Low HR Training

"Race Report & Upcoming Races" Thread (Read 7776 times)


Consistently Slow

    I just ran my first race in a looooong time: the Big Gay Race 5K in Minneapolis. Ran with a friend who's much faster than I am when she's in shape, but she hasn't run in months. I committed to sticking with her. Turns out, I'm pretty sure I could've PR'd if I hadn't. I ran the first mile well under my PR pace and felt strong. She needed to walk, though.


    It was a long course, so 3.46 miles in 41:29, by my TomTom. HR 159/184. I'm happy with it.


    Run until the trail runs out.

     SCHEDULE 2016--

     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

    unsolicited chatter



      Nice run, Ray. 


      Consistently Slow

        Senoia 60 hour--unofficial

        121.8 miles.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



          Senoia 60 hour--unofficial

          121.8 miles.


          WOW! That's an amazing feat, Ron. Wow.  122 miles. 60 hours. Congrats. That's so impressive. I don't know about anyone else but I want to know more about your experience. Did I say wow? 


          (recover well)


          Consistently Slow

            Miles for Maria 6 hour 5:23:30 for 26.65 miles. I stop at the marathon distance. I was standing at the finish line taking pictures. The RD told me  I was in1st place with a 2 lap lead, The laps were 0.65 miles or 1.04km. The clock had 14:30 left before 6 hours. I did 1 more lap because he would need to run close to a 11:30 pace.

            Laps per hour







            1 lap 8:00

            Total----42 laps----27.3 miles

            Male Overall 6 hour winner

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



              Miles for Maria 6 hour 5:23:30 for 26.65 miles. I stop at the marathon distance. I was standing at the finish line taking pictures. The RD told me  I was in1st place with a 2 lap lead, The laps were 0.65 miles or 1.04km. The clock had 14:30 left before 6 hours. I did 1 more lap because he would need to run close to a 11:30 pace.

              Laps per hour







              1 lap 8:00

              Total----42 laps----27.3 miles

              Male Overall 6 hour winner


              Congratulations on 1st place, Ron! 


              Consistently Slow

                20 miles done. Lots of walking

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                  Thread revival. 


                  Haven't raced in a long time (a few years), and haven't run a half marathon in a VERY long time. I think it was the end of June...I was lamenting about how much I used to enjoy racing, so I decided to create a new direction and signed up for some half marathons, and started training. In fact, I started running again after pretty much walking through the spring.  I also concentrated on dropping some weight.


                  This morning I ran the Atlanta Track Club's Thanksgiving Day Half Marathon. Perfect weather, in the 40's and low humidity. My biggest worry was about feeling cold before the race. Atlanta and TM training has made me weak in that regard. But I just  ran around for 20 minutes and was fine.


                  Since it's been so long, I ran this race using a heart rate plan. Team Oregon Pace Wizard gives me an average HR of 177 bpm for a half. I wanted to average that approximately. My plan was to get up to 160 bpm and stay below 175 bpm for the first 6.5 miles, then just let the HR go up over. I was hoping to beat the 2:30 pace group. Although, I had very little information about how fast I could actually go maintaining a racing HR. It was a fun race---well organized as usual. Lots of sites to see. And hilly, hilly, hilly. It felt like I was always running uphill in the second half.  Probably more downhill in the first half, and the splits show that. Anyway, here's the datahol:




                  HR (bpm)













                  mile3+4 (10:44 pace)

























                  last 1.1 (pace 11:42)



                  time 2:28:21

                  ave pace 11:19

                  ave HR 174


                  The best I could do with current weight, fitness, and astrological influences. This establishes a benchmark to improve upon. It felt so good to be running with a bunch of people on tar,  with tired legs and maintaining pace, and to feel that soreness walking to my car.


                  --saw a woman running with a baked turkey hat

                  --many people in tutus (what's with the tutus?)

                  --music excruciatingly loud at start and finish line---just no need for it. Feels like an assault after a hard 13 miles.

                  --saw a sign that read "God is Dope"---I didn't know.

                  --ran by a walking, crying person and could only think "there's no crying in baseball---I mean running."


                  Happy Thanksgiving!


                    NICE WORK!


                    You beat your expectation, that's awesome!  You're race strategy sounds pretty much identical to mine.  Racing to heart rate definitely works.  Very happy to see you out racing.


                    I also ran a race that I will report here.  I ran our local Turkey Trot 5K.  I ran it with my 11 year old son and sister in law.  Time was 36:32.  Pace 11:40.  Average Heart Rate 118 bpm  (would have been lower but kept sprinting ahead to take pictures from a front or side angle).  We won a delicious Apple Pie from a drawing.  I then proceeded to gain 5 pounds from extreme overeating.  Yay for the holidays!


                    Saw all kinds of weird things too.  Goofy costumes, lots of loud music, tutus (very popular!), some extremely good eye candy  and crowds blocking off pinch-points on an out and back forcing the leaders to slow down and/or stop.  But hey, it's a casual event right!  Good times.


                    Thread revival. 


                    Haven't raced in a long time (a few years), and haven't run a half marathon in a VERY long time. I think it was the end of June...I was lamenting about how much I used to enjoy racing, so I decided to create a new direction and signed up for some half marathons, and started training. In fact, I started running again after pretty much walking through the spring.  I also concentrated on dropping some weight.


                    This morning I ran the Atlanta Track Club's Thanksgiving Day Half Marathon. Perfect weather, in the 40's and low humidity. My biggest worry was about feeling cold before the race. Atlanta and TM training has made me weak in that regard. But I just  ran around for 20 minutes and was fine.


                    Since it's been so long, I ran this race using a heart rate plan. Team Oregon Pace Wizard gives me an average HR of 177 bpm for a half. I wanted to average that approximately. My plan was to get up to 160 bpm and stay below 175 bpm for the first 6.5 miles, then just let the HR go up over. I was hoping to beat the 2:30 pace group. Although, I had very little information about how fast I could actually go maintaining a racing HR. It was a fun race---well organized as usual. Lots of sites to see. And hilly, hilly, hilly. It felt like I was always running uphill in the second half.  Probably more downhill in the first half, and the splits show that. Anyway, here's the datahol:




                    HR (bpm)













                    mile3+4 (10:44 pace)

























                    last 1.1 (pace 11:42)



                    time 2:28:21

                    ave pace 11:19

                    ave HR 174


                    The best I could do with current weight, fitness, and astrological influences. This establishes a benchmark to improve upon. It felt so good to be running with a bunch of people on tar,  with tired legs and maintaining pace, and to feel that soreness walking to my car.


                    --saw a woman running with a baked turkey hat

                    --many people in tutus (what's with the tutus?)

                    --music excruciatingly loud at start and finish line---just no need for it. Feels like an assault after a hard 13 miles.

                    --saw a sign that read "God is Dope"---I didn't know.

                    --ran by a walking, crying person and could only think "there's no crying in baseball---I mean running."


                    Happy Thanksgiving!


                    I lost my rama


                      time 2:28:21

                      ave pace 11:19

                      ave HR 174


                      The best I could do with current weight, fitness, and astrological influences. This establishes a benchmark to improve upon. It felt so good to be running with a bunch of people on tar,  with tired legs and maintaining pace, and to feel that soreness walking to my car.


                      --saw a woman running with a baked turkey hat

                      --many people in tutus (what's with the tutus?)

                      --music excruciatingly loud at start and finish line---just no need for it. Feels like an assault after a hard 13 miles.

                      --saw a sign that read "God is Dope"---I didn't know.

                      --ran by a walking, crying person and could only think "there's no crying in baseball---I mean running."


                      Happy Thanksgiving!


                      Wow, for not racing in a while, that was a very well executed race!  Do you have another one lined up?  And yes, based on your profile, losing a few pounds would be a good idea. 


                      Yeah, there are a lot of tutus out there these days.  They must be very comfortable to run in, but I'll take other people's word for it.


                      In the Chicago marathon just after the 13.1 mark I passed a young lady walking and crying her eyes out.  I should have stopped to try to give some reassurance (20/20 hindsight).  Anyone crying at that point will have a very long day ahead of them.


                      You'll never know what you'll see in a race... all part of the fun (except for the crying).

                      3/17 - NYC Half

                      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Oops, forgot this thread existed.  I posted my 10K RR on the daily posts.  But here is the one from my marathon this weekend:

                        On Sunday, I ran the Space Coast Marathon, my last goal race of the year and the fifth one in the series to earn the Intergalactic Medal.  As usual, we had tons of fun and even better, we both had great races.


                        For those that do not know, I had a meniscus tear in early 2017 due to a car accident when an asshole T-Boned me while leaving the Publix parking lot.  I guess my car was not the only casualty that night.  To read the details of that, read here.  In late September/early October, I had a patella issue due to some weakness surrounded the knee, and more PT was needed, detailed here.  But still, even with all that, up to last weekend, I had run five (5) marathons plus HMs with my husband, and raced the fastest 10K in six years.  Until this race, I had not felt ready to race a marathon this year.  But finally, I felt like the knee was fully healed.


                        The Space Coast Marathon is the oldest marathon in Florida, celebrating it's 46th year this year.  After the space program moved on/closed, the race directors tried to keep the space theme alive by making the last five years a challenge.  Each year's medal would be of one of the five shuttles, with special challenge medals for those finishing three years (Milky Way Challenge) and/or five years (Intergalactic Challenge).  When we signed up in 2013, we wanted to run all five years, my husband would run all the HMs and I would run the marathons.  It is a very popular race and they have already published the new challenge for the next 4 years that we might do as well.


                        Here are the official medals (real medal picture below):



                        My goal for 2017 was to run a sub-5 marathon post surgery, mostly because I didn't think it was possible for me to run close to my PR this year.  At all.  So, the Space Coast Marathon felt like the right choice for a goal race, even though the temperatures are less than ideal (coolest day started at 64F with 64 dewpoint).  However, I ran a 4:58 at Chicago and that threw me out of sync, really.  I shouldn't be that fast yet, I thought to myself. Then I started thinking I could run this one easy and drink around the course (see below).  But then, I raced that 10K last weekend and ran 56:16, my fastest in six years.  The gig was up, I couldn't run Space Coast easy now!  My coach wanted me to race this shit and I was frankly ready to try.  But the 10K indicated a number I had not seen in forever as a predictor: 4:23.  Accounting on my lowish mileage this year, even a 4:30 sounded so impossible!  So, we thought a 4:40 would be good to try.  An 18 minute improvement from Chicago, but still a good number I could hit, mentally.  By the time I started the race, I thought I could run a 4:37, and frankly, I should have hit that number, but of course, I didn't.


                        This was the first marathon this year that I was fully running.  Since the surgery, I have run all of training runs (unless I run with my husband who run/walks) but have been keeping a run/walk strategy thinking it would help the knee.  But after 11 months, I knew I needed to go back to my run straight through, which has given me many fast (for me) races.  I would run/walk if I could run my PR doing it, but it's not meant to be.  I can barely break 5 hours run/walking, so it was time to let it go.


                        The course is mostly flat (not Miami flat), with some "rollers", but overall, an easy course.  The course goes North for the first half of the race, in and out and back that normally is very tight with the Galloway pacers taking a lot of the space and including a lot of people.  The second half goes South, through the HM course, and you get to see the 3+ hour HM finishers (the race has a 7 hour max for both races) as you head to run the second half, plus you see the winner coming in. The HM course has a lot of alcohol stations that I have partake of in prior years.  Remember this?



                        That was a bacon station, followed by the beer station and the hard liquor station.  It's a ton of fun!


                        We drove to Cocoa on Saturday morning, after our ritual IHOP breakfast (had an omelet and some pancakes, which have all the carbs I eat in a week).  We arrived at the expo at 3pm and were out by 3:30pm, heading to our favorite Mofongo place, El Guavate.  Best mofongo outside of PR, as I always say.  The giant mofongo probably included all the carbs I eat in a month, lol.  We headed back to the hotel, relaxed, and then ate some Mexican (our ritual in Cocoa as well), and were in bed by 10pm.


                        I was to wake up at 4:40am to leave at 5am for hubby's 6am start.  Someone decided to open their car and close it repeatedly by 4:15am so I was woken up like 10 times between then at 4:40am. OK, I'm up, FFS!  We got ready, got my Krispy Kreme donuts and Mtn Dew (of course!) and drove to the start.  By 5:30am we were by the start area and...I had to use the potty.  Fortunately, my race started at 6:30am so I lined up at the potty line and was able to take care of business before the start.  Or so I thought.


                        It was a nice 54F and low 50s dewpoint, our coolest Space Coast Marathon in the last five years.  However, as soon as the sun went up, the temps shoot into the mid 60s and by the time I finished it was closer to 70F.  Oh, well.  I lined up behind the 4:40 pacer and ahead of the 4:45 Galloway pacer, with a plan to NOT pass the 4:40 pacer until around Mile 10.  Proof that I know how to follow instructions, at least in part:



                        And we are off!


                        As with every pacer I have seen, the 4:40 pacer and the 4:45 pacer went out TOO fast.  The 4:40 pacer went and disappeared ahead of me, while the 4:45 Galloway pacer passed me by Mile 1.5.  That shouldn't have happened because I saw my pace on my watch and I was way ahead of both paces so that confused me.  There goes that plan.


                        Miles 1-5:


                        As we headed South, I felt like I was running too fast, but the pace was closer to 11mm than anything else.  I felt like I couldn't breathe, that it was humid, that I was dying, I don't know.  I felt off.  But I continued hoping I would warm up soon.  I did.  My laps here were 10:43, 10:35, 10:22, 10:01, 10:09.  Around here I had passed the 4:45 Galloway pacing group and by Mile 5, I had passed the 4:40 pacer. I felt strong and that didn't go away for the whole race.


                        Miles 6-10:


                        The North part of the course is the less flat of the two sections, but I was able to keep up with my pace.  I was running mostly by feel (what I felt was MP) and it turned out to be around the pace I run my MP, albeit a bit slower.  The HR was even below my MP heart rate so I didn't feel like I was overdoing it.  My laps were 10:07, 9:59, 10:01, 10:10, 10:44 (I had to stop here and retie my left shoe as it had come a bit loose and the foot was just dancing around the foot).  Around here I saw my friend Phil and we high-fived!  Unfortunately Miles 7 to 20 were towards the sun and this is where things start feeling hot.  This year it didn't disappoint.


                        Miles 11-13.1:


                        As we head back to Downtown Cocoa, I was wondering if I would see my husband around the halfway point, as most years when he is done by the time I pass by.  At Mile 12 I had to fix my sock for the first (OF MANY) times that day.  I have hallux rigidus (toe arthritis) and it makes my toe very rigid and it keeps the left side of the sock in place but the other four move the sock and bunch it into a ball by the ball of the foot.  It needs to be fixed from every mile to every 7 miles, depending on its mood.  Today was one of the 1 mile days during the second half.  My laps here were: 9:58, 10:51 (sock), 10:11, crossing the halfway point at 2:16 something, a bit faster than I wanted but boy, I felt great (famous last words)!  Hubby took my picture around here:




                        Miles 14-20:

                        Here is where I lost my PR, I am sad to say.  You can see from the splits where I fixed the sock and where I ran through.  I passed the alcohol and bacon stations, but couldn't pass the beer one and I took one on the run and drank beer while running.  Oh, so good!  I also had to stop at the medical tent at Mile 18 to get some Body Freeze on my good ITB because the slanted road had hurt it a bit.  The guy put BioFreeze on both knees.  My laps were: 10:14, 11:04 (sock), 10:23, 10:46 (medical tent), 11:21 (sock), 10:33, 11:48 (sock).


                        Miles 21-26.2:


                        I was angry at sock by now, lol.  I am used to by now after 10 years but it's annoying to say the least.  By Mile 21, I took the right sock off hoping it would resolve the matter.  It did for a while.  At Mile 23, I pulled my iPod out because it was jumping up and down, and I had to stop to pick my iPhone and my last gel because everything went off the pocket. I guess I get stupid on the last miles.  At Mile 25, I had to use the potty again (FFS) and I lost 3-4 minutes here.  While I waited, I put the sock back on because a nice blister was starting on my foot. My laps were: 11:57 (sock off), 10:50 (getting slower now for sure!), 12:22 (can I just be more stupid and just dump everything on the floor, please?), 11:13, 14:29 (potty), 11:07.




                        As I headed to the Mile 26 marker, I quickly texted my husband, all while running (I never stopped running except for the stops) that I was coming in soon.  Every year he takes my picture and I always say something to him, basically cursing or complaining. But this time I felt great and I felt strong and I was just singing out loud so not sure what he heard but I am sure I said DADDY YANKEE here:



                        I cruised to the finish line without much left to give but still moving well, but at 10:46 pace.  My name was mentioned and I crossed the finish line feeling awesome.  I knew I had my fastest marathon since NOLA in early 2016.  I never expected to run a 4:47 in 2017, at all.  I should have cruised much faster, but that was not to be.  But I knew it was the best performance I've had in 2+ years and one to be proud of.  And apart from stopping, I managed not to walk a single step.


                        Here are my splits:



                        I MIGHT be done with 2017 races (I am eyeing a HM in a couple of weeks maybe).  I can't complain about the second part of the year.  Six marathons this year, a year that started with my DNF in Houston because I couldn't run with the pain of a meniscus tear.  Like my surgeon said on the day of the surgery, let's get me back to 100% so you can run some more marathons.  He did as promised.


                        And I think I am in PR shape and should give that a test soon.  But first, I need to go back to training without socks to finally see if I can run a marathon without them.  I am not a triathlete but I can fake it, I guess!


                        Here are the medals for the challenge:



                        Oh, my husband?  He had a 5 minute PR from Seattle in June.  BOOM!


                        Woot!  What a great year 2017 has turned out to be!



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Awesome job, Jimmy!  Congrats!



                            Great finish to the marathon season, Docket!  That toe issue must be annoying.  Would have been sub 4:40 for sure.  4:47 is GREAT!


                            The part about the pacers is pretty funny.  I've never followed a pacer before but man have I heard some stories.  You would think that if you're pacing a freaking marathon, that you would either go out even effort or a slow start (having told everyone following you the plan before you start).  The WORST thing you can do is go out faster than target pace.  Way to burn everyone out, buddy!  A friend of mine told me he was in a marathon recently where about 3 or 4 miles into the race that the 3:20 pacer was ahead of the 3:15 pacer and both of them were off.  Say, what??!!


                            Anyway, great job!  I can't imagine running so many races in a year, especially coming off a BS injury.  I don't think I personally would have had the toughness to do that.  In fact, I don't know of many people who do.  So, kudos to you!  


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Awww, thanks!



                                4:47 is awesome, Damaris. Nice job, and a good comeback year for you. You stopped for a 5 minute pee at mile 25? Damaris! Didn't you know that it's okay to pee your pants in the last few miles in a marathon? People will just look at you and think "she's tough", if you did. 


                                Thanks to all who responded to my race report with kind words.