RA Coaching Forum

Bonkin's Marathon Training (Read 1078 times)

    GOOD LUCK!!! Thinking of you!
    Thanks, Pam! And good luck to you in your tapering!

    When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


      So I did some minor home surgery on my foot last night and got the remaining glass shards out of my foot. I wanted to run afterwards, but decided to wait until I walked around on it all day today. Hopefully, tonight will be my return to the roads.
      Mike, what the heck are you doing stepping on glass? I hope it was doing something fun! Heal up, and good luck with your return. Hopefully this break will be what your hamstrings needed to recover.
        Hey Bob! Bah - the glass was left overs from the guy installing a new windshield. I must have stepped in it while loading up the car for the camping trip. I think I'm all good now and am planning a trial run tonight to see how it feels. My legs feel totally great right now - I'm hoping my hammy is well on the mend too.

        When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

          Woot! Good news and bad news and a couple questions. The good news is I finally got my fat ass (gained 7-8 pounds this last couple weeks) back running again. Only managed 4.2 miles, but at least I got out there and my post-home-surgical-foot is almost all better. The bad news is my hammy is sore again - even after an easy little old 4.2 mile run. Ah well, back to nursing it with The Stick and some weights. A couple questions. I was looking through some of my running books for information on coming back from time off of running. Daniels' Running Formula suggests that after 2 weeks of not running you should do your first week back at 50% of previous volume and the next week at 75%. This makes sense - but then that only leaves me one more week at 100% before I start tapering for my marathon. Do any of you folks have any ideas on this? Also, I started making more marathon/ultra plans after I ran El Scorcho in July. I'm considering running 50k in the 6 hour event at Ultracentric in November. It's 5 weeks after my first marathon. Pfitz recommends a 5 week recovery schedule for post-marathon recovery. I'm thinking of using only that in between Marathon 2 Marathon and Ultracentric. My next major event, based on how I feel after M2M and Ultracentric is the Dallas White Rock Marathon (12/9). It's only 3 weeks after Ultracentric. A lot of friends from work are running either this or the half. If I feel good coming off of UC - I may run the full. If I'm just OK or less, then I'll run the half. Either way, I'd just be running it for fun with friends. So any thoughts on how to plan my recovery/training for these? To review the events are as follows: Marathon 2 Marathon - 10/13 Ultracentric (50k/6 hour) - 11/17 Dallas White Rock Marathon - 12/9 Oh that reminds me, I just remembered that I signed up for The Half on November 4th. I may use this as an easy long or just skip it.

          When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


            Mike, that's a pretty ambitious schedule. Sometimes things look better, and easier, on paper than they are in real life. I wouldn't mess with the recovery schedule too much as it is. If you go into M2M in pretty good shape, getting all your long runs in, you won't lose much, if any, fitness by just sticking to the Pfitz recovery program. Maybe the only thing I would change would be to add one long run in the middle of the 5 week recovery, just to keep your endurance up. For the 2nd recovery period, I'd probably just do the first 3 weeks of the 5 week Pfitz recovery plan. Don't worry about getting any long runs in there.
            The bad news is my hammy is sore again - even after an easy little old 4.2 mile run. Ah well, back to nursing it with The Stick and some weights.
            Sorry to hear the hammy is still an issue. But this should be a warning signal about trying to do what you have planned. Maybe you should get it checked out. Glad the foot is better! Wear sandals!
              Thanks for the advice, Bob! My first thought on the recovery schedule was that it wasn't enough miles. But what do I know - I'm just a newbie. Yeah. It sounds scary to me too. I've been talking with jlynnbob about this plan and his thoughts were that if I wasn't seriously racing M2M and it didn't go too hard at UC - that I would probably be fine. I was initially planning on trying to go sub-4 at M2M - but I honestly don't think that's in the cards right now. So since I've decided to just go for a finish (and the same at UC), my motivation and confidence is going up. I've only signed up for M2M - so if I'm not feeling good afterwards I can skip out on UC or WR - depending. The hammy is feeling better whenever I run or even get on the wobble board - so I really think it is just muscle imbalance (like earlier this year). Not sure if I mentioned it before, but the hammy is just sore - theres no pain. So I'm going to keep it going easy for a bit and add in the weights and see how it holds up.

              When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                Mike, I assumed you were racing these races. But like you and jlynnbob were discussing, if you run them easy, then yeah you can up the recovery schedule a bit. But as always, go as you feel and back off when necessary. I hope the hamstring cooperates! Good luck!
                  Wish I had something to add but I'm just a newbie! So better let the experts (like Bob) give you the advice. I can't even follow my own advice. Anyhow I hope your hammy is feeling better! I agree with everything Bob has said! Good luck hun!

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                    Thanks Bob and Pam. The hamstring actually feels good again - I'll see how it reacts to tonight's run. I haven't hit the weights yet, but I've been getting addicted to the wobble board lately. It's frustratingly hard to stay balanced on that thing! My motivation levels to get out and run are a little low right now, but with the marathon less than 5 weeks away and the AMAZING cool weather coming to Dallas, I'm anxious to get out again!

                    When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                      Thanks Bob and Pam. The hamstring actually feels good again - I'll see how it reacts to tonight's run. I haven't hit the weights yet, but I've been getting addicted to the wobble board lately. It's frustratingly hard to stay balanced on that thing! My motivation levels to get out and run are a little low right now, but with the marathon less than 5 weeks away and the AMAZING cool weather coming to Dallas, I'm anxious to get out again!
                      So glad to hear your hamstring is feeling good again!! Good luck tonight on your run! Speaking of hitting the weights, I plan on doing that tonight as well. Haven't done it in over a month maybe close to two Shocked

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                        Great news about the hamstring, Mike! Get yer butt out there! Get one of your kids and throw a ball back and forth with them while you are trying to balance on your wobble board. Have you tried holding on to weights and swinging your arms back and forth in a running motion while standing on it yet? I'm sure there are a ton more fun things to do with it.
                          Training Week 14 Summary I was scheduled to do the following: TUE: 8mi w/5x600m @ 5k Pace - Check WED: 11mi - Check FRI: 4 Mi Recovery w/6x100m Strides - Skipped to Reduce Mileage SAT: 8-15k Race - Check SUN: 17mi Long - Check So I was a little nervous getting back into the full schedule again due to my several weeks of slacking and smoking, but I ran everything in the schedule (except for a 4 mile recovery run which I was planning to skip to reduce the mileage) and I had a successful week of not smoking. I also stopped using the nicotine patches after the first two days. At the last minute I found a 15k race and signed up. The course is basically the same as the last 15k I ran, except in clockwise around the lake versus counter-clockwise like last time. I looked at the data from my last 15k (late July) and was trying to sort out what pace I wanted to try to go. I was actually a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to beat my last time. So in the end, I decided if I beat my time, that was a good enough goal. After a couple miles of getting into a pace that felt good and letting the crowd thin out a little, I picked out a couple nice looking girls to use as my pacers until I got within a couple miles of the finish. I then picked it up a little and finished with a new 15k PR by almost 3 minutes. SWEET! My long run this morning was probably the best long run I've had since starting running. A very fine finish to my first week of getting back into things. I ran 46.5 miles versus the 50 miles that were planned.

                          When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                            Training Week 14 Summary I was scheduled to do the following: TUE: 8mi w/5x600m @ 5k Pace - Check WED: 11mi - Check FRI: 4 Mi Recovery w/6x100m Strides - Skipped to Reduce Mileage SAT: 8-15k Race - Check SUN: 17mi Long - Check So I was a little nervous getting back into the full schedule again due to my several weeks of slacking and smoking, but I ran everything in the schedule (except for a 4 mile recovery run which I was planning to skip to reduce the mileage) and I had a successful week of not smoking. I also stopped using the nicotine patches after the first two days. At the last minute I found a 15k race and signed up. The course is basically the same as the last 15k I ran, except in clockwise around the lake versus counter-clockwise like last time. I looked at the data from my last 15k (late July) and was trying to sort out what pace I wanted to try to go. I was actually a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to beat my last time. So in the end, I decided if I beat my time, that was a good enough goal. After a couple miles of getting into a pace that felt good and letting the crowd thin out a little, I picked out a couple nice looking girls to use as my pacers until I got within a couple miles of the finish. I then picked it up a little and finished with a new 15k PR by almost 3 minutes. SWEET! My long run this morning was probably the best long run I've had since starting running. A very fine finish to my first week of getting back into things. I ran 46.5 miles versus the 50 miles that were planned.
                            Sounds like an AWESOME week!! CONGRATS on your new 15k PR!!!! So proud of you for getting back on and being so strong!!!

                            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                              Great news about the hamstring, Mike! Get yer butt out there! Get one of your kids and throw a ball back and forth with them while you are trying to balance on your wobble board. Have you tried holding on to weights and swinging your arms back and forth in a running motion while standing on it yet? I'm sure there are a ton more fun things to do with it.
                              I haven't tried that yet, Bob. I will try the "catch with the kids" one - sounds like fun. I'm still working on trying to stay balanced on the damn thing for more than 10-15 seconds at a go. I've made a note of the weights and arms swings one - you had mentioned it earlier. My plan is to try to work through some more of the easier exercises on the DVD that came with it and build up my balance time to more than a minute before I try the weights one.

                              When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                                Sounds like an AWESOME week!! CONGRATS on your new 15k PR!!!! So proud of you for getting back on and being so strong!!!
                                Thanks, Pam! It feels so good - I wonder how I ever fell off the wagon in the first place - oh well - lesson for the future I guess. How are your weight workouts treating you? I'm about this close to using your "back to the gym time" to motivate myself to get back out in the garage to hit the weights and some abs work.

                                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?