Low HR Training


Observations on my last 3 months of 'MAFFing' (Read 61 times)

    So I decided to do the two week test as suggested by Phil M and so far I am 5 days into it. I`m actually feeling pretty good, and haven`t been craving carbs. My energy seems more stable and I don`t feel a need to nap in the afternoons like I did with my regular diet that included lots of bread and rice and pasta. I also cut out all alcohol. I am following the guidelines to the letter.


    Here`s a little background. I started running regularly 3 months ago, but I`ve always run 2-3 times a week for years, but I decided to try my hand at competing the upcoming spring so I`m working on building a good solid base. I`ve been training at my MAF pace from the beginning, adjusting my pace so as not to go over. My MAF HR is 143. The first few weeks of training were kinda slow for my liking, but I averaged a pace of 12-13 mpm. After a few weeks it slowly improved to where over the last month and a half or so, on good days, my average pace on a run could be low 9 mpm, with each mile split within 5 seconds or so of one another. So I thought I was doing good. However, one day I could average 9:15, and the next day I might average 10:00. With similar weather conditions and same route. Generally over the last month I`ve been within that range. I run between 20-25 mpw, and adding 15 mins/week.


    So after taking a couple days off after feeling slight pain in my ankle a few days ago, went for a nice easy jog today, and I hit my MAF HR within minutes of me heading out. I had to run walk to stay below my MAF. My first mile pace was 11:00, second mile was 12:00. So basically 3 minutes slower than normal. Seriously? What a blow to morale.


    So basically, what the hell happened that slowed my times so considerably?


    Is my body so inept at burning fat and is my low carb diet unable to properly fuel my body to run at the same pace as before? In the Endurance Handbook Dr Phil says one of his clients improved her MAF time by over 45 seconds after doing the two week test. Wasn`t prepared to go backwards in training.


    Also, what do is a MAF test once a month if my MAF times vary by almost a minutes from day to day? If I based my training decisions on a MAF test I had on a bad day, I could be shooting myself in the foot when the day after I might be back to 'fast' again. That`s why all my training runs are basically as close to my MAF as possible, between 139-143.


    I`d be interested to hear anyone else`s experience with the two week test or perhaps even training on keto and if this is perhaps just a temporary phase where my body needs to adapt to a new energy system.  Thanks for reading!


      Did you start keto or the two week test lately? Or cutting carbs?


      If you're like me you might see a considerable drop off in pace at the same HR. Two-week tests decimate my aerobic speed. I'm talking HUGE drop-offs. Same with keto. Supposedly, according to the keto book, it's supposed to turn around at some point. We've already discussed the other possible problems with keto.


      If you have started neither the test or keto, then avoid making the #1 heart rate training mistake: getting hung up on day to day fluctuations. It's mystery most of the time why, but one could surmise that there is added stress on the body that day from needed recovery, body might be fighting something, dehydration, mental stress, tired fibers, etc.


      Look for the macro progression or regression curves over a month or two.

        I did indeed start the two week test. Six days in now. Today was another run where my pace was slower by two minutes. After doing a little reading on the MAF site deep in the comments, Ivan, the site editor confirms that this is normal during the two week test, as per your experience, and that times should improve one carbs are consumed again. Had me worried there for a moment.


        How did your transition back to carbs happen Jimmy? Did you notice an immediate increase once you added carbs again? Were your MAF times improved afterwards as a result of the test as Phil M suggests could happen?


        Also, is this forum dead? Saw a tumbleweed drift by. Anywhere else where MAFers congregate? Checked reddit and no subredit seems to exist.


        Also, seeing as you might somehow be in the know, know anything about the MAF iphone app? Curious as to how helpful it could be.


        Thanks again for your thorough input.


          Some people do seem to improve during that test, but I never have. I would just hop right back into carbs and would take awhile for pace to come back. I'm still coming back from the keto experiment in terms of pace, though not all the fault of that. I haven't been running enough since. Different obstacles, including a period of blah about it. But like the terminator says....I'll be back.


          This forum isn't dead, as we're here, and a handful of others keep posting. I'm sure there are lurkers.  Much of it is keeping in touch in the daily report thread and race reports. So much has been discussed in past threads that new threads are usually just about helping beginners. The Maffetone Method is on the edges of the running world. It's often misunderstood.


          My belief about forums is that you create your own forum reality. If I join one, might as well participate and give.

            I was just wondering since noone else but  you chimes in with their opinions! And the read counts are kinda low. But no matter, I`ve got my answers. And I`ll try to be a regular contributor, especially relating my own experiences with MAF.


              Your observation is not off-base.  It's been slow on RA lately. Even the main board is slow. I'm thinking this kind of forum model has gone out of style for the main stream, and may be dying out. The sharing limitations, inability to delete posts or archive them, and lack of some sort of upvoting or liking makes it seem archaic to the fast-evolving social media world. Mobile phones have changed everything.


              People are forming groups on Facebook and maybe even Twitter. Even Reddit has an active running sub, though I prefer a little less anonymity and like to meet people once in awhile like I have through RA. Then there's Letsrun.com, which is kind of a troll-filled jungle. It's also an outdated board model, but seems busy. Used to have a lot of good threads on running, but don't see them much anymore there. So much garbage to sift through.


              There used to be a Maffetone Method thread in the Runnersworld forums and a group on Google+


              This forum had been the main place since 2007, after Active bought Coolrunning and changed it so much people took flight here. Even Dr. Phil visited from time to time and posted, but not lately. He mentioned this forum in The Big Book Of Endurance Training and Running I do believe.


              I'd move to Facebook and start there, but I got off of Facebook years ago and don't want to get that horror show going again with all the friending of people I let go of years ago, tracking, privacy changes, and them knowing everything about your life (from tracking you all over the internet and liking and friending). I'm still happy here with the small group. Certain people feel like old running friends. And I've met or know a half dozen people who post on RA.

                ... I'm sure there are lurkers....


                I'm lurking since a couple of weeks...

                A bit embarrassed to post, since I have been absent for quite some time...


                I'm currently 'easing into running again' by run/walking...

                Running in Belgium





                Consistently Slow

                  Did my 3 run of the month today. I have been somewhat MIA.

                  Run until the trail runs out.

                   SCHEDULE 2016--

                   The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                  unsolicited chatter


                  almost harmless

                    I'm a lurker too. Been MAF-ing for about 2 years now. I need to start posting in the daily thread. This forum has helped me a ton.

                      So a  little update here. Even after going back to eating like before the two week test, my pace is still slow as hell and hasn't come back yet, and this after 10 days. Not quite sure why: Furthermore, I've decided to take an extra 10 beats off my MAF because I previously ignored the adjustment for taking prescription medication ( I take synthroid ). So my pace is now in the low 12:00s , my MAF being 133. Hard pill to swallow but I'm hoping with time it will get much lower.


                      So I have a question. I know that to become a better runner, you have to run. But would doing a couple cross training sessions a week, for example biking or elliptical, at strict MAF, develop the aerobic system just as well? I've noticed that my ankles and surrounding muscles are more sore and overworked since my pace is so slow and plodding. Slower seems harder on the body. Maybe the bike will still allow me to progress and give my body a break.


                        So a  little update here. Even after going back to eating like before the two week test, my pace is still slow as hell and hasn't come back yet, and this after 10 days. Not quite sure why: Furthermore, I've decided to take an extra 10 beats off my MAF because I previously ignored the adjustment for taking prescription medication ( I take synthroid ). So my pace is now in the low 12:00s , my MAF being 133. Hard pill to swallow but I'm hoping with time it will get much lower.


                        So I have a question. I know that to become a better runner, you have to run. But would doing a couple cross training sessions a week, for example biking or elliptical, at strict MAF, develop the aerobic system just as well? I've noticed that my ankles and surrounding muscles are more sore and overworked since my pace is so slow and plodding. Slower seems harder on the body. Maybe the bike will still allow me to progress and give my body a break.


                        Cross-training at aerobic HR"s most certainly helps aerobic fitness, and is a good way to rest the running muscles. "They" alway say that the best thing for running is running, but I think it all helps.


                        Give it time to get your pace back from the drop. Build up the volume.


                          Hi guys I'm sort of a lurker I joined a while ago but never posted that's changed today haha


                          To the OP I did the TWT in July and saw a big drop off in my MAF pace per mile but it did get better after stopping the test I introduced carbs too fast which might not have been the best idea


                          As for other places where MAFers are I have a Facebook group




                          It's got over 500 members and growing and there's lots of dicussions and I also have a blog on my MAF journey


                          My MAF Journey http://seguhi87.blogspot.com/2015/08/my-maf-journey.html


                          Feel free to check it out and if you want to join the group just send a request and I'll add you and introduce yourself