Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Ottawa, Canada.


    Would love sub-5, but not sure if I can do that now.  I love that I'm back to running, but I won't be at my fastest.



      Good luck, Docket!!!  Smile


      Hi, guys.  I've been tapering for my marathon this Sunday, but busy at work (grrr) so not much online time.


      Yeah, it's easy to get caught up in the improvements that sometimes we overdo it.  Just head back to base and you'll get back to improvements in no time.  When I train with MAF, the screen only shows HR.


      Consistently Slow

        Ottawa, Canada.


        Would love sub-5, but not sure if I can do that now.  I love that I'm back to running, but I won't be at my fastest.

        Welcome to my world

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Consistently Slow

          3.5 miles

          HR 124 / 136

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



          Former Bad Ass

            Hi!  My race was meh.  It was nice to be out there and finish a marathon, but it was hot (even in Canada, the heat follows me) and by Mile 14 there were so many people walking, I did too.  Stopped for water, for kids, for dogs, for hoses to get cool, etc.  Had lots of fun though.  Twisted my ankle somewhere around Mile 8 and ran another 18 miles before I stopped at the med tent for tape.  It's still a bit achy but nothing bad.  5:31:38 which is slow, BUT the knee not feeling like it ran at all?  Priceless. Smile



              Hi!  My race was meh.  It was nice to be out there and finish a marathon, but it was hot (even in Canada, the heat follows me) 


              Congrats, Damaris. So happy for you that you've come back from the knee stuff and finished a 26.2! As for the heat, please don't sign up for the Antarctica Marathon, as we don't need the polar ice cap melting and drowning out the coastal cities. Smile


              10.25 miles



              Former Bad Ass

                I am actually going to sign up for the waitlist for that. By the time I get to go, the polar caps might have melted anyway, sigh.


                Ran 5 on the TM.  Super easy HR.



                  Way to go Docket!!!!!  26.2 is not easy in the heat.  It sounds like you made the best of it,  enjoyed yourself and have a story to tell.  That's what really matters in the end, making memories and sharing them.  


                  I'm personally currently in the middle of a marathon taper.  Race is next Sunday, June 11.  This will be my first race since discovering low heart rate training.


                    I am actually going to sign up for the waitlist for that. By the time I get to go, the polar caps might have melted anyway, sigh.


                    Ran 5 on the TM.  Super easy HR.


                    Funny, I actually thought to myself when I was writing that about the Antarctica Marathon, she's probably already signed up for it.  If the caps happen to melted by then it'll be just as glorious, for only glory follows the Aerobigoddess. 


                    10.29 miles





                      Have any of you had a period of regression or a flat line followed by a sudden breakthrough run out of nowhere?  After consistent runs from 11:30-12:30 at Maf for a good 2 1/2 weeks, suddenly today was a 10:40 at Maf.  No difference in weather or anything I can think of in terms of stress, sleep, diet, or anything else for that matter.  I've really focused on extending runs only 2 mins per day during a 6 day run week.  So last week each run was only 31 mins and this week 33 mins, but for some reason my body was able to hold the faster pace from the first mile into the second and third.


                        Have any of you had a period of regression or a flat line followed by a sudden breakthrough run out of nowhere?  After consistent runs from 11:30-12:30 at Maf for a good 2 1/2 weeks, suddenly today was a 10:40 at Maf.  No difference in weather or anything I can think of in terms of stress, sleep, diet, or anything else for that matter.  I've really focused on extending runs only 2 mins per day during a 6 day run week.  So last week each run was only 31 mins and this week 33 mins, but for some reason my body was able to hold the faster pace from the first mile into the second and third.


                        Yes, I've a few very similar breakthrough runs come out of nowhere.  At first I thought it was just what it seemed to be, a totally awesome breakthrough.  It turned out that it was probably just my HRM reading low for whatever reason.  I've seen it happen on my friend's watches too.  Just last week we were doing a normal run and a friend of mine who normally does his easy runs in the 145 bpm range was getting readings in the 120 range.  A few days later, a buddy of mine who usually does his easy runs in the 160 bpm range (He has a very high maximum heart rate) was getting readings under 120 in a tempo run.  No wayyyyy that is right.


                        I've actually had my HRM wig out on both ends of the spectrum.  I've had it read too high where it locks onto your cadence and just won't let go, or suddenly dip into the 110's and 120's.  I knew it was wrong because it not only doesn't make sense but I did a manual test by checking and counting the beats myself.


                        All 3 of us were using Garmin's built in optical wrist HRM's.  I put an end to that nonsense months ago by buying an external sensor that pairs with my watch over ANT+.  It's super responsive and not once have I seen a number that doesn't make perfect sense based on known conditions (effort, hills, etc).




                          Yes, I've a few very similar breakthrough runs come out of nowhere.  At first I thought it was just what it seemed to be, a totally awesome breakthrough.  It turned out that it was probably just my HRM reading low for whatever reason.  I've seen it happen on my friend's watches too.  Just last week we were doing a normal run and a friend of mine who normally does his easy runs in the 145 bpm range was getting readings in the 120 range.  A few days later, a buddy of mine who usually does his easy runs in the 160 bpm range (He has a very high maximum heart rate) was getting readings under 120 in a tempo run.  No wayyyyy that is right.


                          I've actually had my HRM wig out on both ends of the spectrum.  I've had it read too high where it locks onto your cadence and just won't let go, or suddenly dip into the 110's and 120's.  I knew it was wrong because it not only doesn't make sense but I did a manual test by checking and counting the beats myself.


                          All 3 of us were using Garmin's built in optical wrist HRM's.  I put an end to that nonsense months ago by buying an external sensor that pairs with my watch over ANT+.  It's super responsive and not once have I seen a number that doesn't make perfect sense based on known conditions (effort, hills, etc).

                          I don't know, it stuck the next two days actually, maybe a tad slower but still significantly faster than before.  I have a Polar blue tooth chest strap which is very accurate, but not just that I felt faster the entire time, particularly in the first mile.


                            I don't know, it stuck the next two days actually, maybe a tad slower but still significantly faster than before.  I have a Polar blue tooth chest strap which is very accurate, but not just that I felt faster the entire time, particularly in the first mile.


                            Then, my best guess is that something dramatically improved for real.  That's great!


                            Former Bad Ass


                              Funny, I actually thought to myself when I was writing that about the Antarctica Marathon, she's probably already signed up for it.  If the caps happen to melted by then it'll be just as glorious, for only glory follows the Aerobigoddess. 


                              10.29 miles






                              I really didn't run much last week; just didn't feel like it.  Ran 11 last night and made the mistake of wearing my Altras, which I had barely touched since the surgery. I'm sore like I just ran the marathon sheesh.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Yeah, I've had those flat lines that all of a sudden show marked improvement.  Keep at it!
