The Postfontaine Project


Ultra Recovery (Read 1 times)


    Went on a short 5.5 miler last night and a short 4.5 miler this morning. My legs didn't feel too sore, but were extremely tired. When I finished my legs felt more like they do after a 20 mile run. This half marathon I'm running on Sunday should be interesting.


    How are y'alls legs feeling?

    5K: 20:37 (5/115 overall)

    10K: 42:08 (32/1,048 overall)

    HM: 1:34:20 (69/1,659 overall)

    FM: 3:28:35

      did 2.2 yesterday (was supposed to be 3.5 but i stopped at home to poop and then it started thunderstorming before i got outta the potty). heading out in my fancy new shoes for 5 right now. legs felt fine, just real tired. exactly how orlof described it. gotta get back in gear, since i have another in about a month and half.