Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23291 times)



    90 min run flat area, 5.53 miles @ 133 bpm.  Avg pace 16:17.


    Comments:  It may not be much but at least I could run without stopping for 90 mins pain free.  I'm still extremely sore from the run the other day with my friend so I am sure that hurt my economy as well.


      Finally got a warm day here!  63 degrees.  Calm.


      Distance:  14.26 miles

      Time:  2:03:28


      Avg Pace:  8:40  @ 138 bpm  (MAF minus 8)

      Fastest Mile (Mile 12):  7:50 @ 144 bpm (MAF minus 2)  - Elevation loss 36 ft


        I wonder if it's normal to have a few "outlier" runs that are better than expected?  This run felt very, very smooth.  The only difference was that my heart rate was reading back lower than normal so I was able to adjust my gait cycle so that my stride was longer behind me.  Effort was the same as usual but was definitely much faster than expected.  Felt great the entire way and afterwards, as usual since I started MAF'ing about 3 months ago now (almost to the day).


        Just in case, I'm trying a different HRM tomorrow.  Anyway here were the results:


        Conditions:  53 deg, light breeze.  Course was out and back, gentle incline out and gentle decline back.


        Mile 1:     8:04     114 bpm

        Mile 2:     7:31     121 bpm

        Mile 3:     7:31     125 bpm

        Mile 4:     7:26     126 bpm

        Mile 5:     7:18     124 bpm

        Mile 6:     7:13     125 bpm

        Mile 7:     7:18     126 bpm

        Mile 8:     7:13     123 bpm

        Mile 9:     7:11     129 bpm

        Mile 10:   7:07     125 bpm


        Total Distance:  10.19 miles

        Time:  1:15:14

        Avg Pace:  7:23

        Avg HR:  123 bpm



          Wow that is a big break out run, nice job!

          I wonder if it's normal to have a few "outlier" runs that are better than expected?  This run felt very, very smooth.  The only difference was that my heart rate was reading back lower than normal so I was able to adjust my gait cycle so that my stride was longer behind me.  Effort was the same as usual but was definitely much faster than expected.  Felt great the entire way and afterwards, as usual since I started MAF'ing about 3 months ago now (almost to the day).


          Just in case, I'm trying a different HRM tomorrow.  Anyway here were the results:


          Conditions:  53 deg, light breeze.  Course was out and back, gentle incline out and gentle decline back.


          Mile 1:     8:04     114 bpm

          Mile 2:     7:31     121 bpm

          Mile 3:     7:31     125 bpm

          Mile 4:     7:26     126 bpm

          Mile 5:     7:18     124 bpm

          Mile 6:     7:13     125 bpm

          Mile 7:     7:18     126 bpm

          Mile 8:     7:13     123 bpm

          Mile 9:     7:11     129 bpm

          Mile 10:   7:07     125 bpm


          Total Distance:  10.19 miles

          Time:  1:15:14

          Avg Pace:  7:23

          Avg HR:  123 bpm



            90 min run, same course as yesterday, very flat.


            Mile 1:  13:38

            Mile 2:  14:27

            Mile 3:  14:56

            Mile 4:  14:32

            Mile 5:  14:57

            Mile 6:  15:03

            Avg Pace:  14:35 @134 bpm

            Total Miles:  6.17


            Comments:  Legs tired quite a bit, but I think that is just a matter of getting used to running for that long.  The pace yesterday was 16:18 so a drop that significant was surprising.  The odd part was I didn't feel that I was running any faster than yesterday, felt exactly the same in fact if I didn't have my splits read to me in my ear pieces I would have assumed much slower.  Outside of both knees hurt a little.  I think that would be IT Bands which has been an issue for me in the past.



              Actually outside of both knees hurt a lot.  This might take minimum 2 days rest if not 3.  I didn't have any of this pain after the first 90 min run.  Any suggestions on how to taper it back?  I have been working out for 90 mins for over a month now, but most of that was walking uphill on a treadmill.  Obviously the lungs are fine with the workload, but the legs not so much.

              90 min run, same course as yesterday, very flat.


              Mile 1:  13:38

              Mile 2:  14:27

              Mile 3:  14:56

              Mile 4:  14:32

              Mile 5:  14:57

              Mile 6:  15:03

              Avg Pace:  14:35 @134 bpm

              Total Miles:  6.17


              Comments:  Legs tired quite a bit, but I think that is just a matter of getting used to running for that long.  The pace yesterday was 16:18 so a drop that significant was surprising.  The odd part was I didn't feel that I was running any faster than yesterday, felt exactly the same in fact if I didn't have my splits read to me in my ear pieces I would have assumed much slower.  Outside of both knees hurt a little.  I think that would be IT Bands which has been an issue for me in the past.


              Former Bad Ass



                Been MIA, sorry, but I see everybody is doing great!


                Clay, nice job on the race this last weekend!


                I ran 51 miles last week and two races, a 5K for a time (I failed but I will post a report later) and a 10 miler race with hubby as our LR.  My knee was a bit swollen at the end of the week which I have heard it's normal, but so far, the knee has held as expected.  Ending my 8th week post surgery and finishing PT this week.


                I ran 7 miles yesterday and have 10 tonight.




                  30 mins Yoga

                  5 mins Plyometrics


                  Comments:  Plyo is intense so I am slowly adding one additional move each workout so that I don't hurt myself.  Complete workout is 30 mins which is what I am building up to.


                    Actually outside of both knees hurt a lot.  This might take minimum 2 days rest if not 3.  I didn't have any of this pain after the first 90 min run.  Any suggestions on how to taper it back?  I have been working out for 90 mins for over a month now, but most of that was walking uphill on a treadmill.  Obviously the lungs are fine with the workload, but the legs not so much.


                    In order to taper it back, I think the best options are to either cross train, simply target a lower HR or rest.  I think it probably takes a long time to lose any measurable aerobic base by resting.


                    It seems my last run really was an outlier but maybe a sign of things to come?  This morning's run was MUCH slower.  I'm going to do an MAF Test (#2 for me) at the track on Saturday (weather permitting) and compare it to my first test that I took a few weeks ago.  Results of first MAF Test were 8:40 pace @ 5 miles.


                    Today's Conditions:  8 miles - Out and back - Gentle uphill out, gentle downhill back.  41 deg, light breeze.


                    Mile 1:     10:45       HRM issues, was playing with it for quite a ways (it slipped)

                    Mile 2:     8:37     140 bpm

                    Mile 3:     8:24     144 bpm

                    Mile 4:     8:27     144 bpm

                    Mile 5:     8:00     144 bpm

                    Mile 6:     7:59     145 bpm

                    Mile 7:     7:58     144 bpm

                    Mile 8:     7:58     145 bpm



                      90 mins at 135 bpm


                      Mile 1:  15:16

                      Mile 2:  14:32

                      Mile 3:  14:53

                      Mile 4:  15:15

                      Mile 5:  15:29

                      Mile 6:  15:25


                      A little warmer today in the 60's.  Felt pretty good but I am listening to my body and plan you go back to the gym and walk uphill on TM and/or spend some time on stationary bike.  Frustrating this method but very scientific and I need to let it play out a lot longer.  Cool part is after track season my kids are gonna get 10 weeks of Maf prior to cross country season so I am excited to see how that plays out.


                        90 mins at 135 bpm


                        Mile 1:  15:16

                        Mile 2:  14:32

                        Mile 3:  14:53

                        Mile 4:  15:15

                        Mile 5:  15:29

                        Mile 6:  15:25


                        A little warmer today in the 60's.  Felt pretty good but I am listening to my body and plan you go back to the gym and walk uphill on TM and/or spend some time on stationary bike.  Frustrating this method but very scientific and I need to let it play out a lot longer.  Cool part is after track season my kids are gonna get 10 weeks of Maf prior to cross country season so I am excited to see how that plays out.


                        It's awesome to see your times keep progressing.


                        I bet your kids will benefit greatly from that 10 weeks.


                        Consistently Slow

                          8 miles. HR 72/72 according to hr monitor.

                          1st non stop 7 mile run since November. Some knee pain on the C/ D back to the house.

                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter





                            It's awesome to see your times keep progressing.


                            I bet your kids will benefit greatly from that 10 weeks.




                            90 mins TM today just to give legs a break.  Ran first 25 mins or so and walked up hill remaining time.  Tomorrow is track meet all day tomorrow and my son is attempting to break a 6 min mile for his first time in the 1600 so I'll hopefully report with the good news.  My daughter is trying to break 13:00 in the 3200 too.





                              90 mins TM today just to give legs a break.  Ran first 25 mins or so and walked up hill remaining time.  Tomorrow is track meet all day tomorrow and my son is attempting to break a 6 min mile for his first time in the 1600 so I'll hopefully report with the good news.  My daughter is trying to break 13:00 in the 3200 too.


                              Holy cow, those are fast kids!  Imagine what they'll do in cross country in the fall after MAF'ing over the summer.  I think I would have been much more successful running in middle/high school had I known then what I know now.


                              Ran my 2nd MAF test this morning.  My first test was 2 weeks ago after just over 2 months of exclusively MAF training workouts.  Average pace for MAF Test #1 was 8:40. The reason I waited so long to do my first test was because I wanted to do it on a track.  And the local tracks are finally free of snow and open Smile.


                              Today's results for MAF Test #2 (MAF = 146 bpm):


                              Mile 1:     8:06     142 bpm

                              Mile 2:     8:02     145 bpm

                              Mile 3:     7:59     146 bpm

                              Mile 4:     8:04     145 bpm

                              Mile 5:     8:06     146 bpm


                              Average Pace:  8:03


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Afternoon!  Ran 10 on Wednesday, went to my first Orange THeory class Thursday, Pilates and 7, and ran 6 last night.  Barre and Pilates this morning, 7 miles tonight.
