RA Coaching Forum


RunChic's HM Training (Read 662 times)


keep running.

    Why were you held captive? Do you mean you had a lame weekend like I did? I had to do a boatload of revisions before the comps were finalized. I worked on them yesterday. They think the revisions should take me 1-2 weeks. FEH! I'm doing them all in one day, putting a bow on it, and closing that chapter, thank you very much! Smile So now that I'm done with my homework I'm going to drive to the beach with my man, go shopping, visit some friends and their baby, and have a normal person's afternoon. Thinking of a short jog but not sure if that's a good idea. I'm going to email you really soon girl. Good luck with all of your school stuff. hugs -J
    running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

    madness baby

      Yeah, lame weekend. Thankfully hubs is out of town, so I can get work done. I'm not sure what time I'll have to run today, depending on my work. My final draft is due at the end of this week. SCARY!!! And yet, seemingly, anticlimatic. Jen, your day sounds fun. I had one of those Friday, shopping with a girlfriend. The one day we planned to go to the Grove of course it poured out here! We made do with the Beverly Center though Wink My girlfriend is having the same issue about her revisions. A prof told her not to get the revisions back to her in 1 week because there were "so many", and she did them in a day. Good for you for finishign it up and getting on!! So back to everyone- I'm really feeling a shorter, more intense workout today rather than a long run. How flexible can I be with that? I feel like doing intervals, lets say, on the treadmill at the gym. I could push my long run to Monday or Tuesday no problem. Is that kind of shuffling not recommended? Will it really make a difference at my (slow) level of training? I'm wondering if it's just best to get out there and do something rather than just substitute a 3-miler or not get a run in at all.

      madness baby

        Long run this morning, and I have to take tomorrow off. I'll probably do some speed work on Weds instead of Thursday, then a couple of 5 milers later in the week. I'm realizing the "blissful" feeling of running starts to hit me right about mile 2.5-3, so I want to run more 5-milers rather than all these easy 3-milers. More time with the good stuff! I'm starting to get nervous about my upcoming 10K. I hope my pace has improved, but my 9:21 pace from my last 10K was my fastest race pace yet, so I'm wondering if a PR will happen. I might try to get out there and run the course this weekend. Race is on May 6th. Smile

        keep running.

          Hey! I have a race May 6th too. Right after I return from a conference in Vancouver. Are you going to it Deb? A lot of people who live on the west coast are going Wink Can I see a typical week of yours broken down by average range mileage and then rate the intensity of the workout, if there are hills etc? I'm sure with this info we can help you plan accordingly. Here, I'll provide my example: Mon: slowest recovery run Tues: track work ~7 miles with warm up and cool down Wed: OFF or extremely short recovery run Thurs: 7-8 miles medium intensity Fri: 5 miles or so regular intensity Sat: long run very easy pace Sun: OFF or wog/jog 2-3 miles
          running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

          keep running.

            I apologize for the delay in responding to this. I didn't know I had a message waiting for me. My bad! Black eye Good luck on your revisions girl. How are they going? Mine are NOT done. Argh. Not my fault. Scheduling issues!
            running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

            madness baby

              Thanks for asking, the revisions are going fine. Busy here- I will send it out to my entire committee Friday afternoon! 2 weeks till the defense!! No, I'm not going to Vancouver. SadI'm sure I'll go next year when it's a little closer to home. A guy from the dept I'm teaching in next year is running for prez, though. Smile Can I solicit a vote? Ha ha!! Here's my general schedule: Mon: rest or easy 3-4 miles Tues: 3-4 miles easy Weds: XT Thurs: tempo run OR intervals, about 4 miles Fri: 2-3 miles or XT Sat: XT Sun: long run, 7-12 miles Tempo/intervals either happen Weds or THurs, and Friday's run either Fri or Sat. I'm realizing looking at my log that I'm not very good at following a schedule. (I messed up yesterday doing a tempo because I just needed more than an easy run after a tough day at work.) Oh, and easy is usually 10-min pace for shorter runs, about 11+ for long runs. I'm aiming for about 20 miles/week. My knees have a hard time with much more than that, and my max is probably 25/week. My XT is usually a trip to the gym and doing the elliptical for 30 mins, bike or walk for 15 or so. I have ADD in the gym and can't stay put or plan anything. I do my tempo and intervals on a treadmill, primarily due to my schedule on Thursdays since I have to work out in the evenings. I need to find a good track in the area. My hills are just about a mile away, so great for warm-up and cool-down, but I haven't done any specific hill training yet. thanks! Smile

              keep running.

                Nice detail! good luck with the revisions.... ick okay so the race is May 6th hmmmnnn I'd move the tempo to Tuesday take the tempo out of Thursday. keep the rest the same. if you want the day off the day before the race i say go for it. OR you can just limit your time of training the day before the race to something like 20-30 min. but keep the intensity light. really light. eat carbs! time for lunch BBL when i am not brain dead
                running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                madness baby

                  Thanks so much! I can't believe the race is coming up so soon. And I am glad I registered yesterday before my run this afternoon, because it wasn't that great. That's what happens when you don't run for 5 days. It was a really tough week, turned in my dissertation this afternoon, a couple of days later because I found out my visiting examiner wasn't going to be able to read it until this week anyway. I've got to get out there and train well this week!

                  keep running.

                    Well you're conquering a lot in academia. Only one mountain at a time sometimes... Smile you can do it. Actually your body will feel really fresh having taken last week off. Don't push too much this week: TAKE IT FROM ME! Smile
                    running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                    madness baby

                      So I went out and ran the 10K course a couple of days ago. I walk there all the time, but usually just to get to the beach. The course goes up near the beach in Santa Monica, (scenes of the run were in Grey's anatomy last night, actually Smile), and miles 1-4 are a very gradual uphill from south Santa Monica to the northern part. Then only the last mile or so is downhill. I wish I had trained on it just to get used to the steady incline. Oh well. It will be nice to get out there and race again! This will be my second 10K! And I've been sleeping like a rock and making up for the last 6 months of hell, so I will be well-rested. And I've got my pop-tarts ready to go. Wink

                      madness baby

                        The race went well, and though I didn't break any records, I was very happy to be within a minute of my PR, which was on a flat course in the same area (that went south rather than north). I really enjoy races in this area and now I can select races that I want to train for rather than just using them as stepping stones to longer races. I will probably look for another 10K to train for-it's a shorter race but still requires good solid training for me to PR in. And, this certainly was not an ideal training time in my life. Be back later!

                          I forget how I stumbled into reading this thread ... anyway ... don't forget when you get to Australia your days will be flipped. If you are used to running in the evening you'll like running in their morning. On the other hand if you like running in the morning you may prefer their evening. I am not a morning runner, except for when I am down-under! Smile
                          That will lead me up to 2 weeks before the race, when I (here comes the bad part) will be leaving for a 2-week trip to Australia.

                          madness baby

                            So I've spent the last month not running nearly as much as I wanted to. But, I did graduate! Now I'm feeling the need to not be training specifically for something. So, in my quest to truly relax and actually have a free summer, I've decided not to train for the half in August. I feel like the rest of my life (ugh, real job) begins in September, so I'll be free til then. Training hard was great for me because it matched the discipline I needed for my dissertation, but now I need to relax and just enjoy the running when I have time. Then I'll pick up training when I start my job in the fall, maybe to train for a half at Carlsbad again (Jan 2008). Life is good! Thanks everyone for popping in with advice. Don't look at my log-it's embarrassing!!! But if I'm not training for anything in particular, but will likely pick up a 5K and 10K during the summer, should I continue to do a Sat long run (7-8 miles, not really long), 1 speed workout, and maybe 1 hill workout per week schedule? Of course I have established that I'm not good at following schedules, but I can do this without specific training, just for fun. I kind of enjoy the harder workouts after a lousy day, and get tired of all the easy running in the same neighborhood. Not that I'm doing much running now, but I need to get back up to 20-25 miles/week this summer. Thanks y'all!
                              Hey, Chic, how was Carlsbad? Is it a fairly flat course? I am debating which marathon to do, and that's in ym top 3. But I also want to qualify for Boston, and I don't know if I could do it there. Thanks for any input!
                              "Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' " - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

                              madness baby

                                Hey, Chic, how was Carlsbad? Is it a fairly flat course? I am debating which marathon to do, and that's in ym top 3. But I also want to qualify for Boston, and I don't know if I could do it there.
                                Oh, Callie I just responded to your thread on the main board. Smile