RA Coaching Forum

Muse Runner's 10k Training Log (Read 1627 times)


keep running.

    Callie! There you are hello friend! Okay okay fine... but I LOVED Pac Shoreline. The first 7 miles are right next to the ocean and you can watch the waves crash and the seagulls. I was doing that at the last half. I for sure want to see the profile of the whole course and find out where it goes but I know that people travel far to do it. I also have this thing in me where I want to run another marathon other than CIM even though CIM holds a very dear place in my heart for many many reasons. I'm pretty excited to start marathon training but I am holding back 'cause I am scared of burn out. I'm going to be working hard for the BQ so yeah... I'm just hanging out and enjoying life right now. Thanks for the info on the pull down menu. I often WOG with my mom so I'd count that as running but I do have other days where I walk (e.g., a 13 min mile is walking for me but a 12-11 min mile is like wogging). I need to account for these days and it will affect my mileage on the chart-- maybe by a lot? I'm not sure... I guess that's something I can do now while I'm lonely and my fiance is away... Sad
    running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

    keep running.

      wow... that is sad. I've only wogged with my mom once this year... man that sucks... I miss my mommy...
      running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.
        I am getting addicted to marathon training season. Who knew? Wink Once it gets sunny and warm out my feet start itching. I was getting worried because the last several months since my first marathon have been pretty blah as far as running goes. I thought I was losing my love for going fast. But then it got warm and it all came together again. I've heard really good things about Pac Shoreline, obviously most of it being about the view. I know that it turns inland, and I've read (at www.marathonguide.com) that the merge point with the half and the full is chaotic and slow. Which is why I finally decided to do CIM instead. I figure I should be ready to do at least the half even if I'm not ready to do the full so soon after CIM. I really reallly realllllyyy want to BQ at CIM. I hadn't realized how much until I had a dream that I DIDN'T. Obsess much? Big grin As for the wogging, I log fast walking as walking, but I do the Couch to 5K with my sister and I log that as 1 mile intervsals at 12:00/mile. I don't know what our actual pace is, but it helps me keep track.
        "Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' " - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

        keep running.

          Hey Callie, My coach just told me he's thinking I *could* do a sub 3:40 marathon this year. Interesting! Shocked Big grin But I'm determined to NOT let the excitement give me lack of clarity in decision making that will help me train smart. Smile I'm happy to start up training too. I won't start for a little while though. Enjoying my summer running right now... Smile All happy running lately! more later I guess!
          running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.
            I wish I had a coach. As it is, I have to make it up as it goes along, which is fun sometimes, but also frustrating when I don't know if I'm making the right choices. I'm not technically training yet. Right now I'm just building my base and trying to get comfortable. The longer, more intense runs will come in a month or two. I guess I'm in training for marathon training right now. Wink According to my 10K PR, I am capable of a 3:40 finish. According to my HM PR (I've only done one, and ran it comfortable, not racing) my marathon finish is expected to be 3:53. We'll have to wait and see how I do in my next HM, in October. That should give me a better understanding of what I should expect.
            "Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' " - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

              I'm in a similar situation, Callie, in that I'm training up for the training for the marathon. Of course, even the plan I have laid out includes a good 12 weeks of high mileage, easier intensity base-type stuff, I figure money in the bank ain't so bad.
                Akkkkkkk about having your feet needing xrayed! Hope it's something that just easy running will take care of! Sending lots of healing vibes your way ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!! I need you! Can't be the only female close to the 2,000 bunny!

                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                keep running.

                  Hey Exceptionally Wonderful People, My coach is an interesting guy. He is a very close friend of mine actually. He became my coach last year by helping me out almost every day with just talking to me about running. He didn't like to think of himself as my coach (I think) and when I ran my first marathon under 4 hours I think that probably made him realize how amazing of a friend he was to me. My fastest half-marathon time before my marathon was a 1:52 and I ran the first half of my marathon in 1:55 feeling fantastic. That is 100% due to the things I learned from him. There aren't any books that have accumulated the knowledge he has given to me in the way that he has. He is an experienced runner and ultra-runner and we speak the same jargon/language when it comes to training. I used his methods to help train a friend and he wound up doing a 3:44 marathon. My friend's peak mileage was only 38 MPW!!! Not too bad for a first marathon. So anyhow, through my coach I am coaching another person and passing on the torch of knowledge. It feels good to help others!! I am still learning about myself through my friend/coach. Coach says I'm gonna have to work hard for the 3:40 and/or sub 3:40 but he knows that I'm more than wiling to do that. If anything he's always telling me to calm it down. My coach/friend has become such a presence in my life that he has become a father figure to me. I am not close at all with my own father so it is nice to have him in my life. I'll be sleeping at his house (his wife will be there) the night before CIM so that will be extra special. I'm excited!!! The friendships we make in our training period may be better than the running itself. I'm pretty much convinced of this actually. I didn't realize it until recently but the friendships are the fire to keep me going. The stress release is what gets me out the door every day, but the finish line is empowered with my friendships and people who believe in me. That's my story!!
                  running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                  keep running.

                    Thanks Pam! Smile I was in SUCH a foul mood yesterday... Sad Can you imagine? I went to bed at 8:30pm too. Just so lethargic... I have track work today but I am just going to jog it. I'm feeling really run-down and I know it's the mental stuff. The anticipation is seriously killing me... PRAAAAAAAAAYING. girl I'm trying to catch that bunny and avoid burnout at the same time. Smile it TOTALLY makes it interesting, know what I mean? xoxo Jen
                    running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.
                      You ladies chasing that 2000 bunny amaze me. Okay, the men doing it amaze me, too, but I relate better to you. Wink I struggle to keep my mileage above 30 miles a week (although the story Jen just told about the guy she trained is making me feel better about my 'low' miles!) Jen, I hope your foot feels better. Y'know, taking a week to run just for fun (no track workouts, no structured plan) can usually cure me of my burn out. It always reminds me why I go out there in the first place.
                      "Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' " - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian
                        You ladies chasing that 2000 bunny amaze me. Okay, the men doing it amaze me, too, but I relate better to you. Wink I struggle to keep my mileage above 30 miles a week (although the story Jen just told about the guy she trained is making me feel better about my 'low' miles!) Jen, I hope your foot feels better. Y'know, taking a week to run just for fun (no track workouts, no structured plan) can usually cure me of my burn out. It always reminds me why I go out there in the first place.
                        I ain't chasing no bunny, he's chasing me Wink I agree about taking a week to just run for fun. That is how I keep running week to week. No real structured plan other than running each day and enjoying the beauty each day! Oh when I can't run I'm ALWAYS in a foul mood! Like another members avatar said "if momma's not happy send her for a run) Be carefull running with your feet problem!!

                        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                        keep running.

                          My school cannot find my X-rays AND they are not answering their phones. Angry I am so impressed with my school's medical center. Being that the core of my school IS the medical center, I'm just not too sure....
                          running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                          keep running.

                            1200's yesterday were fun. Big grin I like it! I need to push a little more. I am a little under the weather so I know that has a lot to do with it. Right now I am drunk... uhm hehe I wrote 25 pages of my dissertation!!! yay! that is the freaking marathon of marathons
                            running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.
                              Hope all is well with you!

                              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                              keep running.

                                actually not really... you must be looking at the fact that my long runs weren't done. i'm glad that you're holding me accountable. so i got up on Saturday morning and just ached ALL over. my skin hurt. so sleepy. so i ditched the run, which i totally carboloaded for ( Sad ) so that sucked. then the next day my health was still not back to normal. then again... so i'm pissed. i feel fat... and sluggish but totally weak and like running is not what i'm supposed to do. i slept my whole weekend away and then called in sick to work. i just want it to go away. the truth is i love being a person who operates their life at 200 mph. i HATE being worn out and run down. but i live a lifestyle that totally makes me prone to being run down. whatcha gonna do? i need to find more balance i guess...
                                running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.