Pickens County Y Race Team


Congratulations to Josh - early arrival of new baby (Read 165 times)


    Congrats to Josh on the arrival of his new baby - you seen the pictures here first! 

    Its amazing how much it looks like him!


      Hahahahaha... He has your eyes!
        Hahahahaha... He has your eyes!

         thanks we are so proud!


          Anytime now, huh? 

            Ha--thank you for reviving this thread so everyone can see the baby picture again. 

            Yes, the real baby is due Wednesday (scheduled C-section).  I'm organizing a Ymca Babysitting Team if anyone is interested.  


              lol...I like your tag line. 

              I appreciate Kate's insistence to name the lil fella after me, but tell her she doesn't have to feel obligated.  Its a nice gesture, but a little creepy at the same time.