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter




                              90 min run hike with a pal.  Planned rest day.  Heart rate spiked running.  The positive was that it recovered really quickly when walking or after going up a hill.  Before my heart rate would never recover after getting up into the 160's, etc.


                              Consistently Slow

                                GA  Publix HM 3:14:29 AHR 121

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
