Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23291 times)



    Pilates + Plyo but still ramping up.  Legs feel great for another 90 min run tomorrow.  I'd imagine that I should see some fairly decent drops in my pace time with fresh legs.


    Neither kid broke their record I am afraid, I think they put too much pressure on themselves and weren't relaxed.  Next week I am not saying a word and just keeping it light and fun and I expect they'll do much better that way.  Both kids red-lined too early in the race which is all the more reason I need to get them a more substantial aerobic base.  They do 3 practices per week with a track meet on Saturdays and the workouts are nearly all repeats of one distance or another.  The problem with my kids is that they don't run in-between cross country and track seasons so they keep losing their base.  The kids that are really doing well and running sub-5:30's all train year round.  My plan is to hit the park that is flat around the corner from school with them 4 days per week and have them run 45 mins to an hour.  It will cost some money because I need to get both a heart rate monitor, upgrade the younger one's phone to get service, and get them both ear pieces to listen to their favorite music.  Well worth it though in the long run, besides they love to run long and slow because it is relaxing and running by heart rate takes all the pressure off of them. What I will say about their coach is that as his kids move from youth track and cross country to our high-school team, they explode with success once they are exposed to a lot more miles.  There is one kid that went from a 5:30 mile time to a 4:37 this year as a freshman and there are other similar stories as well.


    Consistently Slow

      Refurbished watches could be a option.

      Pilates + Plyo but still ramping up.  Legs feel great for another 90 min run tomorrow.  I'd imagine that I should see some fairly decent drops in my pace time with fresh legs.


      Neither kid broke their record I am afraid, I think they put too much pressure on themselves and weren't relaxed.  Next week I am not saying a word and just keeping it light and fun and I expect they'll do much better that way.  Both kids red-lined too early in the race which is all the more reason I need to get them a more substantial aerobic base.  They do 3 practices per week with a track meet on Saturdays and the workouts are nearly all repeats of one distance or another.  The problem with my kids is that they don't run in-between cross country and track seasons so they keep losing their base.  The kids that are really doing well and running sub-5:30's all train year round.  My plan is to hit the park that is flat around the corner from school with them 4 days per week and have them run 45 mins to an hour.  It will cost some money because I need to get both a heart rate monitor, upgrade the younger one's phone to get service, and get them both ear pieces to listen to their favorite music.  Well worth it though in the long run, besides they love to run long and slow because it is relaxing and running by heart rate takes all the pressure off of them. What I will say about their coach is that as his kids move from youth track and cross country to our high-school team, they explode with success once they are exposed to a lot more miles.  There is one kid that went from a 5:30 mile time to a 4:37 this year as a freshman and there are other similar stories as well.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Consistently Slow

        6.4 mile walk. 18:27 pace

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter




          90 min run @ 134 bpm or less


          Mile One - 14:39

          Mile Two - 16:35

          Mile Three - 17:27

          Mile Four - 17:02

          Mile Five - 16:20

          Mile .5 - 14:21


          Comments:  This was a case of it being hot out and what is interesting is how after some clouds came out half way through and everything went back down.  I am frustrated for sure, I ain't gonna lie.  Does anyone think the amount of training is too much for me at this point?  90 mins 4 to 5 days per week?  Would I get better if I only did one hour runs 5 days per week?


            90 min run @ 134 bpm or less


            Mile One - 14:39

            Mile Two - 16:35

            Mile Three - 17:27

            Mile Four - 17:02

            Mile Five - 16:20

            Mile .5 - 14:21


            Comments:  This was a case of it being hot out and what is interesting is how after some clouds came out half way through and everything went back down.  I am frustrated for sure, I ain't gonna lie.  Does anyone think the amount of training is too much for me at this point?  90 mins 4 to 5 days per week?  Would I get better if I only did one hour runs 5 days per week?


            I'm not sure if it's too much or not.  I think it depends on the individual.  I do think that if you are questioning it, there is probably a reason for that. Why not try at least one week at 4 days x 1 hour?  Absolutely nothing to lose by doing that.   You could always switch back to 90 min whenever you want.


            Today's workout:


            Conditions:  41 deg with rain and 12 mph wind (miserable)

            Time:  2:52:21

            Distance:  20.15 miles

            Pace:  8:33

            Heart Rate:  141 (MAF minus 5)


            Comments:  Steadily slowed down mile by mile although I hit 3 straight at exactly the same pace.  I slowed down to the average pace of the run at mile 12 (Mile 12 split was 8:33).  Fastest split was 7:57 right after warmup.



              Remarkable.  Nearly 3 hours of running under a 9 min mile, that just blows my mind.  Great job!  In any case, I took a nap today for an hour and I never nap so I am thinking that this might be too much for me, especially considering I have regressed each run from about 10 days ago.  I'm not a spring chicken pushing 45 years of age with a small amount of mileage under my belt.  I'm 6'2 and nearly have a six pack so it just seems so bizarre to and unbelievable to be this aerobically out of shape.  If you saw me running towards you at a 15:00/min mile you'd be thinking something doesn't add up lol.



              I'm not sure if it's too much or not.  I think it depends on the individual.  I do think that if you are questioning it, there is probably a reason for that. Why not try at least one week at 4 days x 1 hour?  Absolutely nothing to lose by doing that.   You could always switch back to 90 min whenever you want.


              Today's workout:


              Conditions:  41 deg with rain and 12 mph wind (miserable)

              Time:  2:52:21

              Distance:  20.15 miles

              Pace:  8:33

              Heart Rate:  141 (MAF minus 5)


              Comments:  Steadily slowed down mile by mile although I hit 3 straight at exactly the same pace.  I slowed down to the average pace of the run at mile 12 (Mile 12 split was 8:33).  Fastest split was 7:57 right after warmup.


                Remarkable.  Nearly 3 hours of running under a 9 min mile, that just blows my mind.  Great job!  In any case, I took a nap today for an hour and I never nap so I am thinking that this might be too much for me, especially considering I have regressed each run from about 10 days ago.  I'm not a spring chicken pushing 45 years of age with a small amount of mileage under my belt.  I'm 6'2 and nearly have a six pack so it just seems so bizarre to and unbelievable to be this aerobically out of shape.  If you saw me running towards you at a 15:00/min mile you'd be thinking something doesn't add up lol.



                I think it's natural to regress on several occasions as you go but regressing each time must mean something is up.  That reminds me of the multiple times where everyone in my household is getting sick but me (I'm married with 3 kids ages 10/7/5).  However, even though I'm not actually displaying the symptoms that they are, I may feel lethargic and have low energy for weeks on end.  Sound familiar?  Perhaps you just have a bit of a bug?  I know it's common this time of year for people to be Vitamin D deficient as well.  That will sap the energy right out of you too.


                Speaking of 6 packs, this is probably the closest I've been in my entire life to having one myself and I turn 40 in May.  I'm beginning to wonder if the whole concept of turning our bodies into fat burning machines has anything to do with that?


                If I had to guess, I'd wager that you are on the verge of making pretty big leaps but there is just something getting in the way.  I'd go with extra rest and watch nutrition.  Don't forget that the more you sleep at night, the more free testosterone and natural growth hormones your body produces for recovery too.   Personally, I try and get good sleep (as best I can) and I do most of my runs in the morning to guarantee an empty stomach.  Then when I'm done with the workout I'll have water, chocolate milk and eggs (usually).



                  90 min run today @ 134 bpm


                  Mile 1:  15:04

                  Mile 2:  15:24

                  Mile 3:  16:15

                  Mile 4:  16:50

                  Mile 5:  17:18

                  Mile .5:  17:11


                  Comments:  Same avg as yesterday but I felt better.  My resting heart rate is down 2 bpm over the past couple of weeks which is a good sign.  I hadn't done a back to back run for a couple of weeks.  Last time I did my IT bands and feet hurt.  This back to back was more successful in that although my legs were tired a a bit achy at the end, it was not nearly as bad.  This tells me that the method is working.  My heart rate is telling me to slow down to a pace that my body likes.  I run on empty a stomach too and I ditch the carbs throughout the day but I have some at night.  I think I'll stick with this schedule for a couple more weeks and if I haven't made some improvements then I'll take a step back.  I agree with you that I think I am on the verge of making some pretty solid gains.  Putting in 6-7.5 hours per week is lowering my body fat, resting heart rate, so it would make sense that my aerobic engine will follow.



                  I think it's natural to regress on several occasions as you go but regressing each time must mean something is up.  That reminds me of the multiple times where everyone in my household is getting sick but me (I'm married with 3 kids ages 10/7/5).  However, even though I'm not actually displaying the symptoms that they are, I may feel lethargic and have low energy for weeks on end.  Sound familiar?  Perhaps you just have a bit of a bug?  I know it's common this time of year for people to be Vitamin D deficient as well.  That will sap the energy right out of you too.


                  Speaking of 6 packs, this is probably the closest I've been in my entire life to having one myself and I turn 40 in May.  I'm beginning to wonder if the whole concept of turning our bodies into fat burning machines has anything to do with that?


                  If I had to guess, I'd wager that you are on the verge of making pretty big leaps but there is just something getting in the way.  I'd go with extra rest and watch nutrition.  Don't forget that the more you sleep at night, the more free testosterone and natural growth hormones your body produces for recovery too.   Personally, I try and get good sleep (as best I can) and I do most of my runs in the morning to guarantee an empty stomach.  Then when I'm done with the workout I'll have water, chocolate milk and eggs (usually).


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I agree with SD.


                    Hi!  Ran/walk 7.25 with hubby on Saturday and ran 14 on the TM yesterday.  First 10+ miler since the injury, so I took it nice and slow.




                      My wife would have to walk with me too lol!  My wife just did this race on Saturday.  Hardest thing she has ever done in her life including as compared to her 50 miler:




                      I agree with SD.


                      Hi!  Ran/walk 7.25 with hubby on Saturday and ran 14 on the TM yesterday.  First 10+ miler since the injury, so I took it nice and slow.



                        By the way, the kid in this video is 11 this year and beat my wife by about 3 hours.


                        My wife would have to walk with me too lol!  My wife just did this race on Saturday.  Hardest thing she has ever done in her life including as compared to her 50 miler:





                        Former Bad Ass

                          Nice job to DW.


                          TM is semi broken and loud so ran 6 outside last night at 142HR so slightly below MAF. Ran 4 this morning also below MAF.




                            30 mins Pilates + 10 mins Plyo.


                            Comments:  Legs felt good this morning, not tired although calves were sore.  Tonight I am doing a baby run with my 6 year old and the older two are doing another Maf run for an hour instead of going to track practice and doing anaerobic repeats over and over again.  All the pieces are in place and I'm feeling too about the process even though I am slow at the moment.  I am running an hour and 1/2 back to back days pain free.  That alone is is something to be grateful for!


                              My wife would have to walk with me too lol!  My wife just did this race on Saturday.  Hardest thing she has ever done in her life including as compared to her 50 miler:





                              Awesome video.  I had no idea that a 10 year old could run that far.  Wow!  I don't think I could run again for 2 weeks after running that trail.


                              Thanks for sharing.


                              Consistently Slow

                                3 mile walk HR 87 / 114. Gave the HR monitor  a bath. It appears to be working. Knee sore today.

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
